HOUR GAME Audiobook By David Baldacci

King and maxwell are like a dream team that david baldacci has produced, they both remind us of reel and robie from the previous series. For old fans, it’s more of a change of names, the role of the character is almost the same as we see in the innocent: a novel and success. this is good because you have also added the number of followers for this series. An appreciable point here is that although the characters are similar, the stories are not. King and Maxwell are approached by different demons in the first and second part and we hope it continues like that. both agents have started their agency now and take cases privately.

You are reading: David baldacci audio books youtube

The first case they take is that of a murderer who is following old patterns that have been adopted by different criminals over the years. the killer seems to be experimenting with these old tricks and this makes him hard to track down. one cannot guess from previous crimes who might be the killer’s next victim because he has not adopted any unique method of his own. king and maxwell move from place to place to collect clues that might give them an idea, but they get nothing.

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king and maxwel’s lives are also threatened when they think they could be the next victim of the criminal who watches them closely. incredible mystery narrated by scott brick, who has not tried to experiment with her voice but has kept it the same for all characters in all situations.

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king and maxwell, book 2

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hi everyone, please note that the audio player does not play the next track on the ios version < 15.6. If you are facing such issue, just update your iOS to 15.6 version to fix it. to enjoy!

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