Liberia: art and literature

A blog inspired khổng lồ teach my children about other countries and cultures through their food. It also includes music, arts, and literature from those countries as well.

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Liberia is knownfor its craftwork. As far as their crafts go, there are two general styles ofart. On one side, many of their artistic crafts are stemmed in traditionalAfrican arts. Their decorative masks & wooden carvings are renowned acrossthe world. They’re also known for their large wooden carvings of utensils(forks, spoons, combs, etc). All of these wooden carvings are steeped intraditional lore, lifestyles, & spiritual meanings.


Because of theirhistory as being a freed slave sầu state from the U.S., they also carried with themseveral of the folk art traditions of the southern United States. Sewing andquilting is one of the arts that continue to lớn this day. Many times, these quiltswould be given as gifts, even among high-ranking dignitaries.

The Coffee Tree quilt

Today, Liberianartists study a variety of modern arts, including painting và sculpture. Someartists study in Liberian universities while others travel abroad to lớn Europe orthe U.S. to lớn study. Naplah E. Naplah is one artist who is self-taught but wenton khổng lồ study at the university, specializing in illustrations. He latertransitioned inlớn painting and has had several successful showings. I evenfound an American group who is trying to lớn use art as a means of expression andtherapy for the Liberian child soldiers who were drugged and forced to fight inthe civil war.

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by Naplah E. Naplah

Literary traditionswere largely oral before the establishment of Liberia’s independence. There areexceptions, though: a few languages in Liberia have their own writing systemsnot based on any European or Middle Eastern influences. However, earlyliterature consisted of mostly proverbs, life in their communities, religioustexts, culture, and later on, topics on colonialism, Pan-Africanism,multiculturalism, and human rights began to lớn seep into their writings. Poetrybecame a comtháng means of expression. The vast majority of literature from Liberia is written in English.

Edward Wilmot Blyden

One of the mostwidely loved Liberian authors of the 19th century was Edward WilmotBlyden. He was an educator và diplomat who, along with W.E.B. du Bois andMarcus Garvey, was instrumental in the Pan-Africanism movement.

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Bai T. Moore

As we moved intothe 20th century, authors like Bai T. Moore, Roland Dempster, E. G.Bailey, & Wilton G. S. Sankawulo carried on the traditions of writing aboutthe issues that plague their communities, country, & continent:modernization, exile, and loneliness. E. G. Bailey is known as a spoken wordartist và radio producer. Bai T. Moore’s novelette Murder in the Cassava Field is often used as required reading formany schools. Wilton G. S. Sankawulo is a politician who has written a numberof stories, poems, và novels, including his most famous one, Sundown at Down: A Liberian Odyssey.

Categories: literature

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