Italian sayings

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In this post, you’re going to find the best Italian sayings to learn the Italian language.

Sometimes there’s no exact equivalent in English, so we’ll just give you a literal translation.

You are reading: quotes about life in italian

Have fun!

old Italian sayings

The value of Italian sayings

Italian sayings are a treasure of popular wisdom!

Nothing defines a culture as distinctly as its language, and the element of language that best encapsulates a society’s values and beliefs is its sayings.

Italian sayings are used in conversation by adults more than children, partially because adults have learned more sayings than children.

With this list of Italian sayings, you can show off your wisdom and understanding of the Italian culture during your next conversation with a native speaker.

famous italian sayings

Italian sayings add color to a language and make you sound competent and comfortable.

Using sayings (may) make Italians think you know more of their language than you actually do.

Following are common Italian phrases that not only will make you sound more Italian but also will help you to understand Italian better.

Whether you’re a beginner in learning Italian or an advanced speaker, learning some Italian sayings and colloquialisms can really help you in your studies.

Undoubtedly, Italian sayings and colloquialisms reflect the historical and cultural circumstances in which they have evolved.

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Italian sayings are useful to understand native material like news and stories.

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italian sayings

Best Italian sayings and meanings

Here’s a collection of sayings, phrases, and sayings in Italian by famous poets, proverbs, actors, etc. together with their English translation.

Feel free to use them on a t-shirt design, for a piece of writing, or for a tattoo.

The Italian language is derived from the language of the Ancient Romans.

Although Latin can never be surpassed as the language of wisdom, brevity, and gravitas, Italian has its own charm and beauty. Italian sayings are often used in art and music.

Great inventors and artists often have more to say than what they can convey through their work.

Are you curious about what wisdom well-known have Italians shared with the world? Here’s a list of Italian sayings!

best italian sayings

Italian sayings about life can help you

A saying is a brief saying or phrase that expresses an opinion or makes a statement of wisdom without the flowery language of a proverb.

The Italian sayings below are all conveying some sort of truth in a direct, sometimes witty, manner that makes this kind of message powerful.

After all, everyone needs a little inspiration from time to time.

Whether you’re going through a breakup, you’ve just lost your job, or you simply woke up feeling a little insecure this morning—we’ve all had these days.

Feeding your mind with inspiring sayings daily is a great practice to boost your positivity.

italian sayings about life

Italian common sayings about love and friends

Here’s a collection of famous Italian sayings about different aspects of life:

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famous italian sayings

Old Italian sayings

Some old Italian sayings:

italian sayings about food

Italian sayings about life and family

My favorite Italian sayings about life:

funny Italian sayings

Funny Italian sayings

Here are some funny Italian sayings:

italian sayings about family

Popular Italian sayings about food

Here’s a list of popular Italian sayings:

italian sayings about friends

More insight into Italian culture

What’s your favorite Italian saying?

Do you need more wisdom? Check out this collection of Italian proverbs, Italian idioms, and Italian quotes. Italian hand gestures are fun, too!

For more insight into Italian culture, learn Italian with Lucrezia Borgia and the Italian experiment Galileo Galilei.

If you want something more practical, here’s a list of common Italian sentences for travel.

Basic Italian for travel includes giving directions, reading a menu, etc.

Are you serious about learning Italian? Check out our premium resources to become fluent fast!

See Also: moving on with my life quotes

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