The longman anthology of british literature, volume 2b

Being involved in someone”s life who is struggling with addiction can often be wearing & have negative effects on our own lives if we don”t vì chưng something about it. Luckily there”s a program for family và friends of addicts lớn help us cope with the feelings of lacking control in the situation and the pain the addicts behaviors take in our own lives, often without them doing any of it intentionally.

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Detachment is neither kind nor unkind. It does not imply judgment or condemnation of the person or situation from which we are detaching- it is simply a way we can protect ourselves. By separating ourselves from the adverse effects of another”s personal addiction(s), it can be a means of detaching; this does not necessarily require that we physically need lớn separate. Detachment can help us look at our situations realistically & objectively.

Addiction is a family disease. Living with the effects of someone else”s drug use is too devastating for most people khổng lồ bear without help. 12 step programs like Al Anon teach us that nothing we say or vị can cause or stop someone else”s drug addiction or drinking. We are not responsible for another person”s disease và we are definitely not in control of their recovery from it.

Detachment allows us lớn let go of our obsession with another”s behavior & begin khổng lồ lead our own lives, becoming happier and more manageable, living with dignity. We can still love the person & dislượt thích their behavior.

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After going to lớn a few of these meetings and finding a sponsor khổng lồ help walk me through the steps, I realized some key points or rules rather, of detachment & began to lớn apply them lớn my own life- which is currently getting better every day.

I learned Not khổng lồ Suffer because of the actions or reactions of other people.I learned Not to lớn allow ourselves khổng lồ be used or abused by others in the interest of another”s recovery.I learned Not khổng lồ vì chưng for others what they can bởi for themselves.I learned Not to lớn manipulate situations so others will eat, go to bed, get up, pay bills, not drink, or behave sầu as we see fit.I learned Not lớn cover up for another”s mistakes or misdeeds.I learned Not to lớn create a crisis.I learned Not lớn prsự kiện a crisis if it is in the natural course of events.

Detaching has helped allow me khổng lồ focus on myself và by doing that my attitude and well-being will both improve sầu. I am now able khổng lồ allow the addicts in my life to experience the consequences of their own actions without feeling guilty or responsible. By loosening my grip on others”, I”ve sầu allowed room for miracles khổng lồ take place in my own life.

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If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, gọi Anaheyên ổn Lighthouse today. We can help.

Categories: literature

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