Unlocking bootloader gives a new world of customization options. users can try umpteen amount of customizations and custom ROMS. Xiaomi devices have a pretty different method of unlocking the bootloader. Users have to connect their MI account and use the Mi Unlock tool. We have a complete guide for unlocking the bootloader of any Xiaomi devices. Often, people land into some kind of error while using the Mi unlock tool. The errors can be a bit complex. So in this post, we are covering Mi unlock tool errors and their fixes.
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What is Bootloader?
According to Google “A bootloader is a vendor-proprietary image responsible for bringing up the kernel on a device. It guards the device state and is responsible for initializing the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and binding its root of trust”. Confused? So am I! let us leave all this aside.
In simpler terms, a Bootloader is a software that runs every time your phone boots (start). It contains a set of instructions that tells the device which program to load at what instance. It also decides whether to boot your device to ‘Android OS’ or the ‘recovery mode’. Consider it a gateway, leading towards a road having all directions in technical jargon. hence, if you aren’t comfortable with the technical terms, you may get ‘lost’ in the way (if that happens, just remember us!).
Advantages of Bootloader Unlocking
Unlocking your device’s bootloader is like opening the gate to a plethora of opportunities. You could flash various Custom ROMs, install Custom Recovery (like TWRP), try out tons of mods and hacks, and most importantly- root your device. After you get administrative privileges, you could then try out a ton of Magisk Modules, Xposed Framework among others.
What is even more interesting is the fact that just by using a single line of code, the bootloader could be unlocked. So what are you waiting for, go ahead and give it a try, or should you? Before beginning with the process, make sure to read the downsides of unlocking it. All this is mentioned in the below article.
Downsides of Unlocking the Bootloader
The biggest downside of unlocking the bootloader is that the warranty of your device would be void. But why do the manufacturers do this? The answer is simple. All the OEMs ship their devices with a locked bootloader so that the users could only use the stock OS that comes pre-installed.
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The device vendors do not want the users to try out the customized version of the OS as they are launched by third-party sources such as LineageOS or Resurrection Remix. The manufacturers are in no way related to these creators, hence they distance themselves by voiding the warranty of the device.
Mi Unlock Tool Errors
Here are all the MI Unlock Tool errors and their respective fixes.
Not connected to the phone
This message will show up if the Mi Unlock Tool fails to recognize your phone over fastboot mode. This error occurs due to missing drivers. So make sure that you have the latest Xiaomi ADB/Fastboot USB Drivers installed on the PC.
The current account is not bound to this device

Just Log out and log in to your Mi account and it will be fixed.
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Error Unlock request rejected with code 20036
Use the Xiaomi Tool to perform the unlock process. Unfortunately, Mi Unlock Tool couldn’t deal with this issue as of now. Once we found a way out, we will update the guide accordingly. Until then, use the Xiaomi Tool. If you don’t know how to use this tool, drop in the comments section below. We will create a detailed guide on the same.
So with this, we conclude the guide on all the Mi Unlock Tools, their errors, and its associated fixes. On that note, if you still have any doubts left or find any particular error missing from this list, do let us know in the comments section below. Likewise, here are some other custom development guides that deserve your attention:
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