The Top 15 Best-Selling Self-Help Books of All Time – Project BOLD Life

If you’re looking for self-improvement books, you’re certainly not alone. The current market for self-help books is approaching a total of $1 billion and is continually growing. In fact, surveys have shown that one in five people have read a self-help book in the last year. But how do you decide which self-help book is best for you? with hundreds of thousands of titles, it can be a challenge. and choosing the most recently published is not always the best strategy.

When it comes to selecting the best option, your individual situation certainly matters. There are many areas where self-improvement books can help improve your life, and as is the case with Ed Kopko’s upcoming book project, Bold Life: The Proven Formula for Facing Challenges and Achieving Happiness and Success, They teach how to set achievable goals. goals. But as an overview, the following provides a list of the best-selling self-help books of all time. Based on the number of copies sold, these books have stood the test of time and sales.

You are reading: Best selling self help books of all time

1. think and get rich

more than 80 million copies sold

At the top of the best-selling self-help book list is this Napoleon Hill classic. Hill interviewed highly successful business tycoons of his time and identified key laws and habits that drive success. among these were desire, faith, persistence, and the suppression of doubt and negativity. it’s still a classic.

the alchemist book cover - a best-selling self-help book

2. the alchemist

over 65 million copies sold

As an allegorical novel, Paulo Coelho captures readers’ attention in this story about a young shepherd’s search for treasure. Through the travels of this young man, the book teaches the importance of following your heart and dreams while paying attention to the journey. Although indirect in its message and even as a fictional work of art, it represents one of the best-selling self-help books of all time.

you can heal your life book cover - a best-selling self-help book

3. you can heal your life

more than 50 million copies sold

Launched in 1984, Louise L. Hay’s book has quickly climbed the list of the best self-improvement books ever published. the premise states that the mind and body are connected and that many illnesses represent mental and emotional problems. hay explains how adopting healthy patterns of thought and behavior facilitates physical and holistic healing for all.

rich dad poor dad book cover - a best-selling self-help book4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

more than 26 million copies sold

With a focus on financial success, this self-improvement book by Robert T. kiyosaki stresses the importance of financial education. In achieving financial wealth and understanding investments as a strategy for wealth, one easily gains success. is one of the best self-improvement books out there, especially for those seeking professional and personal security.

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7 habits of highly effective people book cover - a best-selling self-help book5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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more than 25 million copies sold

among one of the most popular self-improvement books, stephen r. Covey’s book highlights essential practices for those seeking to be better and live life effectively. to change one’s situation, one must change one’s perspectives. the book outlines specific habits that facilitate such changes and enable greater personal effectiveness.

don6. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff… And It’s All Small Stuff

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more than 25 million copies sold

We all know very well that stress undermines many of life’s pleasures. In Richard Carlson’s book, he provides 100 tips on how to put things in proper perspective. through perspective, we can get rid of unnecessary stress and lead a fuller life. The simple approach of this book has helped millions and made it one of the best-selling self-help books.

who moved my cheese book cover - a best-selling self-help book7. Who Moved My Cheese?

more than 23 million copies sold

Perhaps the only fable among the best-selling self-help books on the list, this one by Spencer Johnson quickly achieved notoriety. The story describes four common reactions of people facing changes in their work and lives. and as a fable, it invites the reader to relate to these reactions and learn from them.

the celestine prophecy book cover - a best-selling self-help book8. The Celestine Prophecy

more than 23 million copies sold

Unique among best-selling self-help books, James Redfield’s Celestine Prophecy describes the author’s spiritual and psychological journey. Through the decryption of a Peruvian manuscript, keen insights reflecting ancient Eastern traditions are revealed. the book is ideal for exploring new age spirituality and ways to succeed during difficult life transitions.

the secret book cover - a best-selling self-help book9. The Secret

more than 20 million copies sold

Published in 2006, Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret quickly reached the top 10 best-selling self-help books of all time based on a simple premise. This premise says that what we think has the power to attract both good and evil into our lives. therefore, “the secret” explains how this law of attraction can be used to achieve the best that life has to offer.

the power of positive thinking - a best-selling self-help book10. The Power of Positive Thinking

more than 20 million copies sold

If your goal is quality of life and personal satisfaction, this book offers a strategy for achieving just that. Through affirmations and visualizations, Norman Vincent Peale demonstrates in his book how positive thinking can be cultivated. It has remained one of the most popular self-improvement books since its release in 1952.

11. men are from mars, women are from venus

more than 15 million copies sold

This book by John Gray remains one of the best self-improvement books for those seeking better relationships. By addressing differences in relationships from a gender socialization perspective, couples can improve their relationships. Since 1992, this self-help book has offered key insights that have been used by millions of people, both ordinary people and therapists.

12. how to win friends and influence people

more than 15 million copies sold

Published in 1936, this book has been a top-selling self-help book for a long time. Dale Carnegie provides insightful approaches and strategies based on honesty and sincerity to help people deal with different points of view. the key is being able to see other perspectives while respectfully expressing your own views.

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13. chicken soup for the soul

more than 11 million copies sold

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While the first original motivational book sold millions, the series of these books represents an exponential reach of self-help messages. Primarily a book to help others find happiness through inspiration and hope, it consists of 101 short stories. Through this book, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen present a unique way to inspire people to find their own happiness in life.

the four agreements book cover - a best-selling self-help book14. The Four Agreements

over 7 million copies sold

don miguel ruiz advocates personal freedom in the four agreements. The Four Agreements, which include sincerity and the pursuit of excellence, can help you identify and release various constraints to achieving that personal freedom. Since 1997, it has been among the best-selling self-help books available.

15. The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth

over 5 million sold

on the premise that life is full of problems, m. Scott Peck highlights the importance of discipline in this classic self-help book. balance, truthfulness, deferred gratification and responsibility are the four pillars of this discipline. the strategies offered in the book have helped millions.

best selling self help books for a bolder life

While there are many other influential self-help books out there, the ones listed here are among the best. each has stood the test of time. By reading them, you can learn common truths and ideas, though each book offers unique perspectives on strategies for self-improvement.

Regardless of which of these best-selling self-help books you choose to read, you can be sure your message will be powerful. And in the process, you’ll be inspired to be much bolder in your next steps in life.

There are a handful of books published in 2020 that offer such pearls of wisdom. each one is unique in its own way, and all 3 can motivate you to make positive changes in your life. These self-help books don’t just offer practical advice that’s easy to understand. but they are also motivating, attractive and easy to read books. For these reasons, and their great inspirational content, we’re adding them to our list of all-time “must read” self-help books.

  • project bold life: the proven formula for facing challenges and achieving happiness and success by ed kopko

If you’re looking for one of the best self-help books in 2020, Kopko’s recent release is a must-read. the insights kopko offers in pursuit of the bolder life reflect his own passions and life pursuits. Kopko has not only risen to prominence as a business executive entrepreneur, but also has an extensive history in publishing and writing. He has been featured in Forbes magazine for his insights on leadership. he has also been recognized for his extraordinary work on diversity and inclusion by diversity mba magazine. These experiences and achievements serve as the basis for the more than practical advice he offers in his latest book.

The promise of Kopko’s book is to provide anyone with the tools necessary to achieve bold happiness and success. no matter what one’s situation, highly inspiring stories empower actions for bold achievements. In addition to a step-by-step guide to setting ambitious goals, Kopko offers a bold living formula. this formula uses the seven pillars of a bold life to help us overcome the challenges and obstacles we imagine. The book not only contains personalized stories, but also describes well the difficulties that many of us face. As one of the best motivational books of the year, Kopko offers the perfect recipe for finding a bold purpose in life.

  • The Power of Color: The Path to Self-Healing and Personal Transformation Through Ancient Native American Wisdom by noah goldhirst
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noah goldhirst is a well known therapist and tenured teacher who has gained an incredible following. he has long embraced alternative medicine as a means of exploring bolder ways of living. in fact, this has been part of his life quest for over 3 decades. therefore, it’s no surprise that his latest quest involves examining ancient Native American wisdom. In this regard, he offers an easy-to-read explanation of the color wheel still practiced by Native Americans today. As the best motivational books of 2020, it offers interesting insights that may not have been previously appreciated.

The color wheel describes how each color has different meanings, as well as psychological and physical effects. Colors are also unique to each person, and some will be better for you while others won’t. By understanding its meanings and effects, you can use color to overcome life’s toughest challenges. Through practical advice, Goldhirst explains how this can be used to promote self-healing and personal transformation. For those seeking peace, love, and joy, this is one of the best self-help books to consider. It can definitely help you on your journey to becoming a better version of yourself.

  • I didn’t see it coming: rebuilding life when your world falls apart by rachel hollis

if you are familiar with rachel hollis, then you are well acquainted with her 2 other recently published motivational books. Girl, Stop Apologizing and Girl, Wash Your Face have been fairly popular self-help books on the recent bestseller lists. As a business podcast host and motivational speaker, her ideas in these books are clearly inspiring and empowering. therefore, it is understandable that these recently published books are also receiving critical acclaim. Through her own personal life stories, Hollis offers insights into how we can better deal with pain and grief in life. The practical advice provided by her allows anyone with emotional pain to better face the consequences of it.

Although this book is about grief and pain, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t offer guidance toward a bolder life. in fact, it does just the opposite. As an example, Hollis shows how intense emotions are a natural part of many life experiences. Instead of holding them back, it’s important to acknowledge them and use them as motivation for action. pain and joy can and often do coexist. Simply knowing this can help us persevere through difficult times and overcome painful emotional obstacles. hollis thus adds to his list of motivational books that is quite useful as well as inspiring.

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