How Many Books Are in the Bible? – Alabaster Co

For those within the Christian faith, the Protestant Bible is a text of profound meaning. a rich book, full of ideas and lessons about what it means to live one’s life the way god wants, the bible known as the word of god. it is made up of many different books and includes a wide range of literary styles, such as short stories, letters, poetry, and historical accounts combined to form a unified whole.

but, how many books are there in the bible? And how did the current list of books come about? We will offer a brief overview of the composition of the bible and some insight into the history of how the protestant bible as we know it was established.

You are reading: How many books in the old and new testament

Various Alabaster Bibles arranged on the floor

how is the bible organized?

The Bible is made up of two main sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. the old testament is made up of 39 individual books; the new testament is made up of 27 books, giving the protestant bible a total of 66 books.

the old testament documents everything from the creation of life to the birth of jesus. its 39 books tell the ancient history of israel and serve as moral teachings and the foundation of the christian and jewish religions. The Old Testament can be divided into subcategories known as the Pentateuch, the Historical Books, the Wisdom Books, and the Prophetic Books. The Pentateuch contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible which are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These five books document the history and beginnings of the world as well as the creation of the people of Israel.

The book of Genesis surrounded by flowers

The next two sections of the Old Testament are the historical and wisdom books. As the name suggests, the historical and wisdom books share the prophetic history of the time and also share the wisdom of God’s teachings through the prophets. Historical books recount events ranging from Israel’s conquest of Canaan to the dissolution of the Kingdom of Israel and the exile of its people. here we find the books of 1 and 2 samuel, ezra and esther. the wisdom books consist of the workbooks, psalms, proverbs, ecclesiastes and song of songs. It is a collection of books composed of poetry, narrations and sayings and moral teachings.

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Finally, there are the prophetic books, including Isaiah and Jeremiah, among others. As in the tanakh, the biblical prophets can be divided into two main groups: the major and minor prophets. The prophetic books consist mainly of the story told by the different prophets, or messengers sent to the people by God. They not only document the events of ancient Israel, but also explain the lasting significance of the events that occur during this time. The prophetic books offer accounts of the messages that God commanded the prophets to share with the people.

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the new testament of the hebrew bible is the second main section and covers a period of time after the old testament. it is believed to have been written around AD 50-100. Like the Old Testament, the New Testament is also divided into sections: the Gospels and the Epistles. The four Gospels, which make up the first section of the New Testament, tell the story of Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each of these four stories emphasizes or highlights different parts of Jesus’ life and mission to help people better understand.

The book of James

The second section of the new testament is made up of the epistles or letters. These letters, written by the Apostles to various early Christian communities, were intended to provide advice to Roman Catholic Church leaders on how to better engage with the teachings of Jesus. finally, the new testament ends with the written book of revelation that contains different letters to the churches and also interprets the meaning of life from the beginning to the end of the world.

The book of Revelation

history of the books of the hebrew bible

As mentioned, the Catholic Bible, as known by most major traditions, consists of 66 books. but some traditions include more books of the bible. the catholic bible, for example, contains 7 additional books. So how and when was it decided which books to include and which to omit? To answer this, we will briefly consider the history of canonization, or the formal decision as to which books, letters, and text are considered authoritative parts of the deeds of the will.

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the old testament

The decision about which books would be included in the Old Testament was based in part on the long history of Jewish canonization regarding the tanakh. Sometimes referred to as the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh is the compilation of the Hebrew scriptures considered authoritative within the Jewish religion. the tanakh has its own distinctive history and organization but forms the basis of what became the christian old testament. the authority of most of these ancient texts was agreed upon by Jewish teachers and communities almost from the time they were written.

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The Torah and other important Jewish texts were passed down and studied for many generations. around the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. c., these key Jewish texts were translated by Jewish scholars from the original Hebrew into Greek, the increasingly common language of the time. this translation is known as the Septuagint. the Septuagint included all the books of the tanakh, as well as several other later Jewish texts of cultural importance. Some of these additional books include Tobit, Judith, and Sirach.

In the early days of the Christian church, the Septuagint was used as the primary basis for the Old Testament. all major christian traditions recognize the key texts (those found in the tanakh) as canon of the old testament. however, there is a less uniform consensus regarding subsequent additional books.

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These additional books are believed to have been written primarily in the intertestamental period, that is, the period between the event of the old and new testaments. in addition to the complete books, there are also additional sections of some books of the tanakh that seem to have been added later. the books of daniel and esther, for example, have sections added. The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions include many of these books in the Old Testament canon of their Bibles. in Protestant traditions, these books are considered deuterocanonical or biblical apocrypha. this just means that while these texts may offer information about the life and times in which they were written, they are not considered an authoritative part of the protestant bible.

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the new testament

The decision about which books should be included in the new testament was also a matter of debate. In the days of the early church, many of the epistles and books now considered holy scripture were still being written. and as they were written, many additional letters and accounts were also written. texts such as the didache or the letters of 1 and 2 clement were considered valuable sources of teaching regarding the Christian faith.

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Textured wall with peeling paint

many of the early church fathers would have considered them to be the canon of the new testament. however, all of these additional texts are now considered biblical apocrypha and are not included among the books of the new testament. There are also some books that some traditions considered non-canonical that are now included in our bibles. Books like 2 John and 3 John and 2 Peter are among these. unlike the old testament, none of the deuterocanonical books of the new testament era are included in the bibles of the main christian traditions.

the new testament canon of the catholic bible was finalized at the council of trent in 1546. for many protestants, the 1647 westminster confession of faith serves as the touchstone for the accepted biblical canon. In both cases, the Christian Bible is considered by Christians to be a closed canon. this means that it cannot be opened to include new texts on the line.

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final thoughts

as we have seen, the answer to the question “how many books are there in the bible?” It is steeped in fascinating history and tradition. The Roman Catholic Bible is the Word of God, and as such, the decision about which books should be included and which should be excluded was not made lightly. scripture is intended to point us to god and reveal to us the truth of the gospel as jesus proclaimed it. Christians from the time of the early church have studied these texts closely.

understanding which books make up the books of the catholic bible helps us to have a better idea of ​​the messages that the word of god is trying to convey. For more ways to deepen your faith and continue your education, check out Alabaster’s collection of beautifully designed Bibles and other supplemental materials to help you on your journey.

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