Susan Meissner – Book Series In Order

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Susan Meissner is an American author from San Diego, California, best known for writing historical fiction and fiction with a Christian bias. Meisssner was born the second child of three brothers, and she always had a penchant for writing from a very young age. her first collection of literary works were predictable stories and oddly worded poems that she wrote at age eight, encouraged by her second-grade teacher. as such, he credits her teacher for her success, as he saw her potential in her and encouraged her to pursue a career in writing. She found an equally supportive teacher in high school, who developed her writing skills and offered much encouragement to the budding author. To this day, she has never forgotten how she felt when he read her first composition to the whole class as an example of a great essay. After graduating from high school, she went to Point Loma University where she met and married Bob. her husband, bob, is a chaplain in the air force reserves and pastors a church in san diego. When she’s not working on her soap operas, Meissner loves going to Rancho Bernardo, where she leads small group ministries at her church. she also enjoys traveling, reading good books, listening to good music, spending time with family, chasing dreams, and teaching and speaking at conferences and workshops.

He has always liked to put his thoughts in writing and attributes this to his parents, particularly his father, who was an English student and passionate about writing and reading, who instilled in him a love of books. she would start writing in 1993 when the family moved to minnesota after seven years of her husband working for the air force. she had always felt a strong desire to pursue a writing career, but she could never bring herself to start given the age of her children. However, while the family resided in Europe, she tried to write for magazines and was constantly rejected, resulting in much frustration. In 1995 she got a job as a reporter for a local newspaper where she had her own column. she won several awards at the newspaper and rose to the position of editor of the paper that by then had become the best weekly in minnesota. 2002 became a pivotal year for her as her grandfather passed away and rekindled her passion to do something for her dream of becoming a published author before it was too late. she resigned from her job as editor at the newspaper, which at the time was a difficult decision given the large salary and benefits she had from her. her getting to work, she wrote her first novel “why the sky is blue” in four months. it took her four months to find someone who wanted to publish it, and since then she has never looked back. She loves writing contemporary fiction that has historical elements that appeal to both fans of historical and contemporary fiction.

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You are reading: Susan meissner books in order

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susan meissner writes novels that ask some questions people have been asking since time immemorial: what is the secret to living a happy life. she always writes to suggest that everything you’ve ever wanted is attainable you’ve just never discovered the hidden truths that would allow you to obtain it. however, even as she writes about finding hidden secrets to success, she also asserts that happiness does not depend on what she has achieved or pursued. the novels affirm that life is about the difference one makes in the lives of others, what value they have placed on yours and what you have placed on theirs. the most important thing in life is people and not necessarily the dreams that people pursue, which may not always have intrinsic value. In novels like “The Shape of Mercy” and “Stars Above Sunset Boulevard,” she claims that one can only play the cards they are dealt, even if they are not perfect, like the world she lives in. her using the cards dealt to play the best possible hand so that they can find fulfillment in their life circumstances. In many of the novels, the main characters or someone close to them has her story intertwined with historical events such as the world wars or with someone from an earlier time.

“White Picket Fences,” the first novel in the series is about Amanda Janvier taking her niece Tally to a sixteen-year-old girl when her wandering brother goes missing. tally is practically an orphan, as she has no mother and she lives with a father who raises her anywhere she sees fit, from a horse farm to a pizzeria to a buick. Amanda believes that her family could offer the girl a chance at a normal, stable life by taking her in. Chase Janvier Tally, her seventeen-year-old cousin, has never seen her in years, even though he has little interest in her, preferring to enjoy her. her obsession with a house fire that has been plaguing his dreams. However, it’s not long before Chase and Tally are best friends as they undertake a school sociology project on Holocaust survivors. They soon learn that the family hides dark secrets that refuse to go away, threatening to tear the family apart. Tally’s presence in her home could be the trigger that reveals the hidden past and breaks down the white picket fence.

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“La dama de escort” is another excellent Meissner novel on the same themes of love and family relationships. is the story of two women whose destinies are connected despite living centuries apart. the main character, jane, finds a ring in her antique shop, at a time when her husband has unexpectedly abandoned her, leaving her emotionally shattered. however, her husband’s act of abandoning her opens her eyes to the truth that she had never opened her eyes to. she has allowed other people to make her life decisions and has lived someone else’s life for the better part of two decades. On her part, Lucy Day is a 16th-century English dressmaker who takes on the position of Lady Jane Grey’s assistant. Lucy and Jane form a friendship through their common shared experience that affects their lives by allowing them to take control. At its core, the novel and its stories are about the decisions that ordinary people make in their lives and how they affect their future.

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