Top 20 Best Enneagram Books Of All Time Review 2022

Looking for the best enneagram books? the enneagram is quickly becoming one of the best-known tools for self-improvement, including ; professional, spiritual and relational development.

The Enneagram is a character system that has gained popularity over the past two decades. it draws on considerably older roots, but in the late 1900s it became what it is called today.

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The Enneagram has grown in popularity as it is more than just a personality label. it is a method to understand who you are, why you are, how you are and how you can become the best version of yourself.

Most personality type systems just stop at who exactly you are and assign you a label. the simple fact that the enneagram goes beyond the title makes it popular and useful. it’s a game changer in personal development and learning to love other people.

how does the enneagram work?

How Does The Enneagram Work

symbols in the enneagram system represent the “big picture” perspective of a person’s entire identity.

instinct, intuition and intelligence are three separate but related components, according to lubbe, who spoke with healthline. these are, respectively, the gut center, the heart center, and the brain center.

A person’s body, soul, and mind can also be represented as the trio of centers.

People often want to quickly understand the enneagram, just like other popular self-reflection techniques. however, since the enneagram is complicated, mastering its numbers can be challenging.

however, the complexity of the enneagram becomes more apparent if it is less about one particular number and more about the attributes found in all nine numbers.

Instead of focusing on a particular type and restricting actions, the enneagram ultimately explores nature and values.

according to life coach nicole mcdonough, “for example, the number 7, traditionally associated with the title of enthusiast, can represent the innate human capacity for enthusiasm, as well as the value of experiences,”

“‘I’m a foodie’ becomes ‘I value experiences,’ which leaves more room for nuance, invites growth, and begs the question, ‘and what else do I value?'”

what makes the enneagram so different?

What Makes Enneagram So Different

according to lubbe, many other behavior systems and personality type models have a strong bias towards the “what” and “how” of their behavior.

The Enneagram’s “ability to concisely and effectively express what inspires you and why you engage the world in your distinctive way of being,” on the other hand, is what makes it the most useful tool.

the enneagram is a great tool for anyone to add to their arsenal as they work on greater self-awareness of their personality type, according to therapist lauren hasha, ms, lpc. It could be quite beneficial to understand the main reasons for your personality type.

according to hasha, the enneagram has proven most useful in helping people identify not only their personality types, but also the mental hiding places people go to when under stress or going through a traumatic experience, as well as coping methods they use and why.

however, the enneagram can also help people identify their strengths and opportunities for improvement. In that regard, the Enneagram can help us understand why some things trigger us and why we all react differently to specific dynamics or emotions.

gives us a choice and helps identify our reaction actions related to stress. According to McDonough, we can see trends, cultivate self-compassion, and make deliberate decisions that we won’t regret, so we don’t have to always be in a state of fight or flight.

Where can I learn more about the Enneagram?

Learn More About Enneagram

More recent work has helped a new generation of people seeking spiritual and psychological development find solace and insight in the system when it was more complicated and inaccessible.

hannah paasch has spent the last 12 years learning about the enneagram after first learning about it as a teenager. this process is said to be endless.

paasch found that it was often difficult to understand how the enneagram works. To help people get interested in the system and identify themselves more easily in the descriptions, they developed and produced their book “milleanneagram”.

paasch wants to allow those who use the enneagram to experience the “oh, that’s me!” moment, which according to experts is the most powerful experience.

Top Rated Best Enneagram Novels To Read

top rated best books on enneagram

There are nine personality types, ranging from type 1 to type 9, as the name implies. You can take free online or paid Enneagram tests like the Retinal Examination (Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator) to help you identify your personality type, similar to the Myers Briggs Personality Test.

if not, there are several best enneagram books listed below that can help you determine your personality type as it relates to personal growth, relationships, and self-discovery.

Below are the best Enneagram books that Penn Book recommends you start reading:

the wisdom of the enneagram by don richard riso and russ hudson

the two best and most renowned enneagram authors, don and russ unite both spirituality and psychology within this publication. Not only does this help you understand your motives and heightens your self-awareness, but it’s also a fantastic book for those who want a more grounded, personalized approach to their personal and spiritual growth.

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Although the Enneagram book is comprehensive, the authors have organized the wisdom of the Enneagram in a way that is easy to understand. extract and establish essential details as the spiritual leap begins, calls for attention, along with red flags for all kinds methodically in text boxes.

People who have some direct experience or understanding of spirituality will love this enneagram book and find it helpful.

personality types by don richard riso and russ hudson

This enneagram book is suitable for beginning, general, and advanced readers. While it won’t help you pinpoint your personality type, studying the detailed descriptions of Enneagram types in this post can allow you to gain a detailed understanding of exactly what personality type you are.

Unlike most other enneagram books, the writers give you insight into how each type behaves at its best and worst. each type has been divided into nine levels of healthy, moderate, and unhealthy behaviors. Does this help you better understand your anxiety, desire and motivation? you are aware of your own unhealthy behaviors.

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understanding the enneagram by don richard riso and russ hudson

Occasionally, it is difficult to detect your enneagram type simply by studying profiles or taking assessments on the internet. most people can identify with more than one personality type.

If you’re unsure of your enneagram types, this publication by don richard riso and russ hudson is the book for you. Not only does this have a quiz to help you identify your type, but it’s also an entire chapter devoted to misidentification. of the chapter, the authors evaluate all kinds of opposites to each other to understand their differences.

Written by the same writers as the personality types, the writers discuss the new connections created in our three installations: thinking, feeling, and the instinctive center. They show you center to center first for your type and near the end of the post, they also suggest steps each type can take to grow.

the essential enneagram of david daniels and virginia price

if you need a publication that can help you quickly determine your enneagram type, this is the enneagram book for you. At the beginning of the book, the authors provide an easy self-discovery that consists of nine different paragraphs and allows you to choose a few descriptions similar to your own.

this book by david daniels and virginia price is concise and to the point. it is acceptable for beginners or those who do not want or need to understand that the enneagram is profound. To help you find your type more efficiently, the authors also compare each type and discuss how each type differs from one another.

the way back to you by ian morgan cron and suzanne stabile

(Christian books on the enneagram)

if you want a simple font to read and understand, this enneagram book is fine for you. Packed with personal stories and illustrations from the writers, the book is equally engaging and witty.

Unlike many Enneagram books, Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile’s tone of writing is not as academic. making it available to all types of readers.

Written from a Christian perspective, you can learn to be understanding and compassionate not only with yourself, but with other people as well. For those of you who don’t know your number yet, you may also need to refer to your company’s study guide.

the complete enneagram of beatrice castano

According to the three instinctual variations: sexual (sx), social (so), and self-preservation (sp), the nine types of the enneagram can be divided into 27 subtypes (sp).

The Complete Enneagram of Beatrice Chestnut is an absolute must for anyone interested in the Enneagram. it is impossible to have a complete list of enneagram books instead of incorporating the entire enneagram.

The publication provides samples to understand summaries of those types, as well as extensive research to understand the in-depth analysis. offers an insight into nine Enneagram types for anyone who wants to find themselves.

hannah paasche millennium

If you don’t like the conventional, formal teachings of the Enneagram, then I have the Enneagram book for you. it’s anything but boring! this fun and edgy post was composed by hannah paasche, the inventor of the #millenneagram twitter thread.

provides a humorous and illuminating understanding of sorts that any millennial could relate to. most importantly, it doesn’t feel like you’re doing enneagram research. Although much less in depth than the full Enneagram, Millenneagram provides a nice way to learn about types.

michael goldberg’s nine ways of working

The nine ways of working provide a fantastic breakdown of the types and their worldviews. helps readers examine their co-workers to identify their type.

Then readers can use their understanding of all sorts to find the most effective methods to collaborate with those people. In addition to this, the Enneagram book is famous for having excellent practical advice for working with each type.

eneagram in love and work by helen palmer

helen palmer is a pioneer of the enneagram narrative tradition, a teaching method that promotes an open exploration of each personality type by “hearing representatives of each enneagram type share their personal stories and reveal their realities and worlds private interns. ”

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If you already have a fundamental understanding of types, then this book is probably for you. the best aspect of the publication? The Connection Matrix is ​​a summary of the common connections between two different types of Enneagram.

provides an excellent in-depth look at what to expect when interacting with the other nine Enneagram types, as motivators, along with the best methods for approaching each type. likewise, to the nine ways of working, the enneagram in love and work is ideal for anyone who wants to create a better understanding of human behavior.

the simplified enneagram by renee baron and elizabeth wagele

if you find other enneagram books too overwhelming and lengthy, this is the enneagram book for you. Filled with adorable cartoons, this book is enjoyable and easy to read.

this publication by renee baron and elizabeth wagele gives you a fantastic introduction and outline of the enneagram. you may not see the idea after reading this book. however, you will have a basic idea of ​​how each type appears on the planet.

If you want to introduce someone you know or your children to the machine, this book by Renee Baron and Elizabeth Waile is still a great starting point for finding others who are interested.

Becoming Us: Using the Enneagram to Create a Thriving Gospel-Centered Union by beth mccord, jeff mccord

would you feel sick of the person sleeping with you? Imagine if your partner came with the instruction manual? Beth and Jeff McCord, founders of Your Enneagram Coach, have helped more than 250,000 people find their distinctive character types and apply that knowledge to their relationships.

getting us back brings the curtain back on togetherness and weaves the enneagram through the lens of this gospel to show why you and your partner behave in different ways. beth and jeff will describe how:

  • answer the question, what does my partner believe in?
  • defuse the battle before it starts, particularly the same old arguments
  • stop assuming each other’s motives and make communication work
  • significantly affirm each other that thing
  • love your partner again, even if you’ve loved each other for a long time

This series of enneagram books is appropriate for people of all ages. Both beginners and experienced users of the enneagram can benefit from fresh and vital life lessons.

  • the enneagram type 1: the moral perfectionist by beth mccord
  • the enneagram type 2: the supportive counselor by beth mccord
  • the enneagram type 3: the achiever successful by beth mccord
  • the enneagram type 4: the romantic individualist by beth mccord
  • the enneagram type 5: the inquiring thinker by beth mccord
  • the enneagram type enneagram type 7: beth mccord’s loyal guardian
  • enneagram type 7: beth mccord’s entertaining optimist
  • enneagram type 8: beth mccord’s protective challenger
  • the enneagram type 9: the peaceful mediator by beth mccord

the art of writing: powerful tools for writing enneagrams by ginger lapid-bogda

Demystify the enneagram typing process with the art of typing. Unlike any other enneagram post, it includes illuminating examples, specific identification questions, color infographics of those 9 ego constructs, and much more. see what guys 7 and 4 do in the park, or how guys 6 and 3 navigate a maze. a post for people who help others discover their type.

nine lenses on the world: jerome wagner’s enneagram perspective

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This enneagram book offers detailed descriptions of nine personality styles, each with its own means of studying and reacting to the world. our favorite paradigm informs us about what is important (what to look for) and what may jeopardize our value (what to watch out for).

We can make different lenses and viewpoints to better understand exactly what our eyesight may be blind to. the enneagram helps us look into our glasses as well as through them.

the sacred enneagram: finding your unique path to spiritual growth by christopher l. heuertz

The Sacred Enneagram is a trusted and richly illuminating guide to discovering yourself in the Enneagram’s 9 Type Profiles and implementing this practical wisdom to change a life.

Much more than an assessment of character, writer Chris Heuertz writes that the Enneagram is a sacred map of the soul. lies about who we believe keep us stuck in self-destructive loops.

however, the enneagram provides a brilliant route to cut through the jumble inside and find our way back to god, as well as our true identity as god made us.

the path between us: an enneagram journey to healthy relationships by suzanne stabile

Most of us have no idea how others view or process their own experiences. And that can make relationships difficult, whether with romantic partners, with friends, or in our professional lives.

Understanding the motives and dynamics of different personality types may be the key that unlocks occasionally puzzling behaviors in others and ourselves.

the path between us: an enneagram journey to healthy relationships by suzanne stabile on both enneagram types and how they behave and experience relationships will lead readers to deeper insights about themselves, their ways, and many other personalities so they can have healthier, more life-giving relationships.

No one is better equipped than suzanne stabile, co-author, with ian morgan cron, of The Way Back to You, to discuss enneagram knowledge about how connections work or don’t work.

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best for people who want to learn more about the enneagram types of conflicts and misunderstandings. It is very beneficial for labor relations.

personality types: using the enneagram for self-discovery by don richard riso, russ hudson

“The enneagram is an exceptional framework to learn more about ourselves. Regardless of the point of view we all take, we find new conjunctions of old and new ideas.”

in this expanded edition of the classic interpretation of the enneagram, don riso used the primitive psychological system to understand individual character.

Along with updating the descriptions of the two character types, the revised personality types significantly expand the corresponding rules and, for the first time, uncover the core dynamic, or even degrees of development, in each type .

This skeletal system provides much more information about the nine types of tension and internal movement of the personality than has been previously published.

This greater specificity will allow therapists, social workers, personnel managers, students of the Enneagram, and general readers to use it with much greater precision, as it unlocks the secrets of self-discovery and, consequently, self-transformation.

facets of unity: the enneagram of sacred ideas by a.h. souls

Facets of Unity presents the Enneagram of Sacred Ideas as a clear window into the authentic reality experienced in educated consciousness. here we are not guided towards the emotional forms but towards the greater spiritual truths that they represent.

We find how the disconnection of each sacred idea contributes to the maturation of its corresponding fixation, thus understanding more deeply the deepest emotional heart of each type. Knowing this heart puts all sacred thoughts at your fingertips.

therefore, their religious perspective can function as a key to unlock the fixation and prevent us from their limitations.

Understanding the Enneagram: The Practical Guide to Personality Types by Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson

Personality Types, Don Richard Riso’s first publication, has become the premier guide to the Enneagram, as well as a treasured classic in personal development literature worldwide. this groundbreaking book set the benchmark for understanding and accuracy regarding this ancient emblem of individual character.

knowing the enneagram continued and has become another crucial resource, educating readers on understanding this emotional framework in everyday life and how to use it in various diverse settings.

Don Riso and Russ Hudson have completely updated and revised this authoritative guide to the Enneagram, depending on their continuing work within the field, which will attract increasing attention.

learn to use the enneagram to delight in your personal development and in all your relationships.

the spiritual dimension of the enneagram: the nine faces of the soul by sandra maitri, geneen roth

a groundbreaking exploration of the religious dimension of working with the entire enneagram by one of his oldest teachers and students in the us. uu.

This is one of the first Enneagram books to investigate in a real and exhaustive way through the first religious dimension of the Enneagram. One of the most knowledgeable Enneagram instructors in the United States, Sandra Maitri, reveals how the Enneagram not only shows our personalities, but illuminates a simple character within each of us.

She tells how traversing the special inner ground in our type of enneagram can bring us deep realization and meaning, as well as authentic spiritual growth.

the modern enneagram: discover who you are and who you can be by kacie berghoef and melanie bell

Faced with the complexities of everyday life, many men and women find themselves thinking about cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness and developing more understanding relationships with others. An enneagram is a powerful tool for finding your real self and using this understanding to improve yourself in many different ways.

The Modern Enneagram will show you precisely how to use the fundamentals of the Enneagram Character Writing Method to find the strength and insight to navigate life’s challenges and changes.

from the modern enneagram, you will discover everything you want for personal development and evolution, such as:

practical approaches to meeting the needs of your heart according to the profiles of the 9 enneagram types real-life illustrations of basic enneagram principles such as managing emotions, self-acceptance, career advancement, and understanding family relationships modern advice from modern enneagram leaders kacie berghoef and melanie bell. relate to the fast-paced universe involving many different lifestyles and moving components.

other best enneagram books considerations:

  • the enneagram: a christian perspective by richard rohr and andreas ebert
  • milleneagram: the enneagram guide to discovering your truest and baddest self by hannah paasch


If you are a fan of reading books or want to gain some knowledge about the enneagram personality test, then this list is for you. With all the different options, this list has something for everyone. some people like to have all the information in one place, while others prefer a more concise and direct approach.

Whatever your preference, this list has you covered. each book has its own unique way of explaining the enneagram test and its nine personality types. this list has the best books on the enneagram that will help you better understand yourself and others.

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