10 most read self-help books in 2016

Reading books is a great way to gain more knowledge about the world and sometimes even about yourself. What you learn from books, especially non-fiction self-help books, can improve the quality of your life in various areas, from your interpersonal relationships to your work life and even your own relationship with the person looking at you in the mirror.

Have you ever wondered what your classmates were reading? you know, maybe the reason jim got that promotion is because he learned to prioritize his goals and perform much better in the office. Perhaps the reason your formerly socially dysfunctional cousin Theresa has so many new friends is because she has learned to form an emotional connection with others. maybe the people around you who are excelling aren’t doing it by sheer luck, maybe it’s all work and effort. and maybe, they learned to put all that effort thanks to reading books.

You are reading: Best selling self help books 2016

so, after realizing the tremendous positive effects that self-help books have on those who read them, we built an algorithm to tell us which are the 10 most popular self-help books in the world. 2016 were. Now you can read any of these 10 books knowing that it’s one of the most effective self-help books out there, and soon, you’ll be achieving all of your wildest dreams!

how the data was collected

We at booktoaction.com created an algorithm that collects data from the www.goodreads.com website, the most popular service for book lovers. After reviewing over 2,500 self-help books, we were able to compile a list of 10 books that had the highest rating growth* in December 2016. Rating growth for each book is shown below.

  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 2160 Weekly Rates*
  2. How to Win Friends and Influence People, 2109
  3. The Tipping Point, 2059
  4. blink: the power of thinking without thinking, 1638
  5. the magic of tidying up that changes lives, 1492
  6. rich dad, poor dad, 1383
  7. the power of habit, 1238
  8. who moved my cheese? 1157
  9. freakonomics, 1110
  10. outliers: the success story, 1003

*rating growth refers to how many people rate a book on goodreads per week.

top 10 books

book #1: the 7 habits of highly effective people — stephen r. flock

if you want to know how to untangle the knot of your personal and professional problems, then this book is for you. Author Stephen R. Covey, an accomplished businessman, wrote this step-by-step guide for all those who want to improve themselves and their lives, but don’t know where to start. It consists of 7 carefully explained habits that you can start cultivating at once so that you can be more effective in all areas of your life, whether personal, family or professional.

book #2: how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie

If you constantly struggle with your relationships, pick up this book and start reading today. the ability to cultivate good relationships with others will go a long way in your personal and professional life —people will be much more willing to help you if they like you. Carnegie, the author of this book, has put together an award-winning guide to getting people to like you, winning over your way of thinking, and even changing it without arousing resentment. Originally written in 1936, this timeless book has helped some of today’s most successful people get to where they are, and who knows, in a few years, you may be one of them!

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book #3: the turning point by malcolm gladwell

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You may have a million dollar idea, but just having an idea is not enough to make you successful. In The Turning Point, Gladwell examines popular ideas and trends from the past to discover how exactly they became so popular. What were the factors that made them go from being interesting ideas, but not very interesting, to being acclaimed nationally and internationally? the tipping point is clearly seen in the way fashion trends are currently sweeping the world (only to have a new one sweep the world every two weeks), in the way that children’s shows became popular overnight like sesame street, or the way the industry grew so big so fast. All of these cases, and more, were discussed and explained in Gladwell’s book.

So if you have an idea that you think deserves critical acclaim, check out this book for some helpful tips on how to turn it into a social epidemic. learn from the past and don’t repeat the same mistakes!

book #4: blink: the power of thinking without thinking by malcolm gladwell

another gladwell book, but about something completely different. blink is a book about what happens in your brain during the fraction of a second it takes to blink. the judgments you make, the inferences you can’t explain, the decisions you can’t justify, all happen in the time it takes you to blink. teaches you to be more aware of yourself, of the true reasoning behind all your thoughts (and actions), so that you can become a better you. plus, everything is written in an engaging, conversational tone so you don’t get bogged down in technical jargon.

This book is aimed at those who want to learn more about themselves, as well as some tips and tricks to maximize the potential of their mind. if this describes you, then give blink a try— you won’t regret it.

book #5: the life-changing magic of decluttering by marie kondō

You’d be surprised what a difference a tidy room can make. a cluttered work and home area leads to a cluttered mind, and a cluttered mind leads to increased stress and decreased productivity. Marie Kondo, a professional cleaning consultant from Japan, wrote this book to help people clean their homes and therefore their lives. So if you’re having trouble keeping your home clean and tidy, and you’ve just decided to let all your papers, clothes, and other paraphernalia accumulate into an impossible-to-clean mess, you need this book.

The best part of the konmari method, the kondo personal cleansing method, is that it only has to be done once! kondo guarantees that if you organize your house according to its instructions once, you will never have to do it again. this seemingly outrageous, too-good-to-be-true statement is backed up by all of his previous clients —none of them have lost their neatness! so check out this book and start organizing your home today.

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book #6: rich dad poor dad by robert t. kiyosaki

successful businessman robert t. Kiyosaki wrote this book about the lessons he learned from two men: his biological father, who was financially poor but highly educated, and the father of his best friend, an eighth-grade dropout who was now a millionaire. By combining advice taken from both men, Kiyosaki was able to discover the secret to making money and retired at the young age of 47 as a billionaire. however, this book is not just about money. it is about discovering the reasons behind the way we think and act, and how to reprogram the toxic thought processes we have to those that are more beneficial to us. this book is perfect for those who get bored when faced with lengthy paragraphs of technical jargon — there are plenty of diagrams and other visual aids to explain the concepts and theories discussed in this book.

book #7: the power of habit by charles duhigg

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Have you ever met someone who led an unhealthy life and managed to change that overnight? a smoker who quit or an overweight person who is now a fitness star. maybe you even know someone who was once unemployed and unsuccessful and is now doing just fine. and maybe, you also have certain aspects of your life that you want to change, but you don’t know how. you’re stuck in the “before” stage, with no idea how to get to the “after.” Well, this book will guide you through the steps necessary to get to where you want to be and become the person you need to be. it all starts with changing your habits.

Backed by research from multiple case studies, The Power of Habit demonstrates that while changing bad habits isn’t easy, it can be done with consistent reinforcement. Author Charles Duhigg will guide you through a step-by-step process so he can begin to identify and change his bad habits into good ones. By following the advice in this book, you can easily transform your business, your community, and more importantly, his life.

Book #8: Who Moved My Cheese? by spencer johnson

change is always daunting. however, it is not in our interest to turn away from it, but rather we should boldly move towards it. who moved my cheese? it is exactly that; illustrates the importance of adapting to the constant and unexpected changes that we will experience in our personal and work lives. The tips in this book will help you learn how to lower your stress while increasing your success in all aspects of your work and life. Plus, Johnson’s fun and engaging writing style ensures this is an entertaining read he won’t regret.

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book #9: freakonomics by steven d. levitt

You may not be interested in economics, but you should read freakonomics anyway. In this book, author Steven D. Levitt explores a number of interesting facts including how crack gangs work, real estate agents’ true motivations, how to tell cheating schoolteachers from honest ones, the secrets of the Klu Klux Klan, and much more. then he explains all these phenomena with concepts from microeconomics, ultimately showing that if morality represents how we would like the world to work, economics represents how it actually works. His theories on how the legalization of abortion was directly related to declining rates of violent crime, as well as how sumo wrestling in Japan is one of the most corrupt sports, are new, original, and well-researched. Levitt presents his arguments and theories with a charming and engaging writing style that will keep you reading for the stories, if not the science behind them.

Book #10: Outliers: The Malcolm Gladwell Success Story

another gladwell book is on the list. outliers are about the outliers of our society — those that are at the very edge of the bell curve (on the positive side). discusses the vital question everyone has been asking for years: what makes great achievers different? Because once we know how successful people succeed, we can also achieve our goals.

outliers introduces a concept that may not be new, but certainly hasn’t received much attention: that we shouldn’t focus on the character traits of successful people, but instead focus on their past. what is your culture like? What type of family and socioeconomic level did they grow up in? what generation are they in? only by looking at their past can we find the secret of their success, ie. what shaped them into the person they are today. Malcolm Gladwell thus explains the secrets of software billionaires, why Asians are good at math, and even why the Beatles were the best rock band. So if he’s wondering why he hasn’t “made it” yet, why you haven’t achieved the success you envisioned for yourself, pick up this book and read it. the answers you need may be contained there.

what’s next?

we understand that the most read books are not always the best. That’s why, in the next article, we will show you the best rated self-help books.

We’ve also started a movement called booktoaction, with the goal of helping people put knowledge from the best self-help books into practice. We currently publish a lot of content for free on our website, www.booktoaction.com, and we’re working on a revolutionary app that will transform it to superhuman standards. Take a look and send us your comments!

article author: abyramy srikanth, data and analysis generated by greg swierad

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