The 5 Best Books on Living in the Moment | Bloomsoup

Living in the moment is another way of describing mindfulness, something many apply to their daily lives.

means observing your surroundings in the present and being in touch with your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations.

You are reading: Books about living in the moment

To get you started with this vital life skill, here are some of the best books on the subject.

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the best books on how to live in the moment

1. the power of now : a guide to spiritual enlightenment by eckhart tolle

The title says it all, really. tolle draws on various spiritual traditions to explain the benefits of self-reflection and living in the moment. the book argues that the present is the only real period of time: everything else is constructed.

Use this argument to help you let go of any feelings of control over your life, as only the present is what matters. Instead of letting go of the future altogether, the book explains how your present is more important.

The book provides a general understanding of the concepts of mindfulness and meditation to slow down and avoid stress. overall, it’s a comprehensive look at the failings of modern life.

however, personally, I had a hard time relating to tolle’s description of his “awakening”, as I had never encountered anything like it in my own life. if you can get past this, the book is awesome.


  • teaches important mindfulness techniques.
  • useful for stress reduction.
  • uses spirituality without being spiritual.
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  • Potentially irrelevant ‘waking up’ story.

2. mindfulness: a practical guide to finding peace in a hectic world by mark williams and danny penman

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The goal of this book is to be accessible and useful to the average person. despite being written by an oxford professor, it manages to pull it off.

offers a variety of simple yet effective mindfulness techniques that can be used every day. the book teaches relaxation and stress reduction based on methods you can apply at your desk, during your commute, etc.

Unlike other mindfulness books, it doesn’t rely heavily on philosophy and spirituality. instead, he cuts to the chase and knows his modern audience wants quick and easy techniques.

its main drawback is that it depends on the reader finding up to 20 minutes a day to practice. some may find this difficult, although this is not really the fault of the book. As long as you can find the time, his techniques will come in handy.


  • easy to read.
  • applicable techniques to reduce stress.
  • not based on spiritualism or philosophy.


  • some may find it difficult to find time every day to practice.

3. the miracle of mindfulness: the classic guide to meditation by thich nhat hanh

thich nhat hanh is a Buddhist monk and prolific author. he writes books for modern audiences that apply ancient Buddhist techniques, and this one is no exception.

mindfulness, in essence, comes from meditation techniques, so who better to explain it than a Buddhist? hanh uses clear, accessible language with occasional humor to provide an easy-to-read book.

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teaches the reader everyday mindfulness skills, focusing on slowing life down and appreciating the positives. one example he uses is turning washing into a meditation period.

The first half of the book is light and airy, but it becomes much more complex in the second half. some readers may find this too heavy considering the topic, but it’s worth continuing.


  • written by a world-renowned Buddhist teacher.
  • teaches everyday mindfulness skills.
  • language is mostly legible.


  • the second half of the book is heavy.

4. wherever you go, there you are: mindfulness meditation for everyday life by jon kabat-zinn

jon kabat-zinn created the stress reduction clinic and mindfulness center at the university of massachusetts. he also studied with various Buddhist masters during his career. As such, it’s fair to assume he knows what he’s talking about.

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The book focuses on meditation as a scientific practice, using Kabat-Zinn’s research. offers exercises that are deliberately easy and can be done anywhere with any free time you may have.

In theory, his teachings are useful for both beginners and experienced meditators. however, those with experience may find them a bit vague, as is the case with introductory texts.

This is because the author does not get into the nitty-gritty of meditation techniques, which may make some feel the content is too fluffy. still, there should be some useful nuggets in there.


  • based on the author’s career.
  • comes from a leader in the field.
  • uses science to support claims about meditation.
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  • possibly nothing new to those versed in the subject.

5. mindfulness in plain english by bhante gunaratana

A common problem with mindfulness and meditation books is industry jargon. This is a problem with many self help industries. but, as the title suggests, this book tackles the subject in plain, simple language.

guides you through what he considers to be the facts and fictions of meditation while providing helpful techniques. there are many exercises and meditation strategies to help you reduce stress and live in the moment.

The writing style makes it useful for newcomers as they don’t have to learn a specific language. but it will also help experienced practitioners by breaking down established jargon.

one of the sacrifices you make is the depth you go. it is a side effect of the style of the language, since the easiest way to avoid jargon is to not mention it. the book serves as a useful supplement to earlier ones, as you could use it almost like a glossary for more difficult texts.


  • deliberately simple approach to mindfulness.
  • separates fact from fiction.
  • Useful for beginners and experienced meditators.


  • It lacks some depth.


Learning to live in the moment takes practice, particularly letting go of the past and the future. however, when done correctly, it can certainly reduce stress and anxiety.

hopefully one (or more) of the above books will guide you towards mindfulness. Click here for more books and recommended reading.

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