Recorder Books for Beginners: Best Recorder Books for Children|Children&039s Music Workshop

the history, value and importance of children learning to play the recorder

music education opens doors that help children move from school to the world around them, a world of work, culture, intellectual activity and human participation. The future of our nation depends on giving our children a well-rounded education that includes music.

You are reading: Recorder books for beginners

Music is a universal language that connects people of different languages, races and ages. Music has immense benefits for all age groups. Children, especially those who have the opportunity to learn music at a young age, tend to reap the greatest benefits from music as it helps their cognitive and physical development. if you ask any established musician around you, there’s a better chance that they picked up the soprano flute in their childhood, and this common instrument greatly contributed to their founding and career in music.

The tape recorder is an instrument that can greatly assist a child’s development in many ways, and this article will carefully highlight these benefits.


The recorder belongs to the family of woodwind musical instruments. The first recorder was made in the 16th century and got its name from the Latin word “recordari”, which is a combination of the word “re”, which means “again”, and “cor”, which means “heart”. . the direct meaning is to play something by first reflecting on it in the mind or simply, the act of learning by heart. this meaning precedes recording, that is, the act of writing something. the recorder is quite easy to play.

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There are five types of recorder, and they are sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and grand bass. Aside from these five, there are some recorders that have key systems similar to those of the flute and saxophone.

the important values ​​that children can obtain when learning to play the recorder

There are many benefits one can gain from learning music in general, but in this article, we will limit the focus to the benefits for children learning to play the soprano recorder.

Learning to play the recorder improves a child’s mental ability and function.

Research has shown that learning to play a musical instrument at a young age improves the mind. The recorder, like many musical instruments, aids in the development of both sides of a child’s brain. this happens when the child plays music from a musical score, an exercise that presents the two sides of the rain.

good base for flute, saxophone and other instruments

The knowledge gained from learning to play the recorder is useful when the child decides to switch to a larger and more advanced instrument such as the flute and saxophone. This is because the skills gained from learning to play the recorder will be easily adaptable because the key system of the flute and saxophone share some similarities with the recorder. Some of the skills mastered playing the recorder will also be required for these instruments. skills include:

  • breath control
  • coordinated finger movement
  • emotional connection to music
  • ability to read sheet music
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builds confidence in children

Playing the flute in front of an audience is an amazing building block of confidence for children. When a child gets to perform in front of an audience during a recital, he feels much better when he performs and receives applause from the audience.

instills discipline and tolerance

Learning to play the recorder requires a lot of commitment and perseverance. mastering the act of playing the flute implies the ability to know the importance of discipline and tolerance.

enhances creativity in children

Learning to play the flute opens a child to new ways of expressing themselves. it makes them look at things beyond the norm and open up new perspectives. understanding the basic rules and using those rules creatively is all there is to music. these creative expressions allow you to play in a way that sounds beautiful and appealing to listeners.

there are many more benefits that a child can get from learning to play the flute, more any musical instrument. It’s no surprise that research has shown that many people who make waves in different areas of life have been involved with a musical instrument in their formative years.

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