Best Healthcare Books for Healthcare Professionals | GW University

Young female student study with her laptop under light bulbs;Education is a journey without a destination. Regardless of where you are in your healthcare career, personal and professional growth is vital to your continued success. Even a hospital CEO may gain a new perspective or delve deeper into an industry subset.

put yourself in someone else’s shoes or catch up on the latest innovations when you choose any of these 25 books.

You are reading: Best books for healthcare professionals

1. strength finder 2.0 by tom rath

many professionals believe they must overcome adversity before they can succeed. When a skill or situation seems difficult, professional standards dictate that you simply work harder. this book suggests otherwise. Instead of advising readers on how to correct their shortcomings, the author focuses on how readers can develop their natural strengths. strengthsfinder 2.0 directs readers to an online quiz designed to help them understand personal strengths so they can better manage and work with others. the book and online materials can help health professionals better understand and use their strengths.

2. policy and politics of medicaid by judith d. Moore and David G. blacksmith

this book understands that medicaid is a “weak right” less established than medicare or social security, but safer than welfare and food stamps. The authors emphasize both politics and politics in an accessible way, while attempting to help readers distinguish analysis-based politics from partisan ideology. This updated version takes into account changes in the Affordable Care Act and includes a current glossary. If you’re involved in Medicaid policy, you’ll benefit from reading this book.

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3. the creative destruction of medicine by eric topol, m.d.

Although the phrase “creative destruction” has a negative connotation, this book describes the positive impact of individualized medicine on the health industry. the author suggests using the genome and digital technologies to understand individuals at a biological level to determine the appropriate medical intervention. Although this book was published in 2012, the ideas in it are still relevant today. The book contains a new postscript to address the current health care revolution and how mobile technology has transformed our lives.

4. the checklist manifesto: how to do it right by atul gawande

The combination of life and health care has produced many productive multitaskers, but this book suggests that we may have lost the ability to organize and deliver a consistent experience. the author argues that we can produce and specialize more, and make better use of technology, by using simple checklists in surgery and in daily life.

5. leadership is an art by max depree

This revised edition addresses leadership as a type of management by emphasizing the importance of cultivating relationships, initiating ideas, and creating an overall value system within an organization. According to the author, a resourceful leader should:

  • enable others to reach their personal and institutional potential
  • develop, express and defend values
  • nurture future leaders to strengthen and consolidate the corporate culture

6. Becoming the Best: Building a World-Class Organization Through Values-Based Leadership by Harry M. kramer

The author believes that one can become a better leader after achieving the best of oneself. This simple, practical guide applies values-based principles to help the reader create a personalized framework for leadership success. Using case studies and personal experience, Kraemer prescribes four principles to improve five areas of a reader’s career and life.

7. complications: a surgeon’s notes on an imperfect science by atul gawande

Through first-hand accounts of his own surgical experience, the author offers a comprehensive view of what happens during surgical complications. This book can enlighten anyone in medicine and healthcare, whether behind the scalpel or behind the computer. Gawande’s stories are heartfelt, personal reminders that doctors are people, too.

8. the garden of comfort: tales from the trauma unit by laurie barkin

Told from the perspective of a trauma nurse, this book is about the plight of people who have survived massive trauma before being admitted to the hospital. these real-life stories highlight the impact of such trauma on patients and everyone in their lives, including their caregivers.

9. how doctors think by jerome groopman

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groopman set out to bust the myths by examining the relationship between doctors and their patients. Exploring the thought processes behind doctors’ decisions, the author points out why doctors are successful and why they are wrong. this is a must read for anyone who wants to understand how clinicians can implement skills to profoundly impact our health.

10. who moved my cheese? by spencer johnson

This parable takes place in a labyrinth. Two mice and two people navigate the maze, with each group having a completely different relationship to the cheese they seek. For Hem and Haw humans, cheese is more than sustenance; it is his life and sustenance. Readers are likely to relate cheese to something in their own lives, be it a job, money, or a career. who moved my cheese? is recommended for those who may fear or resist change.

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11. randy pausch’s last lecture

After Pausch learned he had terminal pancreatic cancer, he gave an hour-long video presentation outlining his philosophy on the importance of hard work and perseverance. This book expands on the topics presented in his lecture and can be of value to any professional trying to balance work and life.

12. too busy for your own good: get more done in less time with even more energy by connie merritt

Although this book is geared toward women, both men and women can benefit from her advice on how to prioritize, when to say no, and how to get more done in less time. In our fast-paced world, these are skills that all professionals need.

13. How Not to Die: Surprising Lessons on Living Longer, Safer, and Healthier by Jan Garavaglia

Using anecdotes from his cases, medical examiner dr. Jan Garavaglia gives readers advice on how to live a longer, healthier life. the author also shares information about what she believes are the easiest deaths to prevent. the book covers accident prevention, medical hygiene, and everyday hazards.

14. helping kids overcome fear in a medical setting by rob luka

This easy-to-read guide empowers kids and adults alike to turn fear into cooperation. the book is a useful tool for anyone in the medical industry, regardless of rank. Managers and executives may not work directly with children, but they must understand the unique challenges of those who do.

15. a world free from complaints by will bowen

bowen’s message is simple: stop complaining. he proposes that life improves when you stop focusing on the negative. the book poses a challenge: stop complaining for 21 days. when the complaining stops, the mind focuses less on negativity, leaving room for more positive changes.

16. conspiracies of kindness: the profession of compassion at the side of the sick by michael ortiz

ortiz proposes that compassion is a trade that can be learned, practiced and perfected. Drawing on his experience in nursing, the author offers educational stories about interactions with patients who demonstrate compassion and kindness. Health professionals at any level can benefit from reading this educational and inspiring book.

17. the immortal life of henrietta is missing by rebecca skloot

In 1951, Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with terminal cervical cancer and treated at Johns Hopkins University. During her treatment, Dr. George Gey took a sample of Henrietta’s cells without her knowledge; these cells have been cultured and used in experiments for the last 60 years. the missing family did not know about the cells or their profits until 20 years after her death. This well-written nonfiction book explores the contribution of these cells to science and how the ordeal has affected her family.

18. The Soul of a Doctor by Susan Pories, M.D., Sachin H. Jain and Gordon Harper, M.D.

This book offers a glimpse into the emotional journey third-year medical students face as they begin to assume clinical responsibilities. For most, these students are facing real crises with real people for the first time, and must put their emotions aside to make potentially life-saving decisions. every doctor takes it personally, and this book provides a raw and emotional perspective on doctors that the general population often misses.

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19. in stitches by anthony youn, m.d.

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youn writes about growing up as one of two Asian-American children in a small Midwestern town and how he chose the path to become a doctor. Readers will relate to this hilarious coming-of-age story.

20. the patient will see you now: the future of medicine is in your hands by eric topol

eric topol showcases an alternative vision of medicine that puts more power and control in the hands of patients. topol shares innovative ideas like using a smartphone to get quick blood test results or monitor vital signs. these insights could empower a patient to get a diagnosis without seeing a doctor, and the process could result in substantial financial savings. this may well be the future of healthcare.

21. In Search of Good Medicine: Hospital Marketing Strategies to Engage Healthcare Consumers by Brand d. shipley

As American healthcare reforms, patients have a larger role in the healthcare decision-making process. In this book, Shipley proposes new ways to attract and engage these empowered patients. In Search of Good Medicine provides an executive view of the current state of healthcare and expands on a protocol to help organizations stay competitive in this market. this book is especially beneficial for those in the healthcare marketing field.

22. The Emperor of All Diseases: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee, M.D.

siddhartha mukherjee won the pulitzer prize for this account of the history and biology of cancer. cancer is a disease with which humans have lived and perished for more than five thousand years. This cancer biography includes discoveries, victories, endorsements, and deaths. the emperor of all evils is an enlightening book that brings clarity and demystifies cancer.

23. Why I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy With Autism by Naoki Higashida, K.A. yoshida (translator), david mitchell (translator)

The Reason I Jump is a collection of short stories illustrating life with autism. offers a unique perspective: the author is a 13-year-old boy with autism. reading these stories offers an instrumental understanding of autism for health professionals.

24. The President is a Sick Man: In which the supposedly virtuous Grover Cleveland survives a secret surgery at sea and vilifies the brave journalist who dared to expose the truth by Matthew Algeo

this is the story of president stephen grover cleveland and the huge cancerous lesion that was removed from his hard palate during his presidency. the president is a sick man talks about the surgery and the doctors involved. this book provides the history, conspiracy, and surgical technique surrounding the incident.

25. The Knife Man: Blood, Body Snatching, and the Birth of Modern Surgery by Wendy Moore

john hunter was one of the most outstanding surgeons of his time. many argue that his eccentricity pushed him to discover the secrets of the human body that define modern surgery. The hunter’s efforts to advance medical knowledge of him included stealing bodies and spreading venereal diseases.

This list of recommended reading is intended to supplement your continuing education and provide varied perspectives. the chosen books offer a comprehensive overview of the healthcare industry, which would be especially useful to anyone interested in healthcare management.

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