20 Best Simple Living Books To Inspire Your Mind In 2022 | ThePlainSimpleLife

As we start a new year, it’s natural to think about how you want your life to be this year. what will make it a better year? one way to find out is by exploring simple life books.

A book on the simple life can give you inspiration to declutter your home and simplify your life in general. offer practical tips for reducing stress levels, which often come from having less clutter in the house or being able to live more frugally. Books exploring these topics are perfect if you just need a little push before changing any part of your lifestyle.

You are reading: Books on simple living

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If you’re looking for a little inspiration to help jumpstart your journey toward a more focused life, or if you’re tired of living with too much, then you’ll want to check out these best simple living books. With everything from decluttering and organizing tips to tips for living a more fulfilling life with less, these books are sure to motivate and inspire you.

here are 20 simple living books to help you take back control of your life this year.

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here are 20 simple life books to help you take back control of your life this year

1. the joy of less by francine jay

the joy of less is a fun and cheerful book about minimalist life. is one of the first books I read when I began my path towards minimalism.

Your guide is divided into four parts:

Part 1 describes the many benefits and rewards of decluttering and downsizing, and why leading a simple life can lead to a much happier, more fulfilling life.

part 2 covers purging, organizing, sorting drawers and cabinets, installing systems to maintain order once purging is complete. Francine calls this the steam line method.

We are not what we possess; we are what we do, what we think and who we love.

part 3 shows us exactly how to use the simplified method to approach each room in your home individually.

part 4 is a chapter on minimizing your to-do list and freeing up your time so you have more time to enjoy life. then wraps it all up and covers how to maintain a simple lifestyle and how to keep a clear space clear.

the joy of less is a useful book for those who want to order their lives, but need guidance on how to start and where to start the process. it’s a lot like having your own personal guide by your side when you start out.

2. present over perfect: leaving the frenetic behind for a simpler, more soulful way of life by shauna niequist

We, the human race, tend to think we have to be perfect to be successful. we have this idea that if we are not perfect, then our lives are not good. this drives us to strive for perfection, even if it is at the expense of being present in our own lives.

present over perfect follows niequist’s journey from being constantly on the go, tired and burnt out to slowing down, simplifying her life and living with intention. In this inspiring read, Niequist discusses hectic schedules, constant comparison with neighbors and friends, the feeling that she was constantly behind on her life goals, and how it all affected her mental health.

Also read: mental minimalism: how living with less can improve your mental health

the world will tell you how to live, if you let it. don’t let it take up your space. raise your voice. sing your song this is your chance to make or remake a life that excites you.

present over perfect is a book about living a life without guilt or shame, and enjoying the beauty of what you have instead of constantly striving for more. it also discusses how taking small moments to appreciate your surroundings can lead to a simple yet fulfilling life.

This book is a great read for those who feel burned out or feel like they’re not living the life they want because they don’t have time to do what they enjoy. It’s also valuable reading for those who feel their lives and relationships are lacking without having so much.

3. the paradox of choice by barry schwartz

Have you ever found yourself with so many options that you freeze, not knowing what to do, and end up trying to have everything in place? Do you end up coming home from the stores with five things instead of the one you needed because you couldn’t make the right choice?

The Paradox of Choice discusses psychological theories that explain why having too many choices can have a negative impact on decision-making and overall happiness. This book explores the real-world importance of having more choices and how it affects our everyday lives as consumers, employees, and citizens.

Learning to choose is difficult. learning to choose well is more difficult. and learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is even more difficult, perhaps too much.

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schwartz also presents some helpful tips for finding satisfaction in the decisions you make and devising a strategy to help you make the right choices.

While this book doesn’t directly discuss the simple life, it certainly helps to understand why having less can lead to happier life. By consciously narrowing down our options, we can keep life manageable and focus on the things that really matter.

4. poignant simplicity: how living with less can lead to so much more by courtney carver

Stirring Simplicity is probably one of my favorite books that has inspired me to live a simpler life.

When author courtney carver was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she knew she had to slow down and reduce the amount of stress she faced as a result of her busy lifestyle. this spoke volumes to me due to my own battles with stress and chronic illnesses.

soulful simplicity is about giving up the “badge of honor” that comes from being busy all the time for no real purpose. it’s about eliminating the things that don’t add to your life and nurturing yourself.

start thinking about what really matters to you. if you’re not sure at first, don’t worry. sometimes you have to get rid of the things that don’t matter to let the things that do come to the surface.

carver looks at how living with less stuff can give you more freedom, lightness, and clarity of thought so you can focus on what’s important to you.

gives advice on how to simplify your home, your schedule, and even your approach to life. she encourages you to take time for yourself every day, find ways to enjoy life’s little moments, and make conscious decisions when it comes to the things you own, do, and say.

Also read: How living a simple life in a modern world can help you find happiness

This book is a must read for those who feel overwhelmed by life. It’s also a good read for those who feel their life is controlled or dictated by material possessions, time pressures, or even chronic illness.

5. essentialism: the disciplined search for less by greg mckeown

Are you overloaded, overbooked and overwhelmed? a busy life can often make us feel like we’re chasing our tails. We may feel like there isn’t enough time for everything, so we prioritize what’s important to us.

however, this could be at the expense of things that will help us feel more satisfied.

essentialism shows how we can gain control over our lives by focusing on what is essential and learning to say ‘no’ in order to make time for the things that really matter. encourages readers to forge their own unique path and not be afraid to stand out from the crowd.

The message of this book is simple: less is more. it’s about questioning whether each activity you undertake adds value to your life and not doing anything that doesn’t align with your values, passions, or reason for being alive. these are the things that matter most in life, so it makes sense to get rid of everything else.

The unimportance of just about everything cannot be overstated.

While being productive is important, this book encourages you to focus on doing only the things that matter so you don’t overcommit or take on too much at once.

This book will resonate with those who feel like their life is slipping away and they are no longer in control. If you feel overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, or feel like your time is constantly being interrupted, then this book will encourage you to look within for the answer to achieving more with less.

6. all that remains: a memoir of the minimalists

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all that remains is written by joshua fields millburn and ryan nicodemus, better known as the minimalists.

It’s about two men who were successful in traditional careers but hated what they did with their lives. they felt they were sacrificing precious time to accumulate wealth only to end up dying disappointed, broke, and dissatisfied.

In this book, minimalists share personal stories about the journey to minimalism and how it can transform your life. All material possessions are examined in detail to determine if they add value or bring you joy. if not, then minimalists encourage readers to let go of their attachment to these things.

You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.

Minimalists encourage you to stop mindlessly consuming and live a life of intention by focusing on what really matters most, like the people in your life, the experiences, and the things that make you happy.

“It is not an instruction book, but a why book”.

This book will inspire those who feel their lives lack meaning or purpose and want to start living a simpler, less cluttered existence.

Also read: 20 minimalist blogs you must read to discover in 2022

7. More or Less: Finding the Life You Want Beneath Everything You Own by Joshua Becker

Joshua Becker is one of the most influential voices in the minimalist living movement, and he’s also becoming a minimalist. he has made hundreds of thousands of people reconsider their lives and choices and is by far my biggest influence when it comes to my minimalist journey.

more from less encourages you to reduce the number of things in your life, while also reconsidering what is more important. will help you realize that buying material possessions is not a ticket to happiness, and offers suggestions on how to free yourself from constant consumption so you can focus on living with more meaning and purpose.

The first step to creating the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t want.

becker passionately believes that we can live better with less, becoming more carefree and happy in the process. he believes you can have everything you need without cluttering your life with superfluous material possessions that only serve to drain your energy.

This book is perfect for those who are overwhelmed by their possessions and are looking for less stress and more happiness.

8. the power of less: the fine art of sticking to the essentials… in business and in life by leo babauta

The Power of Less encourages readers to take control of their lives and focus on what really matters most.

leo babauta is a minimalist blogger and zen habit builder who has become one of the most read simplicity and productivity blogs on the web.

This book will resonate with those who feel their life needs simplification and want to cut back on wasteful spending and excess. It will help you see your life differently and find new and better ways to live so you can be happier with the way you spend your time.

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doing a lot of stuff doesn’t mean you’re doing anything meaningful.

provides simple steps to do more by doing less. the clue is in the title itself: the power of less. babauta teaches that we should divest ourselves of all non-essential tasks and focus only on the basics that are essential to our happiness.

9. zen: the art of living simply by shunmyō masuno

Zen: The Art of Living Simply is a beautifully written guide by Buddhist monk Shunmyō Masuno to Zen philosophy and the ways its teachings can be applied to everyday life.

Contains easy, practical lessons on learning to live simply in 100 days or less. you will learn to find happiness by making small changes in what you do, your interaction with others and appreciate the present moment. inner peace and calm are at the heart of this book.

Those who do not pay attention to their steps cannot know themselves, and cannot know where their life is going.

the author shows you how to clear your life and mind of the outside world and achieve happiness through detachment and inner peace, all while maintaining a healthy work-life balance

This book will inspire those who want to lead a more peaceful, rich and meaningful life by looking within themselves through the practice of Zen philosophy. is perfect for anyone interested in Buddhism or who just wants to simplify their life and find what really matters.

10. down to earth: a guide to the simple life by rhonda hetzel

with your feet on the ground is a practical guide to simplify your life in a sustainable way. is designed to help you see minimalist living in a whole new light and provides the necessary inspiration and practical advice for anyone looking to downsize their life.

I was pushed into a simple life before I knew what it was. she sneaked up on me using the smallest steps and didn’t reveal the true beauty and real power of her until I was completely hooked.

will teach you simple, practical habits that can make your life more rewarding while saving you money and reducing your impact on the environment.

You will learn how to grow your own tomatoes, make soap from scratch, preserve fruit, and bake bread, in an effort to maintain a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Also read: simple no-waste swaps to use at home

If you prefer to listen to audiobooks, most of these are available on audio to listen to rather than read. you can get two free audiobooks here!

11. the year of less by cait flanders

This inspiring and insightful book really resonated with me as I had a similar journey as the author.

in her late 20s, cait flanders found herself trapped in a cycle of consumerism, fueled by the mounting pressures of adulthood. She began to recognize that her life was out of control and she felt increasingly unhappy with the way she used.

A lesson I’ve learned countless times over the years is that every time you let go of something negative in your life, you make room for something positive.

From this, the year of less was born: a challenging experiment in which cait committed to buying only consumable items (groceries, toiletries and other day-to-day essentials) for a whole year. he gave up alcohol, banned television and stopped buying clothes.

throughout her year off, cait reduced her belongings by 70% and was able to pay off $30,000 of debt along the way.

This book is a raw, personal and witty account of his journey towards minimalism. It’s packed with helpful tips for cutting her expenses while learning how to improve his lifestyle.

12. the life-changing magic of tidying up by marie kondo

Marie Kondo is a household name by this stage and her show was one of the first I saw that inspired me. To this day, my clothes are still folded as she shows on her TV show!

The life-changing magic of decluttering is a must-read for anyone who is tired of living in clutter and wants to transform their home into a place of beauty, peace, and inspiration.

The question of what you want to own is really the question of how you want to live your life.

the konmari method has the power to help you embrace minimalism by simplifying your life and removing all the negative influences that act like an invisible weight on our shoulders.

marie kondo teaches how to love what you have and keep only the things that “spark joy” inside you. you can let go of everything else, thanking the elements for being a part of your life and the joy they once brought you.

13. you can buy happiness (and it’s cheap) by tammy strobel

I have to admit, even though you’re never supposed to judge a book by its cover, I saw the title of this one and was very intrigued!

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Tammy Strobel and her husband were once your average middle-class couple: a long commute, two cars, and a life beyond their means. they are now living a life with less debt, less stress, and less stress.

You can be happier if you help others, donate to charity and buy some little goodies.

you can buy happiness is a light-hearted approach to minimalism and happiness. contains inspirational words to help you reduce the amount of things you own while helping you become more aware of how to live your life.

This book is perfect for anyone who feels like they’re drowning in things and wants to simplify their life fast. It’s upbeat, inspiring, and will help take the pressure off your shoulders!

14. digital minimalism: choosing a focused life in a noisy world by cal newport

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll find it hard to put your phone down. it seems that we always have our phones glued to our hands: facebook, instagram and other social media platforms, it becomes addictive!

cal newport says it may be better for us to set boundaries with our devices and design the life we ​​want using technology rather than letting our smartphones dictate how we spend our time.

digital minimalism a philosophy of using technology where you focus your time online on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support the things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.


digital minimalism is a guide to help you control the noise and distractions of technology and focus on what is truly important in your life. cal newport provides tips such as turning off notifications and taking regular breaks without using the device.

This book is a great read for anyone who wants to enjoy their time uninterrupted, free from the distractions of technology, while staying connected with friends and family.

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15. the little book of hygge: danish secrets to a happy life by meik wiking

hygge (pronounced hue-guh) is a major new trend and lifestyle for countless people looking to live a happier life.

the little hygge book has become an international bestseller and will help you embrace hygge living in every aspect of your world. hygge is a way of life that encourages you to spend more time with your loved ones, while embracing your inner warmth and happiness.

Live life today as if there were no coffee tomorrow.

This book will help you embrace the art of comfort, even as you face the harshness of winter! is full of practical advice on how to introduce more hygiene into your life, from lighting candles to preparing a meal with your loved ones.

if you need to fall in love with your home again, then this is the perfect book for you!

Also read: how minimalism and hygge make a cozy home

16. simple matters: living with less and ending with more by erin boyle

erin boyle teaches how to live with less and embrace a lifestyle of material simplicity. its goal is to show you how to free yourself from the excess stuff in your life, so you can focus on what’s most important.

Simple Matters will help you discover new ways to simplify your home and life. contains practical tips on how to declutter your space and that living simply and with purpose is more sustainable for your life.

When I think of adding something new to my home, I think of its beauty first, its usefulness second, and finally its staying power.

This is the perfect book for anyone looking to live with less stuff and therefore more freedom! If you’re interested in minimalism but find it too daunting a challenge, this is the perfect read for you.

17. simply living well: a guide to creating a low-waste, natural home by julia watkins

just living well is packed with useful and practical advice on how to create a more natural home with less waste. will teach you easy ways to reduce your waste while becoming more self-sufficient in your home.

julia watkins helps you make simple changes to a zero-waste lifestyle and, where possible, introduce reusable items into your life to waste less. you’ll get handy checklists of easy changes you can make at home to help with sustainable living.

I believe there is no better way to enrich your life than to learn about how things used to be and include in your daily routine at least a few time-honored practices and traditions whose simplicity and charm nurture the mind, body and spirit.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey to a more environmentally conscious home or want to take your natural lifestyle to the next level, this book is perfect for anyone looking for easy ways to help create a greener home. ecological.

18. living with less: an unexpected key to happiness by joshua becker

another great book by joshua becker, living with less is aimed at teens and young adults.

From day one, we’re programmed to constantly want more. And how can you not do it, with ads, social networks and the world at your fingertips?

having less is better than organizing more.

living with less aims to influence the future of young people to take control of their lives from the culture that constantly tells us what we need to be happy. encourages readers to rethink their priorities, get rid of excess stuff, and instead embrace a simpler life by focusing on what’s really important.

This book will help young people adopt a simple and practical life, which is the key to happiness.

19. slow: simple life for a hectic world by brooke mcalary

Have you decided to adopt a simpler lifestyle and manage your home with more simplicity and less chaos, but that overwhelming feeling still haunts you? Do you want to simplify your life, but you don’t know how it will be possible?

Slow: Simple Living for a Hectic World is the perfect book for the person who wants a simple life, but has too much to do. brooke mcalary describes the slow life as “getting away from endless demands to constantly succeed and acquire more and more.”

Always pay attention to what we are doing and why we are doing it. use it as a tool, not a crutch

This book will teach you how to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. will help you adopt a less stressful lifestyle with down-to-earth advice on simplicity. Rather than overwhelm yourself trying to change everything at once, you can start practicing these techniques step by step until they become part of your daily routine.

another great read for the busy person who wants to take steps towards a simpler life.

20. the simple living guide: a sourcebook for a less stressful and more joyful life by janet luhrs

The Simple Living Guide has everything you need to know about deliberate and intentional living.

Author Janet Luhrs offers a wealth of great advice for creating a simpler lifestyle while offering encouragement and celebrating personal achievement. is perfect for the person who wants to take small steps towards a life with less stress and more joy.

This book is full of inspiration, encouragement and practical advice on how to live a simple life. offers advice on how to declutter your home, embrace minimalism, and be less wasteful.

The simple life is about living deliberately. the simple life is not about austerity, frugality or income level. it’s about being fully aware of why you’re living your particular life and knowing that life is one you’ve carefully chosen.

Whether you’re looking for motivation to start living with less or want more ideas on how to simplify your life in specific areas, this is a reference you’ll want to refer to along your journey or keep on hand as a reference! great resource!

so there you have it. twenty of the best simple living books to inspire simplicity in your life now and forever. I’ve included my favorite books on the simple life with their titles and authors and why they’re great for someone looking to simplify their life.

If you’re looking for a new book, why not consider one of these simple living books, or an audio book if you’re looking to reduce the number of physical books in your space?

Also read:

  • 50 powerful minimalist quotes to inspire simple living
  • how to downsize and simplify your life

Do you have any of these simple books about life? Which ones have resonated with you and the way you live your life?

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