The original Voldemort death scene in the film was wildly different

a tree grows at hogwarts

voldemort, excuse me, he who will not be named, is one of the most iconic villains of the 21st century and when he finally passed away in the harry potter series, it brought the entire series to a cathartic end.

You are reading: How did voldemort die in the books

although j.k. Since then, Rowling has revealed some big secrets about Harry Potter, and even though the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them series is going from strength to strength, it still feels like the childhood of an entire generation has come to an end.

however, one of the film’s visual effects supervisors has revealed in a recent interview that voldemort’s riveting death in harry potter and the deathly hallows: part 2 was actually one of several deaths they had planned for the character.


how did voldemort die in the books?

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if you can remember a decade ago j.k. harry potter and rowling’s deathly hallows, harry and voldemort squared off on the hogwarts grounds with everyone watching. at this point, harry and his friends had already destroyed all of voldemort’s horcruxes, fragments of his soul, and the only thing left to do was kill the dark lord himself. However, Voldemort saved Harry from the act by casting an Avada Kedavra Killing Curse with the Elder Wand, which backfired because the wand actually recognized Harry as its true owner and killed him. Instead of melting into ash, Voldemort just collapsed to the ground, like a normal human being, not a divine lord.

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how did voldemort die in the movie?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the final showdown was much more dramatic. Harry and Voldemort dove off a bridge, grappled, and then dueled in an explosive spectacle, before Harry’s spell overcame theirs. After that, Voldemort’s body disintegrated into layers upon layers of ash and floated away in the wind.

how was voldemort originally supposed to die?

greg butler, visual effects supervisor on the film, worked on different versions of voldemort’s death with two other visual effects artists. Instead of going down the low-key rowling path, they decided they wanted to transform it into a visual spectacle revolving around a blackened tree.

explained to the huffington post that they went through “a lot of concept art” and that there was “some crazy stuff.” elaborated on the more dramatic spectacle, saying: “[voldemort] turns into this blackened, charred tree form that’s growing and then that tree turns to ash and blows away…that’s how far we went for the way with some of these designs, trying to find something that you really can’t miss.’

how did they come up with their final death?

although the tree was a pretty crazy idea, it was a good starting point for what eventually became the final concept.

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Heavily influenced by blade runner, they decided to channel the same vibe from one of their character’s overall kills and explained, “[blade runner’s] character isn’t quite human [and] just stops having whatever it was inside him that kept it operational. voldemort, the shell, the humanoid form, is definitely gone, but what happened to the evil part? how do we make that go away?’


‘someone brought up the idea, ‘I like that he’s there in the middle of all this, but could anything be coming out of him?’ we start making little black particles coming out of it like that’s the darkness. energy, the evil of him recedes from him like some kind of gritty smoke.’

From there, the idea snowballed. he said, ‘we thought, ‘what are we going to do for the foreground?’ and we thought about the idea that the skin of it peels off, but it peels off in a tissue as thin as the skin of an onion that there would be multiple layers. he would rise with the wind.’

Turns out, fittingly, it was one of the last things produced for the movie. Butler explained: “That was one of the last shots we thought of for the film and produced for the film, at the last minute because it meant that it was the one shot that we had nothing to shoot for.” it was going to have to be a completely digital made up shot that took place inside hogwarts. But thankfully, not knowing we’d need it, Tim Burke had already had [the effects company] do a double negative to build a fully digital Hogwarts for the things he knew he needed and just because you never know what’s going to happen.” .

To be honest, we’re kind of curious about what voldemort’s original death would have been like. what did you think of tom marvolo riddle’s cinematic ending? did you prefer the book or the movie?

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