9 must-read books to make you a stronger communicator | The Enterprisers Project

Fortunately, there are plenty of tips on how to be a better communicator. We’ve rounded up some of the best books out there to help IT leaders deliver the right message, in the right way, at the right time, whether you’re having a difficult discussion with a subordinate, delivering critical data to the top address, present at a conference, persuade a colleague, or simply send a status update via email.

unleash the power of storytelling: win hearts, change minds, get results

by rob biesenbach

You are reading: Best books on communication

book description (via amazon): “the market is awash with a dizzying array of books, experts, and resources on business storytelling. this book cuts through the hype to clarify and demystify the storytelling process.

“unleash the power of storytelling” offers step-by-step instructions for finding, shaping, and telling powerful stories. You’ll learn about the essential ingredients that go into any good story and how to avoid common storytelling pitfalls.”

why you should read it: humans are emotional beings, and narratives appeal to that, allowing them to receive and digest information more easily. however, effective storytelling can often take practice. This hands-on how-to explains why stories work, offers a simple three-part template for crafting a narrative, and includes tips for refining stories and delivering them effectively. It also contains examples of how to use a narrative approach in various situations, such as company meetings, job interviews, and presentations.

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Do you like Biesenbach’s approach? Check out his other book, 11 Deadly Presentation Sins: A Path To Redemption For Public Speakers, PowerPoint Users, And Anyone Who Has To Get Up And Speak In Front Of An Audience, For 100 Tips On How To Save Yourself From PowerPoint Hell .

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five stars: the secrets of communication to go from good to excellent

rooster carmine

book description (via amazon): “ideas don’t sell themselves. As the forces of globalization, automation, and artificial intelligence combine to disrupt every field, having a good idea isn’t enough. Mastering the ancient art of persuasion is the key to standing out, getting ahead, and achieving greatness in the modern world. communication is no longer a ‘soft’ skill, it’s the human edge that will make you unstoppable, irresistible and irreplaceable, earning you that perfect rating, that fifth star.”

Why You Should Read It:Carmine Gallo, the author of Talk Like Ted (another great communication read), draws on Aristotle’s three-part formula of persuasion, which he says everyone Great communicators from the founding fathers of today’s most successful business leaders adhere: Ethos (credibility), Logos (logic), and Pathos (emotion). it also brings in neuroscientists, economists, historians, billionaires, and business leaders from companies like google, nike, and airbnb to illustrate how it works.

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just listen: discover the secret to reaching absolutely anyone

by mark goulston

book description (via amazon): “reaching out is a great art, indeed, but a fundamental one nonetheless. Whether you’re dealing with a harassed colleague, a stressed-out client, or an insecure spouse, things will go from bad to worse if you can’t break down emotional barriers and get your message across and register fully. Drawing on his experience as a psychiatrist, business consultant, and coach, author Mark Goulston shares simple yet powerful techniques readers can use to break through the stubborn, hardened outer layers of co-workers, friends, strangers, or even enemies.”

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why you should read it: how do you get people to listen to you? Goulston, a psychiatrist and business coach, offers tools and techniques for breaking down communication barriers, whether dealing with “challenging executives, angry employees, or self-destructing management teams.” Goulston brings her experience in training hostage negotiators to provide instruction on how to build empathy, reduce conflict, and gain buy-in.

we need to talk: how to have conversations that matter

by celeste headlee

book description (via amazon): “Today, most of us communicate behind electronic screens, and studies show that Americans feel less connected and more divided never. Some of this disconnect can be blamed on our political landscape, but the erosion of our conversation skills as a society falls on us as individuals.

And the only way forward, says Celeste Headlee, is to start talking to each other. In ‘We Need To Talk,’ she outlines the strategies that have made her a better conversationalist and offers simple tools that can improve anyone’s communication.”

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why you should read it: public radio host headlee has had many difficult conversations, often live and on air. Here, he shares some of his best tips for true engagement with other humans, even in the most contentious or awkward situations, like checking your bias at the door, hiding your phone, avoiding multitasking, being ready to learn, and never repeating yourself. .

power questions: building relationships, winning new business and influencing others

by andrew sobel and jerold panas

book description (via amazon): “deftly redefines problems. make an immediate connection with anyone. quickly determine if a customer is ready to buy. access the deepest dreams of others. ‘power questions’ lays out a series of strategic questions that will help you win new business and dramatically deepen your professional and personal relationships. The book features thirty-five real and fascinating conversations with CEOs, billionaires, clients, colleagues, and friends. each story illustrates the extraordinary power and impact of an incisive, thought-provoking power question.“

Why you should read it: A powerful question, the authors argue, can transform any conversation. It can even make the difference between great success and failure, as they illustrate with the example of how Steve Jobs’ single motivating question led to breakthroughs in Mac development. In another example, an unanswered question cost a major company a huge project bid. sobel and panas offer 337 “essential questions” related to 35 common business situations, whether you’re looking to refocus a meeting or understand someone else’s goals and motivations.

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