How Much Do Kindle Books Cost? [With Data Proof!] –

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So, you’re considering buying a kindle and wondering about the cost of books, or maybe you already have a kindle and think you’re overpaying. either way, it’s important to know how much kindle books cost!

You are reading: How much do books cost on a kindle

In general, the cost of a kindle book is usually between $4 and $15. the average price of kindle books is around $11. Some Kindle books are also available for free or at a substantially lower price (such as $0.99). kindle books are usually cheaper than hardcover or paperback books.

I’ve done a lot of calculations to answer this question myself. So, in this article, I’m going to share with you exactly how I arrived at these numbers. Plus, I’ll also share with you ways to get free books for your kindle!

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

A quick note before we start: If you plan on buying a kindle for reading, I recommend buying the paperwhite kindle version as you get the best bang for your buck with this one. model! it’s waterproof, has adjustable warm light, and has better screen resolution and front lighting than the basic kindle. It also has most of the important features of the more expensive kindle variants!

do you have to pay for books on kindle?

A lot of people think that since they’re paying to buy a kindle, they don’t have to pay for the books separately. after all, that makes sense (at least, in a perfect world!).

I mean, if you think about it, why should people pay for a kindle and also for books to read on a kindle when they can just buy and read the books directly in the first place? shouldn’t amazon give you free books since you paid for a kindle?

The reality is that kindle has many advantages over physical books and you have to pay for a kindle (the device) and the kindle books individually.

The good news is that Kindle books are often cheaper than hardcover or paperback versions of the same book! So, you save money by reading books on a kindle. Plus, there are ways you can read free books on your kindle (which I’ll talk about later in this article).

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In fact, in my other article trying to figure out if a kindle is still worth buying, I actually did some math and figured you can easily recoup the cost of your kindle in just about 6 months of casual reading!

so even if you have to pay for the books when you read them on a kindle, you’ll actually save money in the long run by reading the kindle edition of the books!

how much do kindle books cost?

Kindle device kept next to books

I’ve already alluded to the indicative cost of Kindle books earlier in the article.

what’s interesting is that although you can see the cost of each kindle book before you make a purchase, you can’t really know how much you normally pay when you buy kindle books on average.

So, I did some research and crunched some numbers.

I reviewed about 54 books on amazon for their price. Nearly every book I chose for this research was labeled “editor’s pick” or “best seller.”

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I wanted to consider best-selling books so I could come up with a more realistic number and replicate general user behavior as closely as possible (most people like to read books that do well).

here is the data collected for the research in tabular format –

Based on this research, here’s what I found out about the price of kindle books!

  • The cost of best-selling kindle books typically ranges from $4 to $15 .
  • the most expensive kindle book in the range was priced at $19.36
  • the cheapest kindle book was priced at around $3.99
  • the average price of an edition kindle of a book was $11.80

The 54 books awarded is perhaps too small a data set by some standards. however, this does give an indication of what you can expect the price range of kindle books to be.

Are kindle books cheaper than regular books?

The next thing you might be wondering is if kindle books are cheaper than their hardcover or paperback counterparts.

Generally speaking, kindle editions of books are usually cheaper than hardcover or paperback versions of the same book on amazon. On average, the kindle version of the book is 36.5% cheaper than the hardcover version and 32% cheaper than the paperback version of the same book.

again, this is a generalization based on data from several books. So when you buy a single book on Amazon, the difference can vary. however, you’ll see a similar trend for multiple books you buy over a period of time.

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During the research I mentioned earlier in the article, I also collected the prices for the paperback and hardcover versions of the same set of books.

here are some conclusions i was able to derive from the data –

  • The price of hardcover books typically ranged from $13 to $22
  • Similarly, the price of paperback versions of books typically ranged between $11 and $20
  • on average, the kindle editions of the books were 36.56% cheaper than the hardcover versions of the same books
  • the kindle editions of the books were 31.97% cheaper than the paperback versions of the same books on average
  • the versions of Paperback books are typically cheaper than hardcover books by around 6.75% on average

also, some kindle versions of books are priced significantly lower than their hardcover or paperback versions.

Here’s an example of the book from Jennifer Armentrout “The War of Two Queens”. As you may notice, the Kindle edition of the book costs less than a third of the hardcover version, and less than half of the paperback versions!

There are many other similar cases that you will encounter when buying books over a period of time.

Fun fact: You can save money on some books by changing the country of your kindle store. Be sure to read my other article on how to change your kindle store country to save money on book purchases.

another interesting observation was that there was only 1 case out of 54 books where a hardcover version of a book was cheaper than a kindle edition.

however, there were 9 cases out of 54 books where the paperback version was cheaper than the kindle edition. That said, the difference was usually $1-$2.

If this makes you think, “should you buy a kindle?, my answer would definitely be yes!

can you get free kindle books?

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Fortunately, there are several ways to get free Kindle books. Actually, there are quite a few different sites where you can get free ebooks. however, not all sites are legitimate.

That said, here are some of my favorite ways to get free books to read on kindle.

1. using main reading

One way to read free books is through core reading. You will need to be an Amazon Prime Member to access books with Prime Reading. you get access to thousands of books through a rotating catalog in core reading.

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however, you can only read about 10 books at a time for free. That said, you’ll be able to read more books as you return old books.

See my in-depth article on amazon prime reading and how to access prime reading regardless of whether you’re an amazon prime member.

2. free books on amazon

There’s also a hidden way to find free books on amazon! it is hidden as there is no direct link to access these books. (I also have a hard time locating it from time to time).

however, you can easily access free books on amazon using this link. the books available at this link change as prices change.

Here’s an example of a book that is free to read on your Kindle (for $0).

One thing to keep in mind is that sometimes not all the books shown in the link are free. so be sure to check the price of the book before downloading it.

3. using unlimited kindle

Another way to read books for free is through kindle unlimited.

kindle unlimited offers access to millions of books. It allows you to read as many books as you want without limitation or stipulation. so, in that sense, it’s really free.

however, there is a subscription cost attached to the service. It is priced at $9.99 per month. so technically, it’s not free. however, this drastically reduces the cost of the books, since you can read as many books as you like.

4. project gutenberg

project gutenberg is an online library of free books. is one of the best free resources to get books online.

is an open source project where you don’t need to pay to read e-books. however, their collection is a bit limited and not as big as amazon’s. however, you can access over 60,000 books to read.

5. librivox

librivox is another one of my favorite sites for free, legitimate e-books to read.

librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit, ad-free project run entirely by volunteers. what’s really cool is that you can also access audiobooks of some of the classics! therefore, you can use the sites not only for ebooks but also for audiobooks.

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