Can You Make Money Reading Books on YouTube? | Tubefluence

there are many different ways to earn money on youtube. vlogging, gaming – there are plenty of videos that can be created and monetized. But what about reading books? can you make money reading books on youtube Or will you get in trouble with authors and publishers for reading books and monetizing your videos?

reading books on youtube falls into a gray area when it comes to copyright. most of the time, you will be fine reading books on youtube. however, please note that for certain books, the publisher or author may be able to file a copyright claim on their videos. To be on the safe side, it’s always a good idea to contact authors or publishers to ask for permission to read their books.

You are reading: Reading books on youtube

reading books on youtube can be a great way to create a channel. The biggest problem that comes up when it comes to reading books on youtube is monetization. Many content creators hope to monetize their videos with Adsense. While this can be done, there is another way to monetize book reading videos that could be safer and more profitable.

is it legal to make youtube videos from books?

Before you start reading books on youtube, you should know the answer to the question: is it legal to make youtube videos from books? After all, you don’t want to spend time creating videos and building a channel if you’re going to run into trouble with authors and book publishers.

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So here’s the deal: different authors and publishers will have different reactions when your book is read on youtube. Some authors and publishers will appreciate the increased visibility of your product. while with other authors and publishers, conflicts will arise and you may be forced to remove your videos for copyright reasons.

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I always recommend including a website link to the official website of the book you are reading or the author. this will demonstrate good faith towards the author and publisher. if the book author or publisher sees that they may be getting traffic from your videos, they’re more likely not to cause a problem.

However, if you read a book and are told to remove the video, it’s in your best interest to do so. As I mentioned earlier, reading books falls into a gray area when it comes to copyright. However, this does not mean that you should go ahead and create audiobooks for the Lord of the Rings series; for starters, stick with books that are not as well known.

how to get permission to read a book on youtube

It’s never a bad idea to ask an author or publisher for permission to read their book on YouTube. Depending on the author or publisher, they may see your pitch as an opportunity to get more exposure for their book. in this case, you would almost always be allowed to read your book on youtube.

To contact an author or publisher, you’ll need to visit their website and find a contact email address. then simply send the recipient an email stating what you plan to do and ask if they object to your plan. if you get a response, do what the response says.

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If you contact an author or publisher for permission to read their book, but don’t get a response, you have a few options. you can not read the book, or you can read the book and see if you have any problems. Most of the time, you won’t run into any problems, especially if the book you’re reading is older or not incredibly popular.

In good faith, you should always include links in your video descriptions to websites where books can be purchased. Along with this, you must include a link to the author’s website. By doing this, you can help support the author. after all, without the author, you couldn’t read his book!

earn money reading books on youtube

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many content creators make money reading books on youtube by monetizing their videos with google adsense. while this is a good option and can be a great way to earn money, another option is to provide an audiobook creation service for lesser known authors and book publishers.

Today, there are many authors who self-publish their books online. As your channel grows, you can tap into your audience and offer to create an audiobook version of self-published books for authors. monetizing your channel this way is less passive, but can make more money and security for you and your channel.

Also, when you monetize your channel by creating audiobooks for self-published authors, you avoid the risk of copyright issues. While many of the books you read on YouTube won’t create any copyright issues for you, it only takes one author or publisher to throw you off balance and ruin your chances of making money on YouTube.

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To find potential clients, you can take advantage of freelance platforms like upwork or fiverr. many authors turn to these platforms to find voice actors who can create audiobook versions of their books. create a profile on these platforms, price your service accordingly and contact the authors or wait for them to contact you.


One of the many ways content creators make money on YouTube is by reading books. While many content creators monetize their videos with Adsense, this risks copyright issues. While copyright issues don’t usually arise for less mainstream books, a safer way to make money would be to create audiobooks for self-published authors.

so can you make money reading books on youtube? you definitely can! Just keep in mind that, as with any YouTube video, you need to make your videos of the best possible quality. if you create low quality videos, your channel will not grow. It doesn’t matter if audiobook videos are easy to make, quality is still important.

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