Christian Books Resources on Addiction & Biblical Counseling —

Christian books on addictions & relevant topics

The following books are some of the ones we recommend. a lot of thought goes into recommending resources, especially when it comes to addictions. Below each resource is a brief description to help you determine how it can be most helpful. many of the resources we recommend do not deal directly with addiction, but with relevant issues and topics in the world of the addict. some of the biblical themes explored: idolatry, worship, god, fear of the lord, identity, sanctification, suffering, intimacy, prayer, dependency, joy, repentance, shame & hope.

You are reading: Christian books about addiction

soft & humble by dane ortlund

what is the heart of jesus towards sinners and those who suffer? In this book, Dane Ortlund shows us from the scriptures the merciful heart of Jesus towards sinners and those who suffer. This is a great book for those who have experienced the guilt, shame, and despair of sin and wonder what God’s heart is toward them. It will also help those who struggle with legalism to learn about the character of God. Most significantly, this book helps cultivate intimacy with Jesus.

addictions: a banquet in the grave by ed welch

ed welch provides a comprehensive biblical understanding of addiction by relating what the addict experiences in light of scripture. he coined two phrases that are particularly useful. he describes addiction as a “worship disorder” and “voluntary enslavement” and emphasizes the responsibility that addicts must take, as well as the experience of being enslaved, both of which will help you understand addiction as a worship disorder. he also includes questions at the end of each chapter for yourself and questions to help someone else.

crossroads: a step-by-step guide to getting away from addictions (study guide) by ed welch

crossroads is a workbook that also comes with a facilitator’s guide and can be worked on individually or within a group context. welch provides the steps someone trapped in addiction can begin to take. he is great at meeting addicts in their experience and taking them through scriptural history as they seek to change. the book contains great questions for the addict to think about too. this is a fantastic resource to get anyone in recovery started.

steps: gospel-centered recovery by matt chandler & michael snetzer

steps is a series of video curricula with a workbook and guide for leaders. the study is incredibly comprehensive in addressing the dynamics of addiction and recovery from a biblical perspective. The study will require you to discuss it with others, which is an incredible benefit of this resource and will help people with addictions to heal and find freedom in Christ.

god’s grace in your suffering by david powlison

If you only focus on idolatry when working with addicts, you will miss an important aspect of their experience. the suffering of addicts must be understood and considered in the light of the scriptures. In this book, David Powlison helps us see how God enters into our suffering and gives us grace in our time of need. This book will help those who suffer see their suffering in a biblical framework and help them experience Christ’s love for them in the midst of their suffering.

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suffering: hope of the gospel when life is meaningless

Experienced counselor and pastor Paul Tripp addresses suffering in this book with the goal of restoring hope to those who suffer and helping them trust Jesus in their suffering. this is a great book for those who are suffering and are trying to make sense of their suffering.

redemption by mike wilkerson

Using the Exodus narrative in scripture along with case studies and pastoral wisdom, Wilkerson addresses two themes addicts know all too well: suffering & idolatry. This is a great resource for those who feel overwhelmed by suffering and find themselves turning to idols (drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.) instead of finding refuge in God through Jesus. this book will help the addict experience redemption in jesus both in their suffering and in his sin.

gospel betrayal by brad bigney

While not specifically about addictions, betrayal of the gospel is about idolatry and the identification of “idols” in the heart. This book is useful for addicts because it focuses on the heart and the desires that drive addiction, helping us think about what change looks like at the heart level. This book is primarily for Christians who are in the process of becoming involved in their sinful desires. For non-Christians, a better introductory work on the Christian worldview of change would be recovering redemption by matt chandler & michael snetzer, what is the gospel? by greg gilbert or who is jesus? by greg gilbert

counterfeit gods by tim keller

tim keller addresses the idols of sex, money and power and shows how they are ultimately empty gods that do not satisfy us, while clearly pointing out where the last hope lies, in knowing christ. this book is attractive and can be read and enjoyed by believers and non-believers.

wonder by paul tripp

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Our hearts were made to be captivated by something, but because of sin, they are often captivated by things that destroy us. In this book, Paul Tripp helps us recover our “wonder” in the one he made for us and who is the only one who can satisfy us. this is a great book to help reorient our hearts around the glory of god in christ.

aspect & live for mate papa

watch and watch live is written by worship leader and artist matt papa, who helps us understand how our lives will always follow what our hearts are focused on. as we truly seek and enjoy the glory of god in the gospel, our lives will continue with true joy and satisfaction in god. This is a great book for those who have grown up in the church and struggle to experience joy and intimacy in Christ due to addiction or struggles with him.

prodigal god by tim keller

Most people are familiar with the story of the prodigal son in the bible. Many addicts who read the story can relate to the younger brother who spent his inheritance on a reckless life. In this book, however, Tim Keller helps us see that the famous parable in Luke 15 is really about God and his amazing love for younger and older brothers. This book can be incredibly hopeful for those who are unsure of what God is like, as it reveals God’s love and pursuit of us through Jesus.

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31-day devotionals for the life of p&r publishing

the 31 day devotional for life is a great gift to the body of christ. These short and readable biblical counseling books cover a wide range of topics that are helpful to those who are struggling. daily devotions are not only theologically rich, but also incredibly practical. some of which we have found particularly useful for our residents & family members are:

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