John Ellsworth – Book Series In Order

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John Ellsworth is one of America’s best-selling authors, famous for writing mysteries, legal thrillers, and crime fiction. He has written a number of highly successful legal thrillers in his writing career. Thaddus Murfee’s series is one of the most popular he has written. His other two popular thriller series include the Sisters-in-Law series and the Michael Grisham series. In addition to being an author, he is also a renowned lawyer. the author ellsworth hails from arizona, united states. Before becoming a well-established author, Ellsworth used to practice law across the country. In his career as a criminal attorney, he has defended various criminal clients from across the United States. Author Ellsworth’s law career spanned a total of 30 years. After retiring from his old profession, Ellsworth decided to try writing thrillers. he had his vast professional experience ahead of him, which he could use to develop his exciting stories. and ellsworth did exactly the same thing. he wrote his first legal thriller and published it in 2014. it is known by the title of ‘the accused’. author ellsworth is a self published writer. being, he says he enjoys the freedom to manage release schedules, market his written works, and select his book covers. ellsworth is especially grateful to amazon for starting his kindle publishing. he thinks it’s a great thing as it gives all writers important access to readers. Author Ellsworth has stated that he always liked to read thrillers. this habit has helped improve his writing skills and now he enjoys being a notable author very much. As for his own books, he says they are the kind of books he loves to read. they are packed with a lot of information about a wide range of characters, a lot of dialogue and they always show a lot of action sequences starring young lawyers. all the books he has written, so far, represent the kind of learning experience he himself went through as a young man.

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author ellsworth remembers how he used to make cupcakes when he was asked to do the right thing for his customers. Currently, he is busy developing the next books in his popular novel series, which are expected to be published soon in the next few days. Ellsworth’s books are always focused on entertaining readers. he doesn’t like to do anything dark, deep or laborious, but he makes sure that readers appreciate everything he writes. he currently resides in southern california with his beautiful wife named deb and 5 daughters. Author Ellsworth is very fond of pets. for this reason, he has had 3 dogs as pets in his house. he also has a fondness for music, which he correctly guesses from his guitar collection. Since Ellsworth’s house is located very close to the beach, he likes to visit the beach very often and spends long hours in a quiet environment. Ellsworth owns a 3-wheeled bicycle that he uses to ride around the city streets. In regards to his writing career, author Ellsworth states that he will continue to write as long as he lives. this is quite obvious since he has nothing else to do in life. and at his age, he doesn’t think he’s not capable of trying anything new at this point in life. As his books are very well known and extremely successful, they have been downloaded millions of times, and the count is increasing day by day. Establishing himself as a published author is a dream come true for author Ellsworth. according to him, the credit for this goes to his fans and dedicated readers, who love his work and keep motivating him to create more interesting works.

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You are reading: John ellsworth books in order

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the thaddeus murfee legal thriller series written by john ellsworth is made up of a total of 10 books, which were published between the years 2014 and 2016. all the novels in the series feature the main protagonist as thaddeus murfee, who is He introduces himself as a rookie lawyer from the author Ellsworth. The debut novel in this fast-paced series is titled The Accused. It was released by House Subjudica in the year 2014. Important characters in the story include Thaddeus Murfee, Ermaline Ransom and few others. At the beginning of the novel, Thaddeus Murfee is shown being hired to handle Ermaline Ransom’s defense case. she faces the charge of murdering the man who loved her dearly. Ermaline seems to be hunted not only by the district attorney, but also by the governor of illinois and the chicago mob. it is discovered that the governor accepts bribes from state contractors for construction work. it seems that he will be the least benefited if ermaline is executed for the murder she did not commit. When the mob learns that Thaddeus has agreed to defend Ermaline, they warn him with serious threats. Since the FBI is involved, Thaddeus tries to enlist her help in getting rid of the threats. However, he fears that they will also begin to investigate Ermaline’s life. Winning this tough case requires Thaddeus to prove Ermaline’s innocence while outwitting the Governor and the mob. he also needs to stay alive. As the murder trial begins, a confrontation ensues between Thaddeus and a mob hit man. the story comes to a surprising ending that leaves all readers breathless.

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The next exciting book written in the series is called “Beyond Reasonable Death”. It was also published in 2014. At the beginning of the book, Thaddeus Murfee is depicted as helping the police put a wanted godfather behind bars. because of this, the mob begins to hunt him down. To get rid of them, he files a lawsuit against them on behalf of several survivors of his recent murders. but the mob continues to chase him, forcing him to travel west. Seeking refuge, he pursues the case against another godfather and tries to make him lose all of his toys. By doing so, Thaddeus Murfee hopes to finish his fight against his men. thaddeus is continually chased wherever he wants him to go. At one point, he thinks about getting help from the FBI. but, fearing that his whereabouts will be revealed, he stops. Eventually, Thaddeus takes the case to trial against the mobsters’ largely funded lawyers, which ends with shocking results. Meanwhile, Thaddeus also struggles to deal with his love life. once again, the plot ends in a thrilling courtroom encounter that intrigues readers to the very end.

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