Marie Lu – Book Series In Order

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about marie lu:

Born in 1984 in Beijing, China, Marie Lu (Xiwei Lu) moved to Texas, America with her family at the age of 5 in 1989. Upon graduating from the University of Southern California, Marie began working as a Immediately in the video game industry for Disney Interactive Studios as a flash artist. Without a doubt, by incorporating her talent and experience as a visual artist into the interactive experience in the world of computer games, Marie began her career as a full-time writer. Now living in Los Angeles, CA, Marie completed the publication of her best-selling Legend Trilogy on November 5, 2013 with a hardcover collection available for purchase; and 10 months after the publication of the first book, cbs films announced a film adaptation to be directed by jonathan levine, who has already had success with his film warm bodies also adapted from a book of the same name, produced by the same people. like twilight. Some may suggest that she is 5 years old and she is too young to fully remember the Chinese way of life, but in her work it is possible to discern the influences of life both in China and in America.

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the legend trilogy


Surviving the great anticipation and excitement of pre-publication hype and praise, Lu’s first book legend was released to acclaim from both critics and the public, instantly establishing her position as one of the writers for outstanding young adults of their generation. Exhibiting similar and popular features of other series in the genre, Lu manages to include “just enough inventive details to keep things from becoming clichés”. The legend follows fifteen-year-olds June and Dean, both prodigies who achieve 100% in the mandatory ‘trial’ set by the Republic, a warmongering, dystopian, fantasy version of the United States in which the book takes place. In addition to coming from two opposing classes, June is sent on a mission to the slums to capture Day, where after some action and completion of their mission, June and Day escape the clutches of the Republic and the plague they manufactured and spread. under the pretense that it was natural. the book was so successful and incorporated many imaginative features, that plans to make it into a movie were announced very shortly after its publication of just 10 months. Lu’s experience of working in the video game industry probably helped her visual imagination, which was so captivating and attracted so much attention from film production companies. Lu herself states that the 2012 film Les Misérables provided great inspiration for this series, and she sought to reinterpret the conflict between the two central characters, Valjean and Javer, modernizing and adapting it to her books aimed at teenagers. As a result, the relationship June and Dean share is inexorably intertwined through both their love for each other and their fundamentally different perspectives when it comes to politics.

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After his first legend novel, Lu published the sequel to the prodigy book a year later. continues to follow the adventures and romance of June and Day as they join forces with the rebel group known as “The Patriots.” After joining the ranks, June and Day are assigned with the mission of assassinating the new leader of the republic, and then, after the death of their cousin, the electing father, with which, upon completing this task, ‘the patriots’ They will assist you. both in the attempt to rescue the brother of the day and offer them a safe conduct to the colonies. However, June is overcome with self-doubt after conceiving the impression that Anden is nothing like his father who came before him, and could very well be the fresh start the Republic needs as it slides into chaos. Prodigy succeeded in the difficult task of continuing a series while maintaining the momentum achieved in the first book, and was well received by critics who commented that the story stayed alive and that Lu’s second book was engaging in its own right. It is at this point that the direction of the narrative changes again, and he places June and Day in different settings around different people, constantly keeping the reader on their toes as to what will happen next.


The latest installment in the captivating series, Champion continues to plunge June and Day into the thick of the tumultuous action once again, this time in the service of the Republic; June as princeps elected within elite circles, day in high military office. just as the completion of a peace treaty nears, a plague breaks out in the colonies, sparking a war in the border towns as a result of panic. Once again, June and Day are forced to sacrifice all that is dearest to them to save the Republic from attack by the Colonial armies and the strongest new form of the virus. June is the only one who knows where the cure is, and as the Republic devises a plan to surrender and Day demonstrates her support for the Republic in a speech, she must decide whether to ask Day to sacrifice everything she has. Antarctica’s mighty army helps the Republic defeat its enemies’ armies and secure its borders, but as the trilogy draws to a captivating finale, Day loses his memory as scientists remove the damaged part of his brain.

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future projects

It’s not often that a writer of unique and considerable talent breaks into the public consciousness with a series of books that maintain a tense and exciting plot full of action and attention-grabbing drama. The highly imaginative and well-written trilogy proves to be a welcome addition to the canon of young adult literature, offering a meaningful and valuable alternative to other series that brought this genre to the attention of audiences that stretched beyond the book’s intended audience. . The Hunger Games, perhaps the dominant series in this genre, demonstrated the extent of success that children’s literature can have after being adapted for the screen. Lu’s Legends trilogy already shows great promise by achieving a high level of popularity in its own right, and time will tell if Delirium’s film adaptation survives the hype as well as his books did.

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