5 Baby Books That Teach Them to Love Reading – Motherly

Reading to a baby doesn’t come naturally to all parents, especially when their little one is too young to really interact during reading time. But with every page you turn, you’re stimulating cognitive development and helping to establish a love of reading that will last far beyond the childhood years.

If you’re looking for some perfect books to add to your child’s collection, we’ve got the scoop on the best types of books to promote cognitive development and a lifelong passion for reading. (And if you want more, check out our favorite board books for baby’s first year.)

You are reading: Best books for 3 month old

“These early rituals, even before a baby knows what a book is, set up reading as a loving and nurturing interaction with you that your child equates with books as he grows older,” explains Tovah P. Klein, PhD, Director of the Center for Early Child Development at Barnard College and author of “How Young Children Thrive: What Parents Can Do Today to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success for Children Ages 2 to 5” .

newborn (0-3 months): a high contrast book

If you want to stimulate your newborn’s senses, think high contrast.

Research indicates that high-contrast colors, such as black and white, register more strongly in an infant’s brain and help the optic nerve to grow.

Read your newborn books with high-contrast images and graphics (we love “spots and dots by chez picthall” and “hello, bugs!” by smriti prasadam and emily bolam of art-baby) and watch your babies dance. little eyes.

“You don’t need to read every word or comment on every image,” Klein said. “The important thing is that books are part of your routines and that you enjoy time together.”

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infant (4-6 months): a tactile book

chances are your little one won’t start turning pages (or even paying much attention to them) until they’re a few months old. Until then, maximize her interest by capitalizing on her love of touching everything around her.

Tactile books that let your baby shake, grasp and stroke are the perfect solution, like Little Scholastic’s “Old Macdonald: A Puppet Board Book.” lean toward sturdy books made of vinyl or cloth that can withstand a few chews. switch to board books around six months to encourage little fingers to start turning the pages.

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pro tip:

“Support your child’s attempts to turn the pages by separating the pages when you have finished reading each page. This will give your child a signal that it is time to turn to the next page and help develop motor skills If your little one has trouble turning the pages independently, don’t worry – many kids won’t master this skill for another couple of years!” says dr. holly ruhl, doctorate.

your child from 6 to 12 months: a book of rhymes

When it comes to what you’re reading with your child, it’s time to rhyme.

Rhyming books create a nurturing environment for children by using simple patterns they can learn to predict (key to establishing a lifelong love of reading). Plus, they help babies learn how vowels and consonants sound and how they go together to make words. Rhymes also help children easily memorize and recall the content of their beloved books by establishing patterns and sequences, increasing their impact on the child’s cognitive development.

we love “hush little polar bear” and other classic rhyming books like “go, dog, go!”

older babies & toddlers: a classic mom loves too

As your child gets older, adjust what they’re reading accordingly.

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Children’s versions of classic books can be just as entertaining for you, mom, making you more likely to stick to a reading routine. we love the babylit collection of children’s books based on classics like “dracula” and “alice in wonderland”.

Regardless of what you and your little one choose to read, the most effective way to promote a love of reading is to start a daily reading routine as soon as possible. “And no, starting during pregnancy isn’t too early, mom. Babies start listening to you around week 16 and can even remember words and stories after they’re born!” explains ruhl.

Don’t worry if your baby doesn’t seem to really learn to read: spending time each day curled up with a book will give your child positive associations with reading, creating a lifelong habit before they can even read a word .

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In fact, according to the Children’s Reading Foundation, the simple act of reading with your child for at least 20 minutes each day may be one of the most important things you can do to promote social-emotional development, as well as the necessary preparation . -literacy skills.

all babies + toddlers: a bedtime story

Read to your baby from day one. There’s no sweeter way to do this than by presenting a bedtime story, even one you take to the hospital with you!

We recommend choosing books focused on sleep or bedtime to help baby wind down at night. keep a stash of “bedtime books” close at hand for baby to choose from, such as “a bedtime book” or “the bedtime book.” she’s establishing routines that may even help the baby get the zzz from her. that’s good for you and the baby.

Here are three tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics for creating lifelong readers from a young age:

1. create a comforting environment.

make reading an integral part of your bedtime routine. wind down after your day by snuggling up in cozy pajamas and snuggling with baby while you turn a few pages.

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pro tip: active kids can lose interest in a book after just a couple of minutes (okay, seconds!). That’s why it’s so important to make the limited time you can spend reading as focused as possible. that means turning off the tv and cell phone. we know it’s complicated!

“Sitting with a book, turning the pages, pointing to pictures, and being together provides a calm and fun way to spend time with your little one,” says Klein. “It’s not about reading the whole book or getting your kid to sit still. It will take away from her time with mom.”

2. make reading come alive.

A newborn may not be able to read, but he knows he prefers the sound of his mother’s voice, even two days after he’s born! Take advantage of that natural preference for her voice by reading books with exaggerated emotions and expressions to keep things interesting.

3. ask questions to bring the story into the real world.

As your child gets older, reading can be a safe time to talk about feelings. Start when your child is young by asking follow-up questions about books, such as “what does the cow say?” or “where is the yellow flower?” to expand her vocabulary. As your child progresses, use book characters to talk about emotions or to encourage your child to think about abstract or imaginative situations.

Pro Tip: “Make associations between a book and your infant or toddler’s experience: ‘Remember when we saw a dog in the park? It’s like the dog in this book,'” suggests Klein. “This builds vocabulary and helps your child move between books and the larger world in ways that have direct meaning to them.”

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