Shalini Boland – Book Series In Order

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shalini boland author shalini boland was signed, before she had children, to universal music publication as a singer-songwriter. today, she feels that it happened to a completely different person.

She enjoyed the singer-songwriter lifestyle throughout her twenties, but it’s not a life she wants to return to. she loves family life too much. her life has become more books and less songs.

You are reading: Shalini boland books in order

however, now she spends her days writing suspense novels (in between endless laundry baskets and runs to school). books and music are her passion and she has always been writing in some way.

When she started writing books, it started as another creative outlet for her. it wasn’t until many years later that she decided to try publishing.

he writes the kinds of books he loves to read, gripping adventures and suspenseful thrillers.

writing is something that suits your personality and you like your own company. she can often be found sitting in her pajamas on the couch with her laptop or notebook, a cup of tea forgotten somewhere nearby, dodging questions from her two sons, and paying no attention to the clutter around her.

shalini would often take an idea and fly off the seat of his pants with it, however, he would often end up cornering himself and having writer’s block. As a result, she plans her stories, spending enough time developing the plot and planning each chapter. she makes separate documents for the characters’ personalities/traits and also has a timeline that she can refer to. this made writing much more enjoyable for her.


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Over time, you’ve also learned more about the real art of writing. the tension, the rhythm, the foreshadowing, all those things that he once did instinctively, now he has more control over them and incorporates them into the plots on purpose. Shalini likes to think that her ideas have always been solid, only now she has learned to better execute each of these ideas.

Research is something you dread as it takes up a lot of time to write. when he gets to the research part, he ends up enjoying the process and spends more time than necessary reading about a particular topic. she is always paranoid about getting certain facts wrong, particularly since she started writing thrillers. she knows that she can really pull a reader out of a story if there’s some kind of glaring mistake. She meets two great cops who are generous with her time and have no problem telling her if something isn’t working.

“The Best Friend” reached number ten on the UK amazon kindle charts and reached number one in all of its categories. it was also a kindle all star title for many months in a row. “The Girl from the Sea” reached number one on the US Audible charts.

“out” is the first novel in the “out” series and was released in 2011. the future is divided by perimeters: which are high-security gated communities where life goes on normally. if you are within them, you are lucky. for those outside, life expectancy plummets.

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riley is lucky to have been born on the right side of the fence. however, her life of privilege comes crashing down when someone breaks through and kills her sister.

she gives up her own safety to find the killer. Luc decides to go with her, otherwise she’ll be dead before she gets through the security gate. What awaits her on the outside is much more incredible than she ever thought.

Return to the present, where Eleanor’s world has been falling apart. next year around this time, civilization won’t be as civilized.

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“The Glade” is the second novel in the “Out” series and was published in 2013. In the devastated future, the children disappear.

riley has been living safely behind the perimeter fence, however very soon she will have to face the horrible truth of what is happening outside. An old enemy approaches. threatening to extinguish her own way of life.

To save herself, she will have to fight to save another. she has to put herself in the last place she ever wanted to be.

“The Perimeter” is the third novel in the “Out” series and was released in 2013. In this broken world, a sinister force has been coming for Riley, and the only thing keeping her safe is people. that she loves and a perimeter. once her life is threatened, she has to make impossible decisions. Help comes from the most unlikely places, and all Riley needs to know is who she can really trust.

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Meanwhile, there is a repentant murderer who seeks salvation and peace, however he achieves the opposite. he will now have to make the most difficult decision of his entire life.

“a shirt full of frogs” is the first stand-alone novel and was published in 2012. the life of a WWII evacuee collides with the world of a modern-day child, all in this one-time adventure. As World War II breaks out, six-year-old Jimmy Sweeney is being evacuated from London to the countryside. he is now an outcast, being bullied by all the local kids and mistreated by the horrible lady. cribs.

One night, a stranger appears in his room. he is a clean boy who brings you wonderful food and other amazing things. They become friends, and that’s good because in no time, Jimmy will need a friend. his life could depend on it.

Readers found it very enjoyable and beautifully written. Nathan’s story and Jimmy’s story and how they found each other and helped each other. these are incredibly vivid characters that you really get to know and care about a lot throughout the novel.

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