Frances Evesham – Book Series In Order

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Frances Evesham is a cozy historical mystery author who writes Agatha Christiesque novels. like many other readers of the genre, she is a great lover of “murder she wrote”, “miss marple”, “sherlock holmes” and the great tradition of mysteries that come with amateur private investigators, villains who need to be brought to justice and fascinating puzzles to solve. her love of mystery and her debut in the world of fiction writing resulted from a stroll along a quiet somerset beach, where she found a nine-legged victorian lighthouse. It is from there that she became interested in writing historical novels such as “murder at the lighthouse” that she published in 2015.

evesham has always been fascinated by victorian history and can’t believe she spends her days writing about it. she knows a lot of Victorian trivia and is fascinated by Victorian women who seem so human yet very complex. the fact that they have repressed passions, ambition and have had to hide their longings due to the suffocating conventions of society is intriguing to him. she currently lives in a small coastal town very similar to what is the setting of the contemporary crime series “exham on sea”. She loves to write surrounded by narrow paths, green levels and wonderful rolling hills that serve as inspiration for her novels. she finds it the best place to enjoy her love of quiet places, big dogs, chocolate and cake, and aloof, self-possessed cats. As for her inspiration for the “Thatcham Hall” mysteries, she has said that she always loved the story. She could always be found reading novels set in 19th century country houses in England, where hidden cottages, dusty corridors, secret rooms and gothic chapels were the setting for stories in which feisty heroines battled against the conventions of the day. /p>

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Before Frances Evesham became an author, she worked as a street sweeper, professional communication fanatic, and speech therapist. she also worked for the courts assisting the courts when they needed to question witnesses with special needs. Now that she’s a full-time author, she spends much of her time writing and has over a dozen novels to her name. When she’s not writing her novels, she likes to collect poison recipes and find ingenious ways to dispatch her victims. she also loves to cook her meals while she enjoys her glass of wine while the other grabs a handful of chili peppers. As she loves to read, she can often be found writing adventure, murder and mystery novels while she cooks dinner. a fun fact about frances is that she saw the aurora borealis when she visited the arctic circle and now she plans to go to the south pole to see penguins.

You are reading: Frances evesham books in order

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frences evesham’s “murder at the lighthouse” is the story of libby forest, who is relieved after the death of her husband. she was married to an abusive husband for several years, but now she can sell her house and move out. she decides to buy a small house in a small coastal town known as exham on sea, where she hopes to become part of the community. she intends to open a chocolate and pastry shop, but before that she is writing a recipe book and is about to miss deadlines with publishers. she doesn’t find time to write since she works at the local bakery twelve hours a day. but one night, while walking her dog near the lighthouse on the beach, she comes across the body of a woman. Police declare the death a suicide, but Libby doesn’t believe that Susie Bennett, who has deep roots in the small community, took her own life. Soon after, an older woman who was Susie’s friend and likely knew all of her secrets is discovered dead in her home. libby is now more certain that something is afoot. As she investigates the murders, she has the inevitable run-ins with members of the community and soon learns that her husband had left her an unpleasant gift.

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“murder in the levels” by frances evesham follows the adventures of libby forest. She is a chocolatier and baker whose livelihood is threatened after a strange incident. several members of a cycling team get sick and some die from foxglove that is determined to be in the chocolates, cakes, or sandwiches at the store she runs. she doesn’t trust the police too much and now she needs to do her own investigations. To further complicate matters, there are more revelations about her dead husband’s dealings with her while he was alive. she is also struggling to repair her relationship with her daughter, who is angry at her for not allowing her to go abroad with her Peace Corps boyfriend. Things get interesting when her young tenant is the victim of a serious hit-and-run accident that she believes is related to her uncle’s death several years earlier.

Frances Evesham’s “Murder on the Tor” begins with Libby’s Woods and her life is interrupted by a gruesome crime. She had been walking Ella’s friend Max’s Carpathian Sheepdog only to get lost in the Glastonbury fog. her walking around the tor, she bumps into a girl and not long after she picks up an old beaded necklace. As she walks down the hill, she meets Joe Ramshore, the detective sergeant who turns out to be the son of her friend Max. he shows her usual exasperation and tells her that a body was found on her doorstep and hints that she might have been involved. once they get downstairs and head to her house, they learn that the dead man is a photographer who killed himself just before exhibiting her work. they set out to investigate, but libby senses that max isn’t as warm as he knows he is. Could her husband’s criminal activities be causing him to doubt her relationship?

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