Terry Brooks – Book Series In Order

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Overall, Brooks has been able to sell over 21 million print copies of his novels worldwide. Due to his commercial success, he is considered one of the best-selling fantasy writers of all time.

In addition to novels, Brooks has also written a couple of screenplays throughout his career. He was born on January 08, 1944 as Terrence Dean Brooks in Sterling, Illinois, United States. Brooks was born and raised in the rural Midwestern town of Sterling.

You are reading: Terry brooks books list

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as a child and as an adult, he often dreamed of stories related to sinnissippi park, which became the setting for his hit show word & empty trilogy. he graduated from the university of hamilton with a bachelor’s degree. a in English literature in the year 1966.

After that, Brooks earned his JD from Washington and Lee University School of Law. Brooks began working as a practicing attorney before becoming a full-time writer. As of now, he lives in Seattle, Washington and spends most of his time writing novels for his series.

brooks had been fascinated by the art of writing from a very young age. he used to write various short stories in his high school days. most of his early writings included works of science fiction, fiction and non-fiction, and western genres.

During one of his college days, Brooks received a copy of The Lord of the Rings by J.R. tolkien and was heavily inspired by the novel’s depiction of the story. he was so fascinated that he decided to write one of his own in the same genre.

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Finally, Brooks completed her first novel in the year 1977. The novel was titled ‘The Sword of Shannara’ which became a critical success and also became the first fantasy novel to appear in the bestseller of the new york times. ready. the book remained on the bestseller list continuously for a period of 5 months.

After writing and publishing a few sequels to the series, Brooks decided to change course and write another series of novels, which became known as the Landover series. For the next 14 years, Brooks continued to write highly successful books, further increasing his popularity as a notable author of the fantasy genre.

Meanwhile, he married Judine. He now lives happily together with her in the Pacific Northwest. Brooks has been involved in a film deal with Warner Bros for one of his best-selling novels. The movie rights to the hit Shannara series have also been acquired by Warner Bros., which is about to start shooting the first movie based on the novel, The Elfstones of Shannara.

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the shannara series written by terry brooks consists of a total of 28 novels published between the years 1977 and 2005. brooks had written the novels of the series under different subseries, mainly in a sequence of several trilogies.

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Over the years, Terry Brooks kept improving his writing craft by writing exciting novels every year. she has shown that her creative writing skills have only become perfect after years of hard work. This can be understood from the fact that her novels have frequently appeared on the New York Times bestseller list.

Unlike the way Brooks makes his novels seem easy to write, he believes that writing requires a lot of determination, commitment, passion, and patience. he also believes that writers should be prepared to face some rejections at first and believes that it is important not to lose hope and continue with their dedication and determination.

brooks has written a memoir to help younger authors get an idea of ​​how to write effectively. She has explained very well the process of writing a story from the first step of conceiving an idea to the creation and publication of the novel.

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The first novel written by Brooks in the original series of the Shannara trilogy was “The Sword of Shannara”. the novel was published in 1977 by orbit publishing house. The plot of the novel revolves around the lives of the main characters, Allanon, Balinor, During, Shea Ohmsford, Dayel, Hendel, and Flick.

The opening sequence of the novel shows the effects of the ancient wars of evil on humanity. wars have resulted in the destruction of the world and have forced humans to compete with other races such as dwarves, gnomes, elves, and trolls.

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The novel’s main character, Shea Ohmsford, is introduced as a half-elf in the peaceful region of Shadow Valley. Shea is unaware of the problems facing the human race until she meets the towering giant Allanon, who has special druidic powers. Shea finds out about the witch lord, who wishes to destroy the world based on his deadly plans.

The only resistance to the growing darkness and its ill effects on the human race is Shannara’s sword. however, the sword can only be used by the royal heir to Shannara. Shea, as the last living heir to the Shannara, holds the hopes of all mankind.

shea is constantly under attack from evil’s fearsome minions, a skull bearer, who flies into the shadowy valley to kill her and wreak further destruction on the human race. shea keeps running from one place to another to save himself from being killed at the hands of the skull bearer and also strives to save the human world from being destroyed by evil.

The second novel in the series was published in 1982 by the mass market paperback publisher. it was called ‘the elfstones of shannara’. This novel is based on the lives of the characters Dagda Mor, Eventine Elessedil, The Reaper, Allanon, Ander Elessedil, Stee Jans, Eretria, Amberle Elessedil, Wil Ohmsford, and Ellcrys.

The plot of the novel sees the elves under constant threat from evil. this is seen by the fact that the ancient tree created by elven magic is dying. Wil Ohmsford is introduced as an Amber Guard. he is also required to carry out the work of collecting new seeds from the tree. however, he is forced to face the most fearsome of all demons, the reaper. will is alone without any power to save himself from the demons and also from the tree.

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