The five most exciting feminist books in 2016 | The Independent | The Independent

It was only this year that bbc 4 radio woman’s hour lamented the lack of strong and “vociferous” feminist fiction over the past decade or so.

In a world crying out for psychological thrillers, “domestic noir” and even more crime series written by women but shortened to pretend they’re written by men, hello s d sykes, it can be easy to forget the strong contenders in the world of crime. book like eimear mcbride, a girl is half-formed, or how to be both, by ali smith, and many others.

You are reading: List of 2016 feminist books

but there is also a genuine and exciting wealth of feminist non-fiction on our shelves. 2014 and 2015 were two good years, with lena dunham is not that kind of girl, roxane gay the bad feminist and glory steinem my life on the road.

this year promises to promise more jewelry for men and women who want to laugh, cry, get angry or just learn more about gender equality.

the independent reviews five of the most exciting feminist books of 2016.

Did you know that, between 1890 and 1990, the average age of marriage for women in the us. uu. Was it between 20 and 22 years old?

It has since jumped to 27, and is even older in urban cities.

Award-winning American journalist Rebecca Traister, who recently married herself, has compiled hundreds of interviews of women of different races and backgrounds to find out why this change is taking place, and to dig deeper than the description of the “life of glamorous bachelorette on television. and movies.”

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found that women marrying later resulted in massive social change, including abolition and higher education, not to mention beyonce.

“It drives me crazy that women who are living such unprecedented fullness of adult life are considered selfish children,” she said at a recent event to promote her book in New York.

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Suddenly those lazy Netflix Sundays and cold nights don’t seem so pathetic.

caitlyn moran, the garrulous columnist and author who uses a lot of capital letters and exclamation marks, is back with a new book on women and politics.

told Woman’s Hour radio host Jenni Murray that having a professional political class has meant that other people have been disenfranchised by politics. Ella’s 2011 bestseller Being a Woman resulted in a large following for Ms Moran, but she said it took her years to get comfortable writing about Westminster.

As a 17-year-old working at the time who grew up in a large family with benefits in Wolverhampton, she said she would feel like an “idiot” trying to write about it. however, she realized that much of it came down to common sense and noticing trends.

argued that it shouldn’t be just “oxford boys in suits” who write columns on politics.

“If you’re a working-class woman, then you can’t afford to be pessimistic about the future because you’ll be on the front lines if everything goes wrong,” she said.

moranifesto was released on March 10.

It’s about time, or it will be April 21. The founder of the pioneering Everyday Sexism project, which compiles personal accounts of women who have been abused, harassed, complimented and undermined, is writing a new project and is looking forward to it.

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For any woman who is sick of being told how to act, how to dress, or how to avoid unwanted advances, this book might be for you.

girl up is about body image pressures, misrepresentations of women in the media, sex and relationships, social media “and all the other lies we were told.”

ms bates has also used her incredibly articulate voice to influence the most controversial debates about women, most notably when award-winning costume designer jenny beaven was ridiculed for not dressing well at the oscars, or when tabloids Secretary Theresa May’s cleavage was more home-focused than her budget proposals.

The new book follows the popular release of a book called Everyday Sexism in 2014.

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The Washington Post named Jessia Valenti as “one of the most visible and successful feminists of her generation.” she calls herself a “feminist killjoy”.

Either way, prolific columnist and watchdog author Jessica Valenti is back.

if you like her witty, concise and moving columns, the new book from the prolific writer ms valenti will be like a warm family hug.

On sale this summer, the book is an autobiographical account of Valenti’s upbringing and adolescence in New York City, and the painful and funny moments that have made her one of the most recognizable voices on equality. of gender today.

has provided a strong and consistent voice in the pro-choice debate in the united states as the debate against planned parenthood intensifies.

women often write about being women, but what will really empower women to continue writing about being women?

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money. and women who write about money, educating others to take steps to manage their own finances and thus ensure their independence, especially young women, can be really powerful.

It’s funny then why women’s magazines often lack advice or tips on the subject.

enter iona bain, journalist and founder of the young money blog, which follows the likes of evening business journalist and six-time author lucy tobin.

ms bain’s book, spare change, aims to help readers make the most of their finances, how to save, how to socialize on a budget, how to make an action plan, and analyze their own relationship with money .

Money and how to manage it is possibly the biggest problem for a good part of millennial women today.

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