14 Must-Read Books for Women in Their 20s – Archziner.com

.Looking for exciting new books to go with your morning cup of coffee? Incorporating books into your daily routine is a great way to keep yourself entertained while constantly learning new things. And depending on where you are in life and what your interests are, you can always find something new and exciting to read. That’s why we put together a list of the 15 books women in their 20s should read. You’ll find different titles that explore topics like navigating relationships, finances, love, work, and mental health. Continue reading to see which are the best books to fill your library:

“wild” by cheryl strayed

Cheryl Strayed’s 2012 memoir sent millions of women on a journey to find themselves in the most unexpected places. At age 22, Cheryl felt like she was going nowhere. her mother had passed away and her own relationship was in trouble. four years later, with no prior hiking experience or training, she decided to hike the pacific trail, from the mojave desert through california and oregon to washington state. completely on her own. In the adventure, Cheryl has to come to terms with not only the physical challenges of the trek, but also the emotional challenges of her mother’s death, her divorce, and other issues. If you like reading about self-discovery, this is the perfect inspiring book for you to give it a try!

You are reading: Books for women in their 20s

the cover of the international bestseller “wild”

best books for 20 year olds wild

The perfect read for women obsessed with adventure

books for young women wild

“everything i know about love” by dolly alderton

dolly alderton has become one of the most popular millennials in the world. Her columns and her podcast, The High Low, became favorites for many millennial women trying to figure out their lives. her memoir, all i know about love, is a reflection on her adolescence and twenties. In addition, this book follows her friendships, opportunity relationships, heartbreaks and her failures. Filled with embarrassing personal stories, funny jokes, and advice for getting through tough times, it’s a heartwarming and moving read. it’s a good reminder that no matter what you’re currently going through, there’s always someone who knows exactly how you feel.

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the cover of the international bestseller “everything I know about love”

life changing books to read in your 20s

the perfect book about the life of a woman

best books for women about love

otegha uwagba’s “little black book”

little black book is a career advice book for young women. this bestseller will tell you everything you need to know about public speaking and maximizing your productivity. In addition to nine chapters on finances, building your brand, and finding a healthy work-life balance, the book also features a helpful Q&A section, complete with quotes from famous and successful people.

the cover of the sunday times bestseller of “little black book”

little black book best books for women in their 20s

a good read for working women

books every woman should read love

“nearly grown” by arden rose

This perfect coming of age read was written by social media influencer and lifestyle vlogger arden rose. explores topics like making friends online safely, overcoming insecurities, flirting with love interests in a way that makes them think you’re cool, and having healthy relationships. almost adulting is the almost perfect guide to your 20 years as a woman!

the official cover of the book “almost adults”

best books to read in your 20s arden rose

a light and easy read for young women

best books for women almost adulting

“how to break fast fashion” by lauren bravo

for those of you who are struggling with unnecessary clothing shopping and fashion guilt, journalist lauren bravo is here to help. Her book, How to Break Out of Fast Fashion, explores her story and how she stopped buying fast fashion for an entire year. It all started on a new year’s eve and the asos clothing app. This book provides insight into the apparel and textile industry and provides tips for those times when you just want to go shopping.

the official cover of “how to break fast fashion”

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books for 20 year olds fast fashion

author and journalist lauren bravo

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“girlboss” by sophia amoruso

This book is the story of Sophia, a girl who used to dabble in petty theft who later landed a spot on Forbes’ list of richest self-made women. Sophia Amoruso shares a first-person account of her story, business decisions, the founding of the Nasty Gal clothing brand. a great motivational book on everything you need to know about entrepreneurship.

the official cover of the new york times bestseller “girlboss”

girlboss best books for women in their 20s

sophia is the founder of the clothing brand “nasty gal”

best books for women girl boss

“the ambitious decisions” of hana schank and elizabeth wallace

This book is an amazing read that is useful, informative, and life-changing for women in their twenties. Authors Schank and Wallace interviewed female classmates from their time in the Northwest and then crafted this book based on the real lives of women. Several different categories are explored, such as career, ambition, relationships, marriage, parenting, economics, and more. What’s particularly amazing about this book is that it engages with women in all walks of life!

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the cover of the book “decisions of ambition”

what books to read in your 20s female

“grit: the power of passion and perseverance” by angela duckworth

In this book, Angela Duckworth explores themes such as the power of passion and perseverance over talent. grit contains research and interviews with many achievers, from CEOs to editors. reading this book will remind you how important it is to commit to your passion and that innate talent is not that important to success.

the official cover of the new york bestseller “grit: the power of passion and perseverance”

grit life changing books to read in your 20s

“great magic” by elizabeth gilbert

if you want to live a creative and vibrant life, then the great magic book should be on your reading list! Written by bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert, in this book you’ll discover strategies for the creative process, motivation, and great ideas from her. Plus, it’ll teach you how to embrace the things you love and make yourself happy instead of feeling the need to apologize.

the official cover of the new york times bestseller “big magic”

books for 20 year olds big magic

perfect for people who yearn for a colorful and vibrant life

big magic book elizabeth gilbert books to read in your 20s

“the book of moods” by lauren martin

lauren martin investigates how we can better accept and honor our true feelings. instead of shying away from emotional triggers and over-controlling all of our responses. Plus, she shares how you can prioritize your mental health and daily habits. In addition to personal anecdotes, Lauren Martin includes thoughts on famous people like actress Brie Larson.

the official cover of “the book of moods”

the book of moods best books for women

if you are struggling with your inner world and your peace, then this is the book for you

books to read in your 20s the mood book

“the turning decade: why the twenties matter and how to make the most of it now” by meg jay

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This book will help you with your relationships, your work and your mental well-being. The author is a clinical psychologist who collects anecdotes from her clients to encourage people to be proactive rather than reactive in her life. Turning 20 is a time of development, and this book will be there for you every step of the way.

the official cover of the book “the decisive decade”

best books to read in your 20s women

coffee goes better with a good book

decade books for young women

“beautiful little things: advice on love and life from dear sugar” by cheryl strayed

This book is packed with lots of advice from Cheryl, especially about relationships, love, and dating. If you are afraid of commitment and breakup, Cheryl gives you valuable advice in her book that is firm but kind. What’s more, she doesn’t sugarcoat anything, but she assures you that living as your authentic self is the only real way to go in life! Cheryl uses her experiences as examples that everything works out in the end.

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the cover of the book “beautiful little things: advice on love and life from dear sugar”

dear sugar books to read in your 20s female

This book is the perfect little teacher on all things love

dear sugar books every woman should read

“how to be a person in the world: ask polly’s guide through the paradoxes of modern life” by heather havrilesky

If you’re not familiar with the “ask polly” column in the cut, now’s your chance to change that. this book will have you nodding in agreement, crying and wanting more and more. The book by ‘polly,’ aka writer heather havrilesky, will show you how to become her own problem solver, how to process her emotions, and how to build her true self. so be prepared to face whatever obstacles life throws your way after finishing this amazing book.

the official cover of “how to be a person in the world”

best books for 20 year olds women

a good read for any modern young woman

best books for women in their 20s

“eat, pray, love” by elizabeth gilbert

where would we be without mentioning this classic? eat pray love is an inspiring memoir documenting elizabeth gilbert’s election. she decided to leave behind the modern American dream and find out what she really wants from her life. As her journey takes Gilbert around the world and back from Italy to India, Elizabeth’s emotional and spiritual discoveries will make you rethink your entire life plan.

the official cover of the new york times bestseller “eat pray love”

eat pray love books for young women

the popular movie starring julia roberts is based on this book

eat pray love best books for women

“my body” by emily ratajkowski

This is a new book that is a deeply honest investigation of what it means to be a woman in our modern world. It was written by Emily Ratajkowski, an acclaimed model, actress, businesswoman, global social media phenomenon, and writer. Entering the world of fame at age twenty-one, Ratajkowski provoked both praise and anger with a display of her body as unapologetic proof of feminist empowerment. Overall, My Body is a deeply personal exploration of feminism, sexuality, womanhood, and the treatment of women in the industry and online – one of the best books for women in their 20s.

the official cover of the book “my body”

emrata top 10 books every woman should read

emily and her revolutionary memories

books to read in your 20s my body emrata

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