How To Cite A Kindle Book – APA

The advancement of technology has had a positive impact on the development of the electronic library. these electronic libraries have books of all kinds.

so whatever book you want, you can get it from an electronic library. however, as a writer, citations are one of the elements to consider for every book you write. if you took ideas from other sources, which are not new to writing anyway, you should cite your sources.

You are reading: How to cite kindle books apa

Quotes can be quite confusing. and if you don’t quote, but use other sources, then you plagiarized. Plagiarism is a crime that can have serious consequences for any writer’s career or wallet.

In this post, we will see how you can cite a kindle book in apa style. read on for more crucial information.

what iskindle?

kindle is an ebook reader brought to you by amazon. allows users to read electronic books. kindle can store up to 1,400 e-books published by different authors. The Kindle e-reader is built to work directly with Amazon’s online store.

A user can buy an ebook on amazon or subscribe to an electronic version of newspapers, magazines, blogs and save them directly to kindle. With the Kindle eBook Reader, you don’t need to worry about carrying stacks of books, whether it’s a long or short distance. kindle ebook reader is not free; one would have to subscribe to their services for a certain fee.

why do I need to cite?

citation is the plagiarism escape route. after you have borrowed that person’s intellectual property, you must give due credibility to the words and ideas you have borrowed.

This has two main purposes. First of all, your work will be given credibility since your citation will reveal that you did not make up the facts. Second, citing your source helps you avoid plagiarism, damaging your image if you’re found to have stolen people’s ideas.

but then how do you do that when you had the idea of ​​a book that you read on an ebook reader, like kindle? this can be difficult and complicated. the challenge with this is that you don’t know where to start citing the citation you got from the book due to lack of page number, publisher and some of these books without doi (digital object identifier). If you want to learn more about how to cite a kindle book, you may want to continue reading.

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Fortunately, the American Psychological Association has provided guidance in their blog post on citing books from e-readers, such as Kindle.

The citation for a citation or book can be in the text or in the reference list. making an in-text citation without the relevant details, such as the page number not being available, can be tiresome.

The nice thing about the kindle e-reader is that it has what are called “location numbers”. With this, you can make accurate quotes as these numbers are static. however, this is limited to third generation kindle products and as we go forward.

E-book lovers who don’t use the kindle e-reader may find it difficult to quote.

Whether the e-book has a page number or not may also depend on the author of the book, if they made the page number available.

why the citation style of the american psychological association? >

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The American psychological citation style provides a consistent presentation of the sources on which a research paper is based.

The American Psychological Association maintains that this citation style was initially created especially for use in the social sciences, as a consistent way to track references in academic journal articles.

However, today the American Psychological Association citation style is used in all education courses. The rules that guide this citation style are contained in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. this publication has undergone six updates, and the last updated edition is 7, which was published in the year 2021.

Other forms of citation styles abound and include the following: chicago style, council of scientific editors (cse) style, american institute of physics (aip) style, american chemical society (acs style) ), the style of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (ieee).

quoting a kindle book without page number

Suppose there is no page number in the e-book you want to cite. The American Psychological Association states that you add any of the following where appropriate in your citation.

  1. the number of the paragraph on the page where the citation is extracted. it can be paragraph 3 or the fifth, as the case may be. or, if the paragraph number is missing, you can count the sections from the top to the bottom of the document.
  2. a general heading and a paragraph number within that section or
  3. you can abbreviate the heading or enclose the first few words of the heading in quotation marks, where the title is long to quote it in full.
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The American Psychological Association gave an example below to demonstrate the above points.

one of the author’s main points is that “people don’t just come out of nowhere” (gladwell, 2008, chapter 1, section 2, para. 5).

see section 6.05 for details on how to cite direct citations from electronic sources without page numbers.

how to cite an in-text citation

When you want to cite a quote from a kindle book in text, all you need to do is type the name of the author, the year the book was published, the title of the kindle book, the name of the kindle device you are using to read the book and provide the doi or url of the book.

for example:

hemmingway, e. (2006). the sun also rises [kindle paperwhite version]. retrieved from

how to cite a chapter in a kindle book

There are instances where you may want to cite a chapter from a kindle book. one person can write a book. in another case, many people may write different chapters in a single book. instead, an independent person, the editor, can put them together.

what do you do then in the different circumstances above?

In the first instance, you may need to reference the entire book, using the example below.

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author, a.a. (year). title of the work and chapter. [e-reader version]. retrieved from https://xxxx or doi:xxxx.

Secondly, you may need to provide a separate reference for each of the chapters you used. Below is the format that the citation can take.

author, a.a. (year). chapter title. in bb editor (ed.), the title of the book [e-reader version] (pp. xxx – xxx). retrieved from https://xxxxx or doi:xxxx.

With this, you would have provided your reader with an adequate description of who wrote the entire book and the particular chapter in question.

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The e-book may not have pagination. you can omit that part in your citation.

kindle book e-reader versions

In its sixth edition, the American Psychological Association requires you to provide all information essential to the identification and retrieval of the title of the work you are referring to, ie, the e-reader version. the version of the kindle you used to read the book that got the citation is critical. this explains why it is necessary to identify some standard versions of the kindle e-reader.

They are the kindle dx version, the kindle paperwhite version, the kindle oasis version, the kindle voyage version, the kindle touch version, the kindle cloud reader version, the kindle android version and the kindle ios version.

Using one of the above kindle versions, let’s look at the following example.

brian, t. (2017), eat that frog [kindle android version]. retrieved from

citing a kindle book in the reference list

adding a citation from the reference list to your work provides adequate details about the source of your information. this will help your readers easily track down and find your source and continue reading or researching the topic.

When you need to make a citation in a reference list, you need the following details: the name of the author, the date, the title of the book (with the type of e-reader book in square brackets where appropriate), and the doi or url (Uniform Resource Locator) where you downloaded the book. while editing, you can italicize only the title of the text.

This can be exemplified like this:

author, a.a. (year). title of the work. [e-reader version]. retrieved from https://xxxx or doi:xxxx.


Just as obtained from printed materials, citations obtained from books published on kindle should also be cited. and the American Psychological Association has provided a secure means of citing materials from a kindle e-book reader.

This is a great relief to what might have been a problem for researchers using an e-reader. If you are using a Kindle e-book reader and find a part relevant to your research, you can conveniently cite it using the guides provided in this article. We hope we have provided a helpful guide on how to cite a kindle book in apa style with this article.

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