9 Best Ecommerce Must-Read Books for Every Store Owner 2022 – LearnWoo

While it’s relatively easy to set up an eCommerce website, making a profit from it can be difficult. To build a successful eCommerce business, you need to be committed, dedicated, and persistent. When you’re working day in and day out to grow your business, having to sit down with a book may seem unrealistic, but making time for learning and personal development is a must. In an age where answers and information can be had at the click of a button, articles, videos, podcasts, and courses are great resources for learning new skills, but they don’t cover everything. ecommerce books allow you to dig deeper into the topic and understand it better.

Learning from successful people who have gone through the process before you can be beneficial. Books can provide a quick way to gain knowledge that would otherwise take decades to learn through trial and error. Years, if not decades, of research, trying, learning, failures, and right decisions are condensed into a tangible source of knowledge. These books cover a wide range of ideas, including communications, business, storytelling, personal growth, and psychology, as well as e-commerce. Let’s take a look at some of the best ecommerce must-read books for all store owners in 2022.

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best ecommerce books for all shop owners

dotcom secrets by russell brunson

(key takeaway: ecommerce business strategy)

dotcom secrets is the product of countless experiments by writers to determine what factors contribute to the success of an e-commerce business. it’s packed with the methods and processes they used to grow their e-commerce businesses. This book will help you develop or rebuild your sales strategy, define your target consumer, and scale your eCommerce business. Inside you will find tried and true methods and experiments that have helped a large number of organizations grow their operations faster around the world. this will result in increased traffic and conversion rates across all sales channels. it’s easy to understand and packed with techniques to increase traffic and sales, and ultimately scale your eCommerce business.

building a brand story by donald miller

(key takeaway: brand storytelling)

Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

Building a story brand is a one-of-a-kind eCommerce book that will guide you through the process of creating a distinctive storyline for your eCommerce brand using simple and effective marketing strategies. It’s filled to the brim with tips on how to persuade and encourage customers to become spokespeople and how to keep them coming back to make more purchases. It also covers frequent mistakes made by eCommerce businesses and provides specific tips for avoiding them. This book is especially recommended for new eCommerce entrepreneurs who aren’t skilled at marketing and branding. The procedure is divided into seven fundamental elements. Irrespective of how old or new your business is, from a multinational corporation to a sole proprietorship, this book can help! The book goes on to discuss the psychology behind people purchasing things and how to tell the story of your brand to use that psychology to your advantage. It will shape the way you talk about your brand and what makes you unique for the rest of your life.

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you should try that! by chris goward

(key takeaway: customer satisfaction and loyalty)

Best Ecommerce Must-Read Books for Every Store Owner | You Should Test That! by Chris Goward

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You Should Test That offers a step-by-step approach that could be used to improve the conversion rate of an eCommerce website. Analysis of the data and how to create business strategies using tested findings are also covered in the book. It offers a comprehensive guide that can assist you in converting visitors into paying customers. The need of conducting frequent customer satisfaction tests is discussed in this book. It also provides case studies and demonstrations of customer satisfaction to help businesses gain customers’ trust. This book might be useful in reaching out to your potential consumers and converting them into loyal returning customers because it contains a lot of useful, applicable suggestions.

don’t make me think, revisited: a common sense approach to web usability by steve krug

(key takeaway: website design and user interface)

Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug

You always want to have control over what people set their eyes on when they land on your website. The easier and more directional your website is the more likely people are to purchase without thinking much. This is the entire concept behind Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability. The book is unique among e-commerce books in that it concentrates on the finer details of optimizing your site, improving the website design and experience, and improving customer engagement. It forces you to analyze things from the perspective of a UX specialist. The basic point of this book is that when visitors land on your website, they should not be thinking at all; only then will your website appearance and functionality contribute to sales.

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never split the difference: negotiating like your life depended on it by chris voss

(key takeaway: negotiations)

For e-commerce businesses, negotiation is an underrated talent. This book is for you if you want to learn the art of negotiating. Negotiation is an art that requires a solid understanding of human behavior. To negotiate some business instances effectively, eCommerce entrepreneurs need to be great negotiators in general. The art of negotiating effectively comes naturally to some but has to be learned by most people. Never Split the Difference: Trading Like Your Life Depends On It offers some fundamental principles that can be applied in everyday life. provides excellent advice on negotiation and persuasion, all of which are showcased with examples from the author’s first-hand experiences and strategies used during actual hostage and security negotiations during his days as chief hostage negotiator for the FBI.

josh kaufman’s personal mba

(key takeaway: entrepreneurship and business operations)

The Personal MBA equips you with simple mental models for every area you need to run a successful eCommerce business. This book will help you make smarter managerial decisions, from management to sales, marketing, and logistics. From tackling business challenges to managing your daily schedules, this book will help you avoid many of the pitfalls of running an eCommerce business and empower you to make smarter decisions.

Get Rich, Click!: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online by Marc Ostrofsky

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(key takeaway: financial freedom with ecommerce businesses)

Best Ecommerce Must-Read Books for Every Store Owner | Get Rich Click!: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet by Marc Ostrofsky

A step-by-step method for starting an eCommerce business for financial independence is included in the book Get Rich Click!: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet. It has detailed directions that are simple to follow. It also includes advice on how to turn an eCommerce website into an automated income stream using never-before-seen ideas, tactics, and strategies.

the 4 hour workweek by timothy ferriss

(key takeaway: business success with time and geographic freedom)

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The 4-hour work week is designed to give entrepreneurs more time and flexibility while running a successful e-commerce business remotely. freedom of mobility and time are two of the key traits of the “nouveau riche”, as defined in the book. The nouveau riche have abandoned the conventional 9 to 5 cubicle plan of living in favor of creating lavish lifestyles and encouraging time and geographic independence. This book demonstrates how to break free from the typical paradigm of daily life by drastically reducing work time and breaking free from geographical boundaries by remotely managing your e-commerce business from anywhere in the world.

james clear atomic habits

(key takeaway: mindset and business habits)

The last book on our recommendation list stands out from the rest. it’s about mindset and self-improvement, not necessarily technical knowledge about e-commerce business. however, this book will completely change the way you run your business and your everyday life. The goal of Atomic Habits is to overcome bad habits and make small behavioral changes that can lead to life-changing results. explores the psychology and behavioral science of small habits and how they can lead to big transformations. Inspirational stories from renowned entrepreneurs and Olympic champions are also shared on how they have harnessed the theory behind small changes to achieve big things. Any entrepreneur who wants to change the way he thinks, incorporate new and healthy habits in his business or in his life and become the best version of himself must read this book.


This brings us to the bottom of the list of the best eCommerce books for all eCommerce store owners. These books cover a lot of ground and are easy to read. Ecommerce books are a crucial and beneficial approach to learning because they can give you in-depth, real-life experiences, successes, and failures from other successful eCommerce entrepreneurs. You may also be motivated by the success stories of these people, who are often CEOs and founders of large corporations. it’s an experience that can’t be replicated with short videos, free courses, or any other quick source of information.

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further reading

  • best wordpress design and development books for a wordpress developer
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