Arsène Lupin – Book Series In Order

arsène lupin’s book publishing order

arsène lupin storybook publication order

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arsene lupin is a fictional character from a series of books written by famous french writer maurice leblanc. The Knight, The Thief Knight, The Thief Who Doesn’t Kill, these are just a few of Lupin’s many aliases in Maurice LeBlanc’s Arsene Lupine series.

The character has existed since 1905, when the first story was published in book form in France. Since then, countless books have been written about this master thief, each one guarding a great treasure that he must steal from someone else for his own benefit.

You are reading: Arsène lupin books in order

all the stories are very similar, but the plot changes slightly, so it doesn’t get boring or predictable. they are usually short novels by modern standards, but still manage to be full of action and adventure. he is also known as “the robber gentleman” because he never steals from people who cannot afford it and only targets the rich and powerful.

He avoids killing and never steals anything he doesn’t own or has been hired to take. he is a master of disguise and often uses his good looks, charm, and accent to seduce women who can provide him with useful information while he avoids the police at all costs.

arsene lupin, knight-thief a knight-thief. a criminal who believes that he is entitled to some luxuries in life just because he is particularly good at what he does. as charming as it is dangerous, with an insatiable appetite for objects of great historical or economic value.

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He has no qualms about getting rid of people who get in his way; if they are heroes or villains, it matters little to him; if necessary, they will die for your meddling… such is the legend of arsene lupin, knight-thief, born in the pages of a novel by maurice leblanc and destined to become one of the most popular characters in literature.

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the character was created in 1905, when he first appeared in leblanc’s novel “arsene lupin, gentleman cambrioleur” (which literally means “arsène lupin, gentleman thief”), with an agenda; that is to say with purpose. His creator never intended him to be misrepresented as just another raffle, who steals for personal gain rather than social advancement or simply for the love of his art.

the knightly crimes committed by arsène lupin were not done for profit but to satisfy his own passions and desires. he did not set out to be a famous criminal; he only wanted the things that mattered to him and he would stop at nothing to take them. however, it is important to remember that this character was not simply created as a mirror image of sherlock holmes.

In fact, both characters were born out of completely different influences: Maurice LeBlanc admired the work of Arthur Conan Doyle but resented “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” for portraying criminals as inept jerks who could never escape their inevitable fate.

He saw it as a glorification of British justice and sought to create a character that would go against this by making his crimes almost effortless. as he said, “sherlock holmes was always up to the task, but arsène lupin was destined for greatness.”

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leblanc’s inspiration for lupine came from an old friend of his father’s named paul préboist. A well-known local thief in his hometown of Rouen, Préboist was famous for being charming and chivalrous. He would invite Leblanc’s friends to join him on heists around town before returning at dawn to take them home again without anyone suspecting a thing. His antics were legendary throughout Normandy.

préboist even managed to evade police capture thanks to an elaborate underground dungeon he used to hide from the law and whose existence leblanc only found out about years later. This combined influence allowed LeBlanc to develop a character that resembled his old friend in many ways, from appearance to modus operandi.

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arsene lupine versus herlock sholmes arsene lupine versus herlock sholmes is a french comic written by maurice leblanc with andre franquin. follows the story of arsene lupin, gentleman thief, and his constant struggles with the archenemy of the british detective sherlock holmes, herlock sholmes.

The series is made up of several individual adventures. each adventure begins with an introduction to the main characters involved before moving into action. once the case is solved, each character offers their own opinion on why things happened that particular way.

written between 1969 and 1970, the drawings were made between 1968 and 1972 and were published for five years in tintin magazine; 25 numbers in total (although not all of them appeared). It was composed in a single volume after the cancellation of Tintin magazine, but also appeared as a serialization of 25 weekly installments. the first part was reprinted in 1974 and 1975, with five new chapters never before published.

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a successful stage adaptation of the series in 2008 by gerard presgurvic under the direction of benjamin guedj at the theater des abbesses, paris. in 2010 a comic version of this work appeared.

In this remarkable novel, the great detectives finally meet herlock sholmes, who has come all the way from england to challenge the notorious french thief. the two men are suspicious of each other, but it soon turns out that they have a lot in common besides their detective skills. they become friends and form a strong alliance against international thieves often enlisting the help of beautiful women.

The stories mainly revolve around Arsene Lupin, an honest but mischievous gentleman thief who wishes to rob only greedy and ill-tempered individuals with more money than common sense; it is implied throughout the books that arsene is only stolen from people who deserve it in some way.

His greatest wish is to outwit his archenemy Herlock Holmes, an English detective who appears in several other Maurice LeBlanc books (he has also appeared in two Sherlock Holmes mystery novels), whom he eventually learns to respect. Most of the stories revolve around Sholmes and Lupine’s attempts to outwit each other.

arsene lupine is one of the most important fictional characters adapted to various animated films and series. be sure to check out some of the best episodes on netflix.

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