Best Self Summary and Review – Four Minute Books

1-sentence-summary: better self will help you become the hero you always wanted to be by teaching you how to be honest with yourself about what you want, identify your toxic anti-self and discover the traits of the best possible version of you that you can imagine.

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Best Self Summary

A few months ago, my brother helped me put some plants in my leopard gecko’s tank. it saddened me to eventually see each of them wither and die.

My wife’s night sky petunias, on the other hand, which I can see from my window right now, are thriving.

Wanting to thrive rather than just survive is not something only plants want to do. You can also characterize your life in one of two ways. and most likely it is not prospering.

It’s not your fault though. this is one of the most important skills you can learn, but the school system and your parents didn’t teach it to you.

That’s why you’ll be excited to learn about life coach Mike Bayer and his book Best Self: Be You, Only Better. he will give you highly practical steps to create a life you love and are proud of. and above all, teach him how to prosper!

let’s see how much we can learn about how to improve ourselves in just 3 lessons:

  1. Don’t worry if you never learned to reach your full potential, just start now by defining the version of yourself that would make you happiest.
  2. use the power of honesty to defeat the villain of the fear that is holding you back.
  3. help yourself first so that you can take good care of other people.
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here to become your best self! let’s dive!

lesson 1: start defining the best version of yourself to take the first step towards reaching your full potential.

Have you ever thought about how astronomically unique you are? no one else has your exact experiences, thoughts and traits. some may come close, but your life is yours and no one will ever be like you again.

That all sounds great until you consider that no one ever taught you how to take advantage of this unique opportunity you have.

First, you had your parents, who did a lot for you that you should be thankful for. but they took the blank slate you were at birth and filled it in with their own limiting beliefs about life.

There’s no need to resent them for this though, as they were doing the best they knew how at the time and their parents probably did the same.

It made things worse when you went to school and there was no curriculum on how to find and connect with your full potential. But don’t worry, you’re about to learn how to fix it. that.

There are two versions of yourself, one positive and one negative. it will pay off in the long run if you learn to be aware of which one of you is in control. to do this, identify its characteristics and attributes.

Write all of your positive characteristics on a piece of paper. I like to ask other people what I’m good at to start with. then you can give it a face and super powers so you know when you’re doing your best!

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lesson 2: annihilate the fear that holds you back with the power of honesty.

You’re going to have to overcome obstacles on your journey to reach your full potential, and the greatest of them all is fear. but your weapon against this is to be honest with yourself.

remember that fear is always lying to you. when he says you’re not good enough or you can’t, neither of those things is true. but they are real feelings that make you waste your time living a mediocre life.

To overcome your concerns, start by identifying what they are. journal about the answer to the question “what fears do I have that prevent me from changing my life?”

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if you take this seriously, dig deeper and examine your answers carefully, you will find a topic that you can start to address. that’s the next step.

To overcome what you fear, try it. train your positive thinking muscle to be strong enough to believe the truth instead of the lies of doubt. this is difficult because you usually focus more on the fear itself than on the solutions, but you can change this habit.

To get your mind back to solving problems your way, complete the following statements on your piece of paper:

  1. “my fear is”
  2. “it prevents me”
  3. “my plan to prevent it from becoming a reality is”

lesson 3: you will be the best at taking care of others when you are good at taking care of yourself first.

If you want to reach your full potential, you must serve others. but you can’t get there if you’re not taking care of your own needs well enough first. without proper self-care, you may not have the necessary physical or emotional energy.

You need to learn how to properly deal with business and the inevitable stresses of daily life. there are some simple and powerful tools the author provides to do this.

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conscious breathing is just one method you can use to de-stress. it’s as simple as pausing when things get hectic and taking a deep breath. this will give you the calm and perspective you need to get on with your day in the best way possible.

exercise is another tool the author mentions I love to use. It helps if you find a physical activity that you enjoy doing. I like to run, walk and skate. what do you enjoy?

You’ll also want to make sure you get enough sleep. You can’t expect high cognitive and emotional performance if you’re tired all the time, and that only makes things worse for the people around you. keeping to a regular bedtime will help with this.

Also, finding some passions will help you balance your life. It’s easy to get sucked into work, but find hobbies you enjoy outside of the office. To find the time in your busy schedule, consider what’s keeping you from doing these activities and eliminate time wasters. watching TV is something common that you can stop.

better self-review

wow, this book really lifted me up! Better Me is just the kind of book I’ve been needing to motivate me to try a little harder. One of the reasons I love it, and I think you will too, is that her advice will help you balance self-discipline with self-compassion.

Who would you recommend the best auto summary to?

the 52 year old who is tired of living small and wants more meaning in her life, the 21 year old college student who wants to figure out how to have a life she is happy with, and anyone who wants to improve.

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