Katie McGarry – Book Series In Order

publishing order of books pushing the limits

book publication order of more than words

thunder road books publication order

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independent novel publication order

katie mcgarry was born and raised in louisville, kentucky. she majored in political science in college. she prefers cats to dogs. she is a happy wife and a fun mother. casablanca is her favorite movie and she reads books by simone elkeles. she likes happy endings and reality shows. she is a secret university of kentucky basketball fanatic. When Katie suffers from writer’s block, she usually listens to music or goes for long walks to get it out of her system. she feels that adolescence was the best time of her life. she is the author of many of the best reads, as she still has the heart of a teenager. her teenage love series has hooked all the young at heart. As a writer of young adult love stories, Katie McGarry has successfully gained a loyal following among the youth of many countries. her stories reflect the struggle and pain of growing up while she is deeply in love with that special someone. no wonder readers are always eager to read her books.

katie published her first book titled ‘pushing the limits’ in 2012, which later became a series where the main characters go through different circumstances that test their love and strength to survive. The debut book itself is about young teenagers Echo Emerson and Noah Hutchins who have problems in their lives just like any other normal teenager. They don’t come from a very wealthy background and have never been served anything on a platter. these are young people who were forced to grow up early to cope with their situations. Noah uses a bad boy attitude to hide his good nature. after losing his parents and going through foster homes, he believes he has developed a tough skin. he is fighting the system to get custody of his two younger brothers who were separated by cps. As an adult, he knows that it is a difficult task to convince the authorities, but he is willing to make that commitment. Echo, on the other hand, has lost some of her memories, which naturally makes her nervous. she has a dark past that she doesn’t fully understand due to her lost memories of him. he has a restraining order from his own mother but doesn’t know why. she has questionable scars on her arms that she hides. these two damaged but interesting characters meet at an orderly meeting overseen by child protective services. As they get to know each other, their willingness to share each other’s pain grows, and they eventually end up together. In this series, Katie McGarry has written stories about troubled teens struggling against all odds to find meaning in their lives. The entire series contains the constant struggle between love and reality of today’s youth.

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You are reading: Katie mcgarry books in order

katie mcgarry’s second young adult love series is the thunder road series which is about the motorcycle club called “the reign of terror”. the first book is titled ‘nowhere but here’ with the main characters emily and oz being polar opposites in their views and way of thinking, but there seems to be something that connects them. Emily, who has lived a sheltered life until now, finally discovers his biological father, who belongs to this deadly “reign of terror” group. her father has secrets that he is not willing to share with her. Oz is a confused teenager who dreams of becoming a member of this rogue motorcycle club. he wears leather jackets and dreams of riding in them. he thinks of them as family and wants to join them on his adventures. the two young lovers meet and little by little their situations force them to look at life differently. katie mcgarry was able to portray very clearly the violence, loyalty and bond that men share in a motorcycle club. They are often looked at with suspicion by normal people due to the mystery that surrounds them. Katie showed the inner workings of said club through her story. Emily’s vulnerability and Oz’s love for her make this book a must read. It also tells us the story of Eli, Emily’s father who suffered losing his daughter from her life to keep his loyalty to her club intact. her fear for her safety compels him to act desperately in order to keep her alive. Katie has written a heartwarming story set in a cruel environment that grabs her readers from the first page.

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all katie mcgarry books have a very delicate emotional quotient that makes readers curious to know more about their characters. although the ‘pushing the limits’ series has multiple stories, some interconnected with each other, each book can be read independently and promises to be very interesting as well. Her heroes and heroines are down-to-earth youngsters that today’s youth can easily relate to. they experience the same problems and headaches that any normal teenager has to go through. has shown the pain and confusion experienced by young people, especially adolescents, when faced with difficult family situations. Her characters mostly come from broken homes or have a stepfather they find it difficult to connect with. Her books have been highly appreciated by bloggers who review books in this genre.

In no time, Katie McGarry won awards for her books. She was awarded the Gayle Wilson Award for Excellence in 2013 for “Pushing the Limits”. She also won the Colorado Romance Writers Excellence Award in the “Young Adult with Romance Elements” category for her debut book. her book ‘take me on’ won the 2014 yabc choice award in the teen contemporary section. She has been a finalist for the GoodReads Choice Awards for Best Young Adult Fiction for four years in a row. her popularity has steadily increased as has the number of her followers. she has her own website where she keeps her fans updated on her books. Her books are available in different formats like paperback, ebook, audio, etc.

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