The best gardening books for beginners in 2021

As temperatures continue to rise across the country, people are likely to head outdoors for vacations, gatherings, and a few grilling adventures. For those hoping to better connect with nature, gardening may be on the list of activities to try this season, especially if you’re looking for a quiet hobby in the midst of a bustling post-vaccine summer. But if you’re just starting out, finding the right tools, clothing, and other gardening essentials can be overwhelming; Fortunately, gardening books can help and inform you when growing your own flower, vegetable, or herb garden.

“no one starts out an expert, and frankly, we’re all trying to catch up on understanding nature,” said ashlie thomas, a professional gardener who runs the mocha gardener blog. she added that being able to physically refer to “words in tangible form” during the growing season is extremely helpful. As for online references, while “wonderfully convenient,” Thomas said that books can “provide stronger, more focused content that is not only helpful at the beginning, but also down the gardening path” and can be relevant. “when you have specific questions with answers that are not readily available online.”

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For anyone trying to figure out how to work in a small space, we turned to Amazon Books Lifestyle Editor Seira Wilson, whose specialties include everything from gardening books to cookbooks to coffee table books. she pointed out that there are books on “container gardening and vertical gardening” to help you. And if you’re thinking about growing flowers, vegetables, or both, gardening books “can help you choose varieties that are optimal for what you want and the conditions, including the amount of time for maintenance, that you’re working with.” /p>

6 gardening books for beginners

To help aspiring gardeners get started with engaging reading and reference material, we turned to Wilson and compiled his picks for the most informative gardening books for beginners. “Beginning and experienced gardeners alike will find not only inspiration but options in these helpful (and beautiful) books,” Wilson explained. While there are tons of books that can help you start and grow your own garden, Wilson suggested these helpful books for new gardeners that include tips, guides, and stunning photos. We also leveraged Amazon book data to find the most popular quotes that readers highlighted while reading.

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1. gardening for beginners: a simple guide to growing vegetables at home

  • goodreads rating: an average rating of 4.34 stars from 118 reviewers
  • top quote: “other plants are best suited for direct seeding. Beans, squash, squash, peas, corn, carrots, spinach, and beets prefer to be grown from seed planted directly in the garden.”

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Vegetable and herb gardening can be a rewarding experience, especially when you’ve picked your first full-grown tomato or fresh arugula to add to your salad. Author Jill McSheehy, who also hosts the Garden for Beginners Podcast, details an easy-to-follow guide on how first-time gardeners can grow their own food. In this book, McSheehy teaches you how to establish a good foundation for your plants, how to build raised garden beds and mix healthy soil, how to choose plants for your garden, and how to pair companion plants and maintain plants year-round.

2.the complete gardener: a practical and imaginative guide to all aspects of gardening

  • goodreads rating: an average rating of 4.5 stars from 360 reviewers
  • top quote: “have Keep in mind that bees don’t see red at all, so they will ignore a purely red flower unless it has spots or stripes that lead the bee to pollen and nectar, blue, pink, green, and yellow plants will always be the best. more attractive”.

If you want to be a better gardener in just about every way, this book is comprehensive and includes several photos to help you on your journey. The book features author Monty Don, BBC TV’s leading presenter of Gardening World,’s guide to what he believes are the most important aspects of gardening, from organic growing techniques to his own successes and failures. in your garden.

3.vertical gardening: grow up, not out, to get more vegetables and flowers in much less space

  • goodreads rating: an average rating of 3.74 stars from 389 reviewers
  • top quote: “cucumbers, peas English, Malabar spinach, sweet potatoes, and snap beans only need light support such as willow branches, netting, or climbing rope other vegetables such as edible gourds (including chayote), melons (especially melons), gourds (especially miniature) , squashes (including climbing squash, spaghetti greens, and small winter types), watermelons, and yams (especially Chinese climbing plants) need stronger supports such as tree branches, bamboo, and building wire.”
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For those who have smaller plots or are just hoping to get big yields while limiting the amount of labor, this guide to vertical gardening can advise you on how to reduce the space you need for your garden. Author and gardener Derek Fall explains his recommendations for readily available vegetables, flowers, and fruits that work best for vertical gardening, how to properly use this system, and its benefits (including smaller garden beds to prepare and maintain, and new plant varieties). to try out).

4. floret farm dahlias discovery: a guide to growing and arranging magnificent flowers

  • good read rating: an average of 4.7 stars from 185 reviewers
  • top quote: “to help To conserve moisture, we add a thick layer of mulch around the young plants once they have emerged from the soil. Shredded leaves, straw, or dry grass clippings are all great options.”

If your gardening goal is to plant beautiful flowers, “Floret Farm’s Discovery of Dahlias” written by world-renowned floral designer and flower grower Erin Benzakein can guide you in growing, cultivating, and arranging fresh dahlia flowers. In addition to tips and wisdom for planting these types of flowers, the book contains vibrant photos that are not only pretty to look at, but can also teach you about their different varieties and colors. naturalism: designing and planting a resilient and ecologically vibrant home garden

  • goodreads rating: an average rating of 4.13 stars from 30 reviewers
  • top quote: “we need millions of of people plant differently for a planetary purpose, even if that is a thoughtful decision at the time.”

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For new gardeners interested in a basic introduction to ecology and plant biology, “New Naturalism” explores how a garden can foster positive environmental change and encourage plant and animal diversity in your space. You’ll also find tips on how to enhance existing gardens or grounds to create a vibrant and visually appealing space for both humans and wildlife, while also guiding you on how to build lawns, meadows, and other open spaces even in compact urban spaces. . configuration.

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6. vegetables love flowers: companion plants for beauty and bounty

  • goodreads review: an average rating of 4.2 stars from 253 reviewers
  • top quote: “the basic recipe I keep in the garden is 40 percent flowers and 60 percent vegetables.”

Co-planting (planting vegetables and flowers side by side) can be a beneficial way to increase food production and combat garden pests without pesticides. In “Vegetables Love Flowers,” author Lisa Mason Ziegler explains how adding flowers to your new fruit and vegetable garden can have multiple benefits, from increasing biodiversity and the number of insects that eat pests to improving pollination and brightening your garden. your home. She also features beautiful photos of healthy gardens and flowers that can be a nice accessory for her coffee table.

more gardening books to consider

In addition to the books above, Wilson also recommended the following books for gardening beginners, including a guide on growing your own food and an informative read on growing and maintaining vibrant flowers.

  • “the beginning gardener: growing plants and flowers” ​​by sean mcmanus and allison mcmanus
  • “mastering the art of floral gardening: a gardener’s guide to growing flowers, from garden favorites even unusual varieties today” by matt mattus
  • “growing flowers: everything you need to know about planting, caring for, harvesting and arranging beautiful flowers” ​​by niki irving
  • “how to grow Your Own Food: An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide to Container Gardening” by Angela S. judd
  • “the modern family garden: increasing self-sufficiency in backyards of any size” by gary pilarchik
  • “new family garden: layouts, recipes, and family plants for cooks who love garden ” by ellen ecker ogden
  • “field guide to urban gardening: how to grow plants, no matter where you live” by kevin espiritu

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