Childrens Book Publishers: 33 Best Publishers for Your Children&039s Book

Are you a freelance author looking for the best children’s book publishers to submit your work to?

Of all the types of books out there, children’s books are never going to go away. There will always be a demand for new books aimed at young people in schools, libraries and homes.

You are reading: Best self publishing for children’s books

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Finding the right book publisher for your book requires research. Do you like the background and values ​​of the company? Does the publisher have a good reputation for publishing books similar to yours? when you browse their catalog, do you imagine your book next to the others you see?

To help you find the best children’s book publisher for your job, we’ve compiled a list of 33 publishers open to agentless author submissions.

abdo publication

abdo publishing began as a small, family-owned business based in minnesota in 1985. since then, abdo has evolved into one of the largest providers of educational publishing in the united states. abdo publishing features a wide range of books, including picture books, graphic novels, and young adult fiction.

To submit to abdo, you must be a fiction author, as the publisher is not interested in non-fiction at this time. abdo is looking for proposals related to fiction series made up of four books. You must submit an overview of the series, outlines of all four books, and some sample chapters from book one.

albert whitman & company

albert whitman says his mission is to offer books that are not only award-winning, but also treat readers with care and respect. the ultimate goal of an albert whitman & company book is to help young readers develop their intellect and emotional maturity.

You can send it to albert whitman if you have a manuscript or proposal for a picture book, middle grade children’s fiction, or young adult novel.

annick press

annick press started in 1975. they are an independent publisher based in toronto, canada. Some of Annick’s published titles include The Paper Bag Princess, which has sold over 7 million copies worldwide. If you are interested in children’s book publishers with a history of publishing successful books, this is one of them. the books offered by annick have the ultimate goal of helping a child develop her inner resources and encourage them to contribute to her community.

annick accepts contributions from authors of picture books, middle grade fiction, young adult fiction, and nonfiction for young readers of any age. the company is inclusive and particularly welcomes submissions from authors of color, authors with disabilities, and authors who identify as lgbtq2sia+.

arbordale editorial

arbordale publishing offers fun and educational books for young people. his educational approach is to foster a love of the main themes in his readers. Arbordale-published books combine a fun yet educational story with a practical exercise section at the end to help solidify learning.

arbordale is looking for submissions that align with its core focus. If you’re interested in posting with Arbordale, read their guidelines carefully, as they break down exactly what they do and don’t want. If you are accepted by Arbordale, you will receive a small advance on your future royalties.

house of august

august house has a unique angle on children’s book publishing. his focus is on books based on the world’s folk and storytelling traditions. August champions diversity and proudly features writers from all corners of the world. More than three decades of experience and a host of prestigious publishing awards are testament to its success.

you can send it to august house if you have a book for young people that fits with its focus on folklore and oral tradition. illustrators are also invited to submit their work to the August house.

boyds mill press

boyds mills has over thirty years of experience offering books of various kinds to young readers. the children’s book publisher has no particular philosophical focus and offers a wide mix of different titles. however, they affirm that all their books have the fundamental approach of providing information and entertainment, regardless of the age of the reader.

you can view the boyds mills shipping page here. they only open for shipping periodically, so be sure to check back if they aren’t accepting new books when you check them out.

wick press

candlewick press started in the early 90’s and originally offered high quality illustrated books before expanding to offer many different genres for young readers. is one of the best-known children’s book publishers today. candlewick prides itself on its commitment to truly independent publishing and helping its authors and illustrators produce books that young readers love.

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candlewick accepts submissions from authors and illustrators. Sometimes the company will state that they are not interested in manuscript or art submissions at a certain time, so be sure to check back if you notice that.

cardinal rule pulsation

Cardinal Rule Press is a traditional publisher based in southeastern Michigan. the company has a strong ethical focus and states that its titles aim to inspire children to be hopeful and courageous, as well as promote the golden rule.

if you want to send to the cardinal rule press, have windows open intermittently. it is unknown when his next filing period will be after the current one ends.

hi-hat bridge

charlesbridge aims to serve young readers through books that focus on positivity, wonder, and fun. Charlesbridge titles aim to engage young readers by encouraging lifelong learning and other activities within the classroom and home.

If you are interested in publishing with Charlesbridge, you must submit a digital manuscript as they are not interested in receiving hard copies.

chicago press review

chicago review press has been active in the independent publishing world for nearly 50 years. The company currently has more than 1,000 titles in print and aims to foster diversity and inclusion by championing minority authors of diverse racial, gender, and disability backgrounds.

if you have a children’s book that is not a picture book, you can send it to chicago review press. They suggest submitting a query instead of a manuscript initially.

chronicle books

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chronicle is an independent publisher that focuses on a wide range of products, including books, but also diaries, stationery and calendars. Chronicle Books offers titles for readers of all ages, but also has a dedicated imprint for children and teens. They are a San Francisco publishing company that is also based in London.

To submit to chronicle, you must submit a physical paper submission. the company is not interested in receiving digital submissions, unlike many other children’s book publishers.

fickle books of david

david fickling books used to be part of scholastic and then random house, but is now a fully independent book publisher. the company’s values ​​are based on freedom, flexibility and a commitment to adopt new technologies. David Fickling Books offers titles from leading authors, including Philip Pullman.

sometimes david fickling books shut down their submission process to authors without agents. check their guidelines and contact them to make sure.

press flashlight

flashlight press is founded on the simple mission of providing books that shed light on family and social situations for young readers. the company has a small core team of six, but offers an extensive catalog of books, including many award winners.

flashlight press welcomes submissions from authors and artists. If you have a fictional children’s picture book, hold the flashlight close and see if it fits well.

flying eye books

flying eye books is a nobrow brand aimed at younger readers. the main goal of the publisher is to offer beautifully designed readings based on visual content for children. flying eye not only translates its own books into international languages ​​to serve young readers around the world, but also translates the work of international authors for the Anglo-Saxon population to enjoy.

If you think your book is a good fit for the no-brow, flying-eye publishing approach, you should check out their submission guidelines. Unlike many other children’s book publishers, Flying Eye promises that they will get back to you even if you are rejected.

free spirit post

free spirit publisher is a children’s book company with a purpose. Their goal is to do more than entertain young readers with their books—they also want to equip them with the information and skills they need to navigate life’s tough times, like dealing with bullying and building self-esteem. Former teacher Judy Galbraith founded Free Spirit in 1983 to fill a void she noticed in books meant to nurture the young.

the free spirit publication is open for submissions of resources for educators and books for children and adolescents. check their guidelines to see if your book is a good fit.

absorb books

hogs back books is based in wiltshire, england, and offers a mix of books for younger readers of various ages. Right now, Hogs Back features picture books for younger readers, books for readers ages 14 and under, and teen fiction. is a children’s book publisher that caters to various age levels.

If you have a suitable book aimed at readers age 10 and younger, you can check out the hogs back book submission guidelines here.

vacation house

holiday house has a special place on this list, as it is the oldest publisher in the united states that focuses solely on books for younger readers. The company began offering children’s books in 1935 and hasn’t looked back since. In addition to offering books for children and young adults, Holiday House publishes a series of books for people just learning to read called I Like to Read.

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full vacation home submission guidelines can be found here. they are seeking full manuscripts rather than abstracts and are open to physical or digital submissions.


immedium is a children’s book publisher that aims to inspire young readers to fall in love with reading, writing and illustration to the point of producing their own creative work. The company is based in San Francisco and features a host of titles with an Asian-American focus, such as books that explore the Chinese zodiac.

If you are an author or illustrator, you can submit your work to immedium. You will need to submit a physical copy of your manuscript or artwork as digital submission is not available.

kane miller

kane miller offers children’s books that reflect the diversity of the world and aim to explore and celebrate cultural similarities and differences alike. The publisher has a wide selection of titles, from baby books to a series of official Bear Grylls books for young readers.

You can submit an artwork or full manuscript to kane miller. Submissions are by email only and Kane Miller aims to respond within 10-14 weeks.

children can press

Kids Can Press is based in Canada and has offered socially responsible children’s books since 1973. At this time, Kids Can has a catalog of over 600 titles. Some of the themes found in children’s books are impressive, addressing issues like unconscious racial bias in an understandable way that young minds can grasp.

you can send your work to the children they can press by mail. kids may have issued a statement saying their offices are closed until the pandemic is over, so please contact them to confirm when they will reopen.

read & low books

read & Low Books describes itself as the largest publisher of diversity-focused children’s books in the United States. since 1991, read & Low has published books with a particular focus on supporting ethnic minority artists and emerging writers. His stories focus on modern and contemporary themes that are meant to be enjoyed by all children, no matter their background.

although it reads & low accept agentless submissions from time to time, currently they don’t. you can still get in touch through an agent or make contact directly at a news conference. read & low also encourage writers to start a relationship by entering one of their writing contests.

little tiger press

little tiger press is a British publisher of children’s books with over three decades of experience. The company’s mission is to provide young people with the highest quality children’s books to foster a lifelong love of reading. The Little Tiger books aim to provide a fun, meaningful, and imaginative experience for youngsters.

you can send it to little tiger press if you are an author or illustrator. take the time to go through their various prints to find the one that best suits your idea.

powerful media press

mighty media press is an imprint of the world’s largest media company. the company states that its mission is to equip young people with everything they need to become exceptional adults. mighty media uses a wide range of formats to reach younger readers, including ebooks, audiobooks, and graphic novels.

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Appearing before the powerful media is a highly selective process. They state that they publish six books out of the thousands of shipments they receive each year. Please review your guidelines carefully for the best chance of acceptance.

street post page

page street publishing is based just outside boston and has been in business since 2012. page street has an incredibly strong focus on socially conscious practices, like using soy-based ink to protect the environment . In addition to offering some books for adult readers, Page Street has divisions dedicated to picture books and young adults.

page street accepts agent and non-agent shipping. Please read their guidelines carefully, as there is a slightly different process for children’s books, young adult fiction, and non-fiction.

trouser press on fire

pants on fire press is a boutique publisher offering titles for middle grade and young adult readers. They publish on a traditional basis, offering royalties and no fees to authors, as opposed to the vanity press model. pants on fire also offers authoring services in addition to its traditional publishing activities.

If you’re looking to submit pants on fire, please read their guidelines carefully to ensure you meet their criteria. you will need to submit an initial inquiry via email rather than a full manuscript.

peachtree editorial

peachtree publisher company is a publisher based in georgia. They have been offering books since 1977. Peachtree began as a way to introduce local southern writers and originally focused on mature readers before shifting emphasis to offering books for young people of all ages. While some publishers of children’s books focus on one age group, this is a good option if you’re interested in writing for multiple ages.

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You may submit manuscripts or illustrations to peachtree. sometimes they’re only interested in hosting author jobs with agents, so be sure to check.


phaidon is a fairly intellectual publisher that publishes mainly adult books covering topics such as art, architecture and fashion. however, they also publish children’s books. Its children’s titles cover everything from typical stories to more unusual offerings, like A Kids’ Guide to Jackson Pollock.

phaidon considers presentations of board books, novelty books and illustrated books aimed at the age group of 0 to 8 years.

really decent books

really decent books is a British publisher that focuses on titles for younger readers such as babies, toddlers and young children. Really decent titles are presented at the major book fairs, including those in London, Frankfurt and Bologna. the company has a strong environmental focus in its supplies and processes.

You can look for really decent books if you have an idea for a picture book. their goal is to respond within 3-4 weeks.

sleeping bear press

sleeping bear press began just before the new millennium with a single title. The books published by Sleeping Bear aim to educate younger readers while also entertaining them. sleeping bear press offers books suitable for grades from preschool to grade 8.

To submit to sleeping bear press, you must submit a completed manuscript via email as a word document. the sleeping bear replies to the authors about six months after the submission if they are interested in moving forward.

tilbury house publishers

tilbury house publishers has over 40 years of experience publishing titles for young and adult readers. Today, the company’s focus is on offering books for young readers that address important social issues such as tolerance, environmental concerns, and global empathy.

you can send it to tilbury house if you have a complete manuscript or a portfolio of illustrations. You must submit full manuscripts by post or you can contact by email with an initial inquiry if you are interested in this children’s book publisher.

tuttle post

tuttlepublishing is one of the oldest publishers on this list and celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2018. the company is based in vermont and tokyo and therefore has a strong focus on asia. In addition to mainstream children’s books, Tuttle has a strong focus on graphic novels, manga, and coloring books.

tuttle encourages authors to submit a book proposal by mail or email, although email is preferred. Authors will be contacted within 3 months if they are interested, a shorter period of time than many other publishers.


versify is a curated publisher of hmh books by award-winning author kwame alexander. Currently, his focus is on publishing picture books, novels, nonfiction, and poetry that celebrate and reflect the lives of all children. versify states that they are proud to work with established and undiscovered talent alike.

you can present it to verify if you have a complete manuscript of a children’s book in line with the values ​​of the company. New unsolicited showings are currently closed due to covid but will open again after the pandemic stabilizes.

workers publication

workman publishing offers a wide range of different books, including a division dedicated to children’s books. The company is headquartered in Greenwich Village, New York, but also has offices throughout the United States. Workman’s Children’s Book Division publishes titles for children of all ages, from infants to titles for teens and young adults.

workman allows authors to submit their book proposal via email. Although they accept unsolicited children’s book submissions, they are not interested in receiving picture book submissions.

should you use a traditional children’s book publisher or a self-publisher?

no wonder we defend the independent route! but we really think there are excellent reasons to go their way instead of working with a publisher.

If you choose the self-publishing route, you’ll benefit from:

  • speed. You may have noticed that most of the publishers on this list take at least six months to respond to submissions. that is not the time it takes to publish your book. It’s the time they take to communicate with you! Choosing to self-publish completely reduces the wait time and allows you to experience success sooner.
  • freedom. As a self-published children’s author, you have complete creative freedom. you can make sure your book is exactly how you want it to be and launch and market it at a time that suits you best.
  • income. When you self-publish, you receive a larger portion of royalties than if you worked with a traditional publisher.

If you’d like to learn more about what it’s like to desktop publish as a children’s book author, contact our friends at the desktop publishing school. they have a brand new program that gives you everything you need to experience serious levels of success.

related: desktop publishing companies

Whether you choose the desktop publishing route or end up publishing with one of the options in this guide, we wish you much success with your children’s book!

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