Connilyn Cossette – Book Series In Order

order of publication of egyptian books

order of publication of the books of the covenant house

cities of refuge book publication order

Connilyn Cossette is an American author of historical, Christian, inspirational, and romantic fiction. she resides in north carolina with her husband and two children who make her life full of laughter, joy and inspiration. her love for adventure and historical facts pointing to jesus and other biblical figures has been the main input for her writing and her passion for books from her young age has contributed much to her career she as author.

Cossette is a CBA bestselling author for her incredible writing, the Out of Egypt series, and the Cities of Refuge series. the author’s books are written from ancient information that connects with the bible and the search for jesus in an immersive fiction.

You are reading: Connilyn cossette books in order

counted with the stars

Told by the Stars is the first book in the series outside of Egypt. Connilyn Cossette tells a story of depression, hope, despair and love with a great biblical time. she gives us the story of a girl who is sold into slavery by her father and then has a couple of problems while she is in egypt. the girl finds herself in the middle of a lot of problems, like being abandoned by her suitor and sold into slavery by her father. To make matters worse, she finds herself in the midst of a massive plague terrorizing all of Egypt. in the process of saving her brother from slavery, she flees with the Hebrews. her problems are further compounded when she finds herself entangled with a man who deeply hates her people and is introduced to a god she has little knowledge of during the great exodus. she is in a dilemma where she has to choose between going back to egypt or staying with the hebrews and serving the new god.

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The author takes you through the turn of events that happen to Kiya that is so emotional and challenging and also includes curiosity, suspense and excitement when it comes to the love he has for his older brother. Her inner conflict between serving the gods she used to have in Egypt and the new god, Yahweh, puts her in a delicate situation until she finally gives in to the new god.

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The story flows smoothly with a balance between the two cultures that comes from the mix of characters. its surroundings and the flow of events will create an image so real that the reader will want to delve into the story until the last page.

storm shadow

the shadow of the storm is the second installment of his series out of egypt. the group that left egypt after the plague has advanced, and are deep in the desert with only yahweh to guide and provide for them. kiya has a friend shira who this story focuses on the most.

she escaped from egypt and along with her friend shira are free from the oppression and slavery they lived through for a time in egypt. The atmosphere is peaceful until the people disobey god and build a gold idol. This, however, presents an opportunity for Shira, who is forced to work as a midwife during the ensuing chaos. however, this is not her mother’s wish, since she is supposed to dedicate herself to weaving something that has been taken as the family’s business line. Despite all this pressure from her family, she goes ahead with what she holds dear to her heart.

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Things take a turn for the worse when a delivery she handled goes awry and forces her to return to the life she had been running from, the family running businesses and serving their god. To further complicate matters, she ends up tied to a man who betrayed her in the past and who also has a couple of problems keeping track of her. there is a conflict between the foreigners and the Hebrews that is about to provoke another dangerous rebellion. Meeting this man takes her through a difficult time as she opens up her past life of pain and accepts the consequences of her decisions as the story unfolds.

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The story is unique, exciting, and suspenseful, with vivid descriptions of characters, scenes, and events that will keep you drawn into the book. the author has created a story with great dramatic twists and romance turned into an unforgettable story to fully capture the reader’s attention.

wings of the wind

Winds of the Wind is the third book in the Connilyn Cossette of Egypt series. Alanah is a Canaanite born and raised with her brother, which put her on the battlefield for much of her life. Her father and her brothers are killed on the battlefield by the Hebrews, something that makes her bitter and creates in her the need to take revenge on her.

Gives his life for revenge with no hope of surviving. while tobias, a hebrew continues her work on the battlefield, finds an unconscious lady and out of compassion for her decides to offer her help by taking her to a healer in one of the hebrew camps. he is unaware of the intentions of the lady he is trying to help, since all he is trying to do is offer help.

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alanah finds herself in a sticky situation where she has to join her enemies as one simple mistake would find out who she’s getting into big trouble. Things escalate, and Alanah marries Tobiah while he gets a peaceful and cozy atmosphere free from all the struggles he’s been through. This, however, does not continue for long as her painful past takes hold of her and makes her go against everything that has been offered to her in her new home.

she struggles with both opinions and ultimately destroys everything she has gained by living with the Hebrews all this time. As the author takes the reader deeper into the story, one can certainly feel the events that unfold throughout the amazing journey of this book. With detail and passion, Connilyn Cossette has crafted the story to entertain her audience.

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