Harry Potter Reading Level: Age Recommendations For The Book Series

Depending on your age (don’t worry, nobody’s asking), you may have grown up reading j.k. rowling’s harry potter book series or watching the harry potter movies. they may even have been an integral part of your childhood. Or, perhaps your first introduction to the wizarding world was as an adult, and you had the opportunity to experience the story in a completely different context, capturing all the symbolism. (hey, maybe you’ve had every opportunity to read the books or watch the movies, but you’re just not interested. that’s okay too). Regardless of your journey to get here, you probably came to this article because you’re wondering about Harry Potter’s reading level. In other words, is it something your kids can read for themselves if they’re interested, or is it still up to you to give them their dose of spells?

Before I get into the details of Harry Potter reading age, if your kids like the fantasy series, we have plenty here to keep them busy, including Harry Potter jokes and Harry Potter crafts. You could also teach them all about the Harry Potter family tree. But now, let’s dive into what parents need to know about Harry Potter’s reading level, broken down by age and grade.

You are reading: Harry potter books lexile

at what age is it appropriate to read harry potter?

In short, it all depends. if you’re talking about when to start reading the books to your child, that’s up to you. you know what your son can handle. As far as we know, there is no version of Harry Potter for young children, and because the stories deal with some darker themes, including the death of parents, it may be best to wait a few years before introducing the books to older children. preschool. Even if the kids are a little older and already in school, if they get scared easily or have nightmares after seeing or reading something they find creepy, then you’ll probably want to find a different bedtime story.

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As for the reading level of Harry Potter books, or the best age for children to start reading them, again, it depends on the child. Reading levels and ages on the back of books are approximate—there is no definitive chart of what a child should be able to read at certain ages.

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Below, we’ll look at the recommended grades and ages to read each of the Harry Potter books, but remember, it’s just a guide.

in the meantime, in case it’s helpful, here’s the lexical range of harry potter’s reading level:

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone: 880l
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 940l
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 880l
  • harry potter and the goblet of fire: 880l
  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix: 950l
  • harry potter and the half blood prince: 1030l
  • harry potter and the deathly hallows: 980l

harry potter reading level, broken down by age and grade

8 years + / 2nd and 3rd grade

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

10+/ 5th grade

  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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11 years old/6th grade

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

13 years old/8th grade

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

how else can i find out my child’s harry potter reading level?

Another great way to determine if your child is ready to start reading Harry Potter books is to ask the children’s librarian. They may not know every book in the library, but they are definitely familiar with all things Harry Potter. This means that they will be able to assess not only how challenging a particular book is to read, but also the topics and themes that are addressed in each one. That will help you, as a parent, make a more informed decision about whether or not it’s time to go to Hogwarts.

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what is a harry potter vocabulary list?

Reading is a great way to strengthen your child’s literacy skills, especially when using a book they enjoy. So he takes things further with a Harry Potter-themed vocabulary list. As they learn to spell these magic words, your little ones will also develop their reading efficiency. Here are several words you can add to your next spelling test!

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  • herbology: the study or gathering of herbs.
  • galleon: this is the most valuable coin in magical currency. also called the golden galleon.
  • muggle: a person who does not have any magical powers and was not born into a magical family.
  • poltergeist: an invisible, supernatural entity that causes disturbances in the world of the living by making sounds and moving objects.
  • wand: a stick-like object witches and wizards use to express their magic. It is usually carved in wood or in a magical substance.
  • phoenix: is a mythical bird that rises from its own ashes. dumbledore had a phoenix that would catch fire every few years and then magically reappear as a new bird.
  • appearance: when a supernatural person or thing appears, usually a ghost. .
  • moon: goddess of the moon. named after a popular character, luna lovegood.
  • pansy: a violet.
  • lucius: this word comes from Latin origin and means light. the name of draco malfoy’s father.

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