Book Genres: 24 Genres for Writing (With Guides)

As a writer (or author), knowing the different genres of books is vital to your overall knowledge as a professional and to the success of your book. Choosing the right genre of book is extremely important in your journey to becoming a bestseller.

Not only is it important to label your gender correctly, but…

You are reading: All genres of books

failing to do so can result in poor book sales, negative book reviews on amazon, and overall dissatisfied readers.

In general, people want to know what awaits them when they take the risk to buy your book.

remember there are literally 3.4 million books on amazon. you’ll need to be in the right categories to reach people as they search for —& those categories come from the genre of your book.

When you’re writing a book, the genre you write in is very important because it will dictate the different literary elements within your book.

it is important to know the genre of your book

When becoming an author, it’s important to know the differences in genres so you’re well informed about what you’re writing about.

Obviously, your audience can switch from one genre to another.

Not only that, but the “rules” for writing also vary depending on the genre you write in, meaning you’ll need to understand them to get it right.

Those “rules” also usually include the length of your book, that is, how many words and pages it will have.

This varies by genre based on audience and industry standards.

To find out yours, take a look at the calculator below:

How many genres of books are there?

There are more genres of books than you think. In this blog post, we’ll cover 24 of them, however, there are over 40 genres and even more if you count the sub-genres of books.

For example, you may have a book that is a dystopian fantasy novel.

dystopian and fantasy can be genres on their own, but if you have a dystopian story that involves magic, your book will have two genres.

This is also important to keep in mind when you have subplots within a novel that could be in a separate genre.

You’ll see it more often with romantic subplots in broader genres like fantasy or science fiction.

what are the popular book genres?

These are the most popular book genres:

  • fantasy
  • sci-fi
  • mystery
  • thriller
  • romance
  • westerns
  • dystopian
  • contemporary

Let’s go into more detail with these non-fiction book genres as well.

book genres: over 24 genres to write about (with guides)

#1 – fantasy

fantasy covers a large part of the world of the book. is one of the most popular book genres out there, one of my personal favorites to read and write.

fantasy is a genre that is identified by the use of magic within it.

In general, fantasy is the genre of possibility. You can write with a bit of magic, like Jenna Moreci’s The Savior’s Champion or you can write a book where magic is at the forefront of the plot, like with J.K. rowling’s harry potter.

To go a step further, let’s look at the different categories within this genre that have more specific characteristics.

young adult fantasy genre:

young adult is usually intended for readers between the ages of 13 and 17. however, adults enjoy this category of writing just as much as teenagers.

One thing to keep in mind when writing young adult fantasy is that the themes and messages within the literature will often revolve around issues of adolescence, such as coming of age and exploring identity.

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 90,000 words

adult fantasy genre:

when you think of fantasy for adults, think of game of thrones or the lord of the rings versus harry potter or children of blood and bone.

Major adult fantasy plots or themes are likely to revolve around more developed themes, such as the difference between good and evil, death, adult relationships, and more.

average word count for this book genre: 70,000 – 110,000

epic fantasy genre:

An epic fantasy novel is characterized by the extensive and grandiose nature of its plot, characters, setting, or theme.

books that tend to call this genre of books are game of thrones and lord of the rings, as we mentioned earlier. most of the time epic fantasies will also be included in fantasy adventures.

average word count for this book genre: 100,000 – 200,000+

tips for writing in the fantasy genre

  • focus on building a really rich world that feels real, even if readers know it’s not technically real
  • create rule systems for your magic, always. you never want to have magic that has no caps or costs as it will leave room for too many plot holes
  • write the fantasy book you want to read – forget about the others and focus on the things you find interesting in the plot, the characters and the scenes
  • create fantastic creatures to give your world a breath of fresh air, either from existing ones or invent your own
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#2 – adventure

writing a novel in the adventure category will require a journey, journey, or quest of some kind as the overall plot.

Your average adventure novel often focuses as much on the character’s physical journey as the journey the character goes through as a person throughout the novel.

average word count for this book genre: 90,000 – 130,000

epic adventure genre:

As stated above for an epic fantasy, any genre that is “epic” is characterized by the magnitude of the plot, the character, or the themes themselves.

an example of an epic adventure novel is moby dick, which is about 190,000 words and 720 pages long.

average word count for this book genre: 120,000 – 200,000

#3: Romance

Romance novel authors have a specific goal when it comes to their books: to make you fall in love with the characters as much as the characters fall in love with each other.

In this genre of books, romance is the central point of the plot. the entire novel revolves around the relationship, though other plot points may be present.

A classic example of a romance novel is Nicholas Sparks’ notebook.

tips for writing in the romance book genre:

  • never romanticize the abuse (i.e. if there is a toxic element in the relationship, never make this look attractive or “good”)
  • write healthy, consensual and appropriate romances both characters work well together
  • avoid these common mistakes when writing romance

#4 – contemporary

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This genre of books is among the most popular, although most writers aren’t sure what this category is.

Contemporary genre of books are simply books written in the current time period with most parts of the novel revolving around common problems in a character’s life.

but in reality, this gender is rather the absence of a gender. you may have heard this genre grouped with others, such as contemporary fantasy or contemporary romance.

The term is used to tell readers that this book takes place in the present day, though it can also encompass other genres.

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 90,000

tips for writing in the contemporary book genre:

  • create a realistic and experienced conflict to engage readers
  • create an empathetic character that readers feel bad about
  • up the ante by introducing a element, character, or conflict completely out of left field to surprise readers

contemporary genre

#5 – Dystopian

This is a newer genre of books that has really gained popularity in the last 5-10 years.

Although many stories of this nature have been published before, the term “dystopian” was recently coined to describe a genre of books in which the current government or society has been destroyed and the book focuses on the aftermath.

writing dystopian fiction can give you a lot of freedom in how you develop society while reducing the world building you would have to do for a fantasy or science fiction novel.

dystopian genre can also be used as a secondary genre tag to clarify the content of the book, just like with contemporary.

for example, you can have a dystopian fantasy novel as well as a dystopian science fiction novel.

Here are some examples of dystopian novels:

  • the hunger games
  • young world
  • the handmaid’s tale

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 110,000

tips for writing in the dystopian book genre:

  • mix this with another genre like horror or mystery to add something new
  • be more creative with the reason for the collapse of society before your book happened like disease and/or zombies is too over the top

Dystopia defined

#6 – Mystery

We’ve all heard of mystery book genres. is an extremely popular genre, and for good reason.

This genre of book is defined by a plot that focuses on solving a mystery, most of the time with the mystery impacting the main character to the point where they are the ones involved in solving it.

Many other genres can have mysteries within them (in fact, most do), but what makes a book specific to this genre is the fact that the mystery is the main plot and point of the book. .

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 90,000

tips for writing in the mystery book genre:

  • outline your story thoroughly if you want to wow your readers with the twist, as planning allows you to provide a foreshadowing that makes sense
  • know your ending before planning the rest of the story story
  • make sure your main character is very, very interesting (the reason mysteries work well is because of the main character, not always just the mystery)

mystery book genre

#7 – Horror

horror novels are characterized by the fact that the main plot revolves around something scary and terrifying.

Often, you may find that horror and suspense describe the same book, though we’ll talk more about why thrillers aren’t always horror novels in the next section.

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 90,000

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tips for writing in the horror book genre:

  • do what your readers least expect, setting up a scenario where they can guess the outcome and then do something completely different.
  • use strong verbs and the “show don’t” rule . tell” to appeal to the senses to elicit a physiological response in readers
  • as you think about your “horror” elements, add something real or commonplace to make them creepier. an example is having a serial killer who is a big fan of the local high school baseball team and attends the games regularly

#8 – suspense

If you’re writing a thriller, the book will focus on a suspenseful, action-packed plot.

This genre of books is more often about danger and fear, with a high emotional impact related to fear.

These are some examples of popular suspense novels:

  • the girl with the dragon tattoo
  • the woman in cabin 10
  • the glow
  • it

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 110,000

tips for writing in the thriller genre:

  • use the literary device of juxtaposition to raise the tension in those “exciting” moments
  • whenever you have a high-tension moment, add a personal conflict to raise the stakes in a way not physics
  • continually ask yourself how you can raise the stakes in a realistic way that fits your story idea

reader expectations

#9 – Paranormal

paranormal books are characterized by including paranormal activity, such as ghosts, clairvoyance, mediums, demons, vampires and more.

the difference between fantasy and the paranormal are the elements it contains. The paranormal doesn’t usually have magic like witches or specific fantasy beings like unicorns, mermaids, and more.

but the paranormal book genre includes a current or real life setting and is not usually set in another world, as fantasy can sometimes be.

However, keep in mind that you may have a paranormal fantasy novel if your book covers both types of abnormal occurrences.

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 90,000

tips for writing in the paranormal book genre:

  • opt for paranormal beings from different cultures
  • create your own paranormal beings for a culture or religion of your own making
  • use some of the novel writing tips of suspense to raise the tension with your paranormal story

#10 – historical fiction

This genre of book is exactly what it sounds like: a fictional story that takes place in the past.

Historical fiction typically focuses on known events or issues that take place significantly before the present.

average word count for this book genre: 60,000 – 90,000

tips for writing in the historical fiction book genre:

  • Be sure to avoid the common “there weren’t many colored people” excuse when writing historical fiction from any time and place. this is a dodge and the world was as diverse then as it is now
  • research your book and its details for complete accuracy. any factual errors can drive a reader out of your book
  • add personal and emotional conflicts that make sense for the time period but are still relevant issues today so readers can better connect with your book
  • li>

#11 – science fiction

Science fiction is one of the most popular book genres out there. With film adaptations like Star Wars and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, this genre has exploded and is rife in the world of books.

tips for writing in the science fiction genre:

  • create new technology that works with and/or against your protagonist’s agenda
  • develop jargon when writing dialogue that is appropriate for the time you are writing (and avoid using jargon which will likely be outdated for your world/era)
  • just like other genres that aren’t set in a realistic time and world, be sure to add internal conflicts that we still struggle with in our current lives to attract more readers

scifi book genre

#12 – Memoir

Let’s move on to the non-fiction writing part of these book genres and first there are the memoirs.

When writing a memoir, you are essentially telling the reader about the defining moments in your life that have led to where you are and who you are today.

Memoirs differ from autobiographies in that an autobiography is more of a timeline of your life, events, and accomplishments, while a memoir is more of a collection of the most significant moments, brought together by a theme or message you want to transmit. share with readers.

average word count for this book genre: 45,000 – 80,000

#13 – cookbook

You already know what a cookbook is.

Cookbooks are those that contain recipes and instructions to make the dishes correctly. Not only that, but many cookbooks tell stories about why the dish was created and the inspiration behind it.

Average word count for this genre of book: Cookbooks vary widely and depend more on the number of recipes than the total number of words.

#14 – art

This genre of books encompasses several different types of books. however, they all require the same thing: a focus on something related to art.

There are many ways a book can qualify to be in the art genre.

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Here are some ways your book could be part of the art genre:

  • covers art facts
  • teaches specific art methods
  • discusses in detail (art history)
  • art is a focus of the book

average word count for this book genre: 10,000 – 60,000

Art book

#15 – Self-help

If you’re writing a book intended to help someone in their personal life, as well as encourage them to make positive change, you’re probably writing in the self-help or personal development genre.

Essentially, if your book helps others have a better life by empowering them, it will fall under this genre.

Note that this genre of books encompasses many other genres as well. you can have a health self-help book as well as a self-help relationship.

anaverage word count for this book genre: 30,000 – 70,000

#16 – personal development

The genre of development books is growing rapidly as the world focuses on self-improvement as a whole.

If you’re writing in this genre, you’ll probably be writing about specific character-related struggles and personal issues, as well as overcoming these obstacles.

average word count for this book genre: 30,000 – 70,000

#17 – motivational

This genre of books is increasing significantly in recent times. if you write in this genre, your book will focus on empowering people to do what they are struggling with.

Essentially, motivational books focus on the problems that can prevent people from achieving their goals and dreams, and how to solve them.

Most of the time, motivational books can be grouped with other genres of books, such as health, fitness, business, and self-help.

average word count for this book genre: 30,000 – 70,000

#18 – health

The genre of health books is broad and covers a wide variety of different topics.

Your book will be included in this broad genre if it includes something related to health. These can be topics ranging from fitness, holistic healing to more complex medical topics and detailed coverage of different health conditions.

average word count for this book genre: 30,000 – 70,000

#19 – story

Any book covering historical events of any kind would fall into this category. and since this is non-fiction, everyone has to be accurate.

Many history books are very different from what you might have read in school. in fact, there are several books that just cover different events in history written in a more entertaining way compared to a play-by-play factions textbook.

those books still fall into this category of books.

average word count for this book genre: 30,000 – 70,000

#20 – travel

Whether you’re writing travel guides or a detailed review of different travel destinations, this genre of books will cover them all.

Your book would also fall into this genre if you write about travel hacks or ways to travel cheaply or even for free.

average word count for this book genre: 20,000 – 50,000

#21 – guide/instructions

There are so many guides and how-tos that it’s pretty easy to tell if your book fits this genre.

The way to know if your book belongs to this genre is to think about the main purpose. Is your book written to show someone how to do something specific?

the biggest giveaway is in the title of the book. if your title includes “how to…”, then it belongs to this genre!

average word count for this book genre: 3,000 – 50,000

#22 – families and relationships

You can write a book on how to build a stronger family foundation or a book on how to improve your relationship. either way, those books would fall into this category.

Often, books in this genre will also fall under a smaller, more specific genre, such as family bonding or romantic relationships or even friendship building.

The relationship genre should not be confused with the romantic fiction genre.

average number of words for this genre of books: 30,000 – 50,000

#23 – humor

if you’ve ever read a joke book or a book that revolves around some sort of humorous endeavor, it belongs in this category of books.

Books in this genre are also often gag gifts or meant to be funny.

average word count for this book genre: 10,000 – 50,000

#24 – children’s books

While there are several genres of children’s picture books, we wanted to touch on a few details about them as a whole.

When writing a children’s book, it’s important to keep these details in mind. if you don’t, you run the risk of writing a book you like instead of one a child would.

A children’s book describes any book written for an audience ages 0-8.

Now, of course, older kids might enjoy this book, but ultimately it’s targeting those who can’t read at all or are relatively new to reading.

Average word count for this genre of books:300 – 1200 words.

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