Transgender and Gender Fluid Books for Kids, Young Adults and Adults

on christopher street: transgender stories

photograph by mark seliger, foreword by janet mock

From Amazon: Renowned photographer Mark Seliger, best known for his portraits of celebrities, musicians, and artists, has called the Western Town home for nearly two decades. for his latest book, on christopher street: transgender stories, his curiosity inspired him to take a handful of documentary-style portraits, hoping to capture the color, quirky characters, and theater of a famous but fading neighborhood .

You are reading: Books on transgender issues

what seliger discovered was a nightly carnival of personalities opening up the visual discourse on sexuality and the constant ebb and flow of the transgender world we all inhabit today. The end result is a collection of 74 beautiful black and white portraits, all taken on Seliger’s Hasselblad camera and never before published.

autobiography of a transgender scientist

by ben barres

from Amazon: Ben Barres was known for his groundbreaking scientific work and groundbreaking advocacy for gender equality in science. In this book, completed shortly before his death from pancreatic cancer in December 2017, Barres (born 1954) describes a life filled with remarkable achievement, from his childhood as a precocious math and science genius to his experiences as a student at mit in the 1970s to his transition from female to male in his forties, to his scientific work and role as professor and mentor at stanford.

super late bloomer: my first few days in transition

by julia kaye

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from amazon: Instead of a traditional written journal, julia kaye has always turned to art as a means of self-reflection. so when he began his gender transition in 2016, he decided to use his popular webcomic, up and out, to process his journey and help others with similar struggles realize they weren’t alone. Julia’s touching and relatable comics honestly depict her personal ups and downs as she grapples with the many issues involved in transition, from struggling with self-acceptance and defying societal expectations, to moments of self-love and joy. Super Late Bloomer educates and inspires as Julia faces difficulties head-on and vows to be fully and authentically who she was always meant to be.

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song in a tired throat

by pauli murray

from amazon: in a voice that is forceful, wry and direct, murray tells of a childhood dramatically altered by the sudden loss of his energetic and hard-working parents. Orphaned at age four, she was sent from Baltimore to segregated Durham, North Carolina, to live with her unflappable Aunt Pauline, who, while strict, was liberal-minded in accepting the tomboy Pauli as “my little boy-girl.” In fact, throughout her life, Murray struggled with feelings of sexual “mediation” (she tried unsuccessfully to get testosterone from her doctors) that we would recognize today as a transgender identity. >

redefining reality

by janet mock

From Amazon: With unflinching honesty and moving prose, Janet Mock conveys her experiences growing up young, multiracial, poor, and trans in America, offering readers accessible language while imparting vital insight into the challenges and unique vulnerabilities of a marginalized and misunderstood population. Although it is certainly a tale of one woman’s search for herself at all costs, Reality Redefined is a powerful vision of possibility and self-fulfilment, pushing us all toward greater acceptance of others, and of ourselves. ourselves, showing like never before how unapologetic and real.

Ladybug: A Gender Reversal Story

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by jacob tobía

from amazon: it took jacob years to figure out that being a “sissy” is nothing to be ashamed of. it is a source of pride. Following Jacob through bullying and beauty pageants, from Duke University to the United Nations and the podiums of the Methodist Church, not to mention the halls of the White House, these unforgettable memoirs pack a crowd. A deeply personal story of trauma and healing, a powerful reflection on gender and self-acceptance, and a playful guide to wearing tacky clip-on earrings in today’s world, sissy guarantees you’ll never think about gender . -both other people’s and yours- the same way again.

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Beyond the Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out

by susan kuklin

from amazon: author and photographer susan kuklin met and interviewed six transgender or gender-neutral young adults, using her considerable skills to portray them thoughtfully and respectfully before, during, and after their personal acknowledgment of gender preference . portraits, family photos and candid images adorn the pages, heightening the emotional and physical journey each young person has taken. each discussion and honest disclosure, whether joyous or heartbreaking, is completely different from the next due to family dynamics, life situations, gender, and the transition these teens make in recognizing themselves.

Some Editing Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen

by arin andrews

From Amazon: In this groundbreaking memoir, Arin details the journey that led him to make the life-changing decision to undergo gender reassignment as a junior in high school. In her captivatingly witty and honest voice, Arin reveals the challenges she faced as a child, the humiliation and anger she felt after being kicked out of her private school, and all the changes, both mental and physical, she experienced once she started. your transition. Arin also writes about the excitement of meeting and dating a young transgender woman named Katie Rain Hill, and the heartbreak that followed after they broke up. assembly required is a true coming of age story about breaking down obstacles and embracing family, friendship and first love. but more than that, it’s a reminder that self-acceptance doesn’t come prepared with a manual and parts. rather, some assembly is always required.

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