Pendergast Novels In Order

last updated 25 aug 2021 when it comes to reading the pendergast novels in order, having read the entire series so far, i suggest you read the books by douglas preston and lincoln child pendergast in order of publication, starting with relic. The reason is that while most of the stories can stand on their own, there is a continuity involving the characters (particularly around FBI agent Aloysius Pendergast) that you don’t want to miss.

These are the Pendergast novels ordered by authors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.

You are reading: Pendergast books in order

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pendergast series list in order

  1. relic (pendergast #1), 1995
  2. reliquary (pendergast #2), 1997
  3. The Cabinet of Curiosities (pendergast #3), 2002
  4. Still Life with Crows (pendergast #4), 2003
  5. brimstone, (pendergast #5, diogenes #1) 2004
  6. dance of death (pendergast #6, diogenes #2), 2005</ li
  7. the book of the dead (pendergast #7, diogenes #3), 2007
  8. la wheel of darkness (pendergast #8), 2008
  9. graveyard dance (pendergast #9), 2009
  10. fever dream (pendergast #10), 2010
  11. cold revenge (pendergast #11), 2011
  12. two tombs (pendergast #12), 2012
  13. extraction (pendergast #12.5), 2012
  14. white fire (pendergast #13), 2013
  15. blue labyrinth (pendergast #14), 2014
  16. crimson coast (pendergast #15 ), 2015
  17. the obsidian chamber (pendergast #16), 2016
  18. the city ad of the endless night (pendergast # 17), 2018
  19. verses for the dead (pendergast #18), 2018
  20. crooked river (pendergast #19), 2020
  21. bloodless (pendergast #20), 2021

the first 3 books in the series, relic, locket and cabinet of curiosities could be included in the new york series because they all take place in new york (around the museum) and the characters are also present in each one, including one of my favorite previous characters, william smithback.

Should we read the Pendergast novels in order?

In the early books of the Pendergast series, I had a feeling that the authors wanted the novels to be stand-alone stories, to allow us to read them separately from the rest. however, as various new characters were added in each new book, most of whom would also appear in subsequent novels, it became quite difficult not to want to read the next book in the series just to see what happened to x, y, or z. . next character.

for example, once constance is thrown into the mix, you’ll want to know about her (very strange) history, her age, her relationship with aloysius and her brother, and what she’s doing there anyway. in the later pendergast books, constance’s character will be really fleshed out and well defined.

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Crimson ShoreThe more books you read where Constance is included or just mentioned, the easier it will become to learn more about this very interesting and exquisite person and the easier it becomes to feel attached to her and feel compassion for her. She really grew on me over the years. Thankfully Crimson Shore, the 15th Pendergast novel, is all about Constance. And our favorite FBI agent. And did I mention…her? Yay!

diogenes, his brother, is another one of those characters who, as evil as he is, is nevertheless a very interesting participant in the whole family story. And let’s not forget about Helen, who shows up in some later novels, and his story just continues from there, even long after her… but I won’t spoil it for you anymore.

It’s not just about the backgrounds of the characters, but also about the relationship that develops and grows over time, where seemingly unrelated small events in some characters’ lives will produce big ripples over time in the lives of others. others.

Each book reveals a little more about Aloysius, about Constance, about Diogenes, and even about his wife, Helen. while some of the main characters may only appear in a few books, they are always there, in the background, with the author revealing bits and pieces about them, allowing us to piece together a larger puzzle.

so yeah, reading the pendergast books in order is something i’m glad i did since the first book i read many years ago, called heirloom. It was the book that got me hooked on the entire series, making it one of the most anticipated mystery series for me every year.

RelicSo, all in all, I highly recommend you read the series in order from the very first one, Relic, and go through the list as shown above. You will be privy to some information and clues that those who read the books out of order will likely miss, along with a lot of back-stories that makes this world as rich and interesting as it is.

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Each book flows seamlessly into the next without any interruption, and if you read them out of order, it can feel like the whole story is disjointed and, let’s face it, a lot less fascinating.

one of my favorite books in the series is the city of endless night, available since the beginning of 2018. for those who want to start reading this wonderful and addictive suspenseful series, above is the order of each book so that they can start. the numbering after the book titles indicates the order of the novels.

The City of Endless Night begins with the search for Grace Ozmian, the missing daughter of a billionaire digiflood owner in the tech sector. Initially, it is assumed that she just left as she usually does, but when she finds a decapitated body, things go from bad to much, much worse.

our beloved vincent d’agosta takes the case, and when aloysius wants to help, vincent is more than happy with the extra support, especially since the diabolical forces are at work here, and regular police work probably won’t be enough to solve this case.

this book harkens back to the traditional style of douglas preston & lincoln child, which I really enjoy. However, there are not many recurring characters in this book except Aloysius and Vincent. Constance and Vincent’s wife only appear briefly.

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