Readers’ 10 best books of 2014 | Books | The Guardian

We asked you to nominate your favorite books of 2014 and here, in no particular order, are the results: the 10 books that drew the most consensus. below you will find acclaimed fiction, memoir, fantasy and polemic. Interestingly, the list differs greatly from the mid-year readers’ picks; take a look at the ones found here.

1. paying guests | sara waters

“five hundred pages or more of effortless reading. a story that begins with the simple premise of a mother and daughter who receive paying guests to help with financial difficulties. becomes an extraordinary thriller that turns the page.” jkinnaird

You are reading: 10 best books of 2014

“sarah waters is knowledgeable and adept at developing a story, presenting detailed descriptions of people whose inner lives and social histories are often ignored by traditional literature. Waters describes housework, lesbian sexuality among ordinary people, and the incalculable problems of class and money created by the First World War and its aftermath.” dianne hunter

what we said: “satire meets period drama”: read the guardian’s review

2. do no harm: stories of life, death and brain surgery | swamp henry

“a surprisingly honest and moving memoir of the life of dr. marsh as a neurosurgeon”. still listening

“This is the book that explains why I often prefer nonfiction to fiction these days. who could invent such an interesting and moving story like this? it is suspenseful, sometimes creepy, human and wise. and he has the funniest anecdote about lost computers and passwords that beats all of yours! I laughed out loud and immediately shared it with my friends. You can’t stop reading this book.” philipskel

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“honest, fascinating, funny and moving.” diana patel

“gripping, surprisingly honest, and beautifully written memoir from a neurosurgeon.” howardjl

what we said: “patients see neurosurgeons as gods, but what is the reality? henry marsh has written a memoir of startling candor” – read the keeper’s review

3. elizabeth has disappeared | emma heley

“moving but deadly accurate portrayal of someone suffering from dementia solving a crime. Anyone with a family member who suffers from dementia will recognize black humor! a brilliant debut.” xerif

“a beautifully written insight into the mind of a dementia sufferer, it certainly opened my eyes. it’s hilarious and heartbreakingly sad. it is very simple reading, but the reader takes away a clearer and more complex understanding of a condition that is likely to affect many of us in modern times. I highly recommend this book.” scotty01

what we said: “emma healey’s dementia detective story” – read the keeper review

4. the book of strange new things | michel faber

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“michel faber is a wonderful author. her writing and language skills are excellent. in this new novel he introduces themes that could make the book hard to read or maybe to follow, but I couldn’t put it down until I finished it. there is something poignant about the book that remains long after the reading is over.” maureenglasgow

what we said: “amazing and deeply moving” – read the tutor’s review

5. we are all completely out of ourselves | karen joy hunter

“ a masterful study of family interactions, behaviors and the nature of memory. tackles some serious moral issues without getting heavy.” roburite

“Because the story was completely unexpected, in addition to enjoying the book, I also learned a few things.”isabelle leinster

“I liked the character, the story, the twist and the interesting use of scientific studies of chimpanzees and it is very well written and the narrator was very funny at times.” id9694371

what we said: “a provocative take on family love” – ​​read guardian’s review

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6. all the light we can’t see | anthony doerr

“wonderfully written, a beautiful story about family, duty and personal honor.” maysonet alder melody

“this is a novel with many layers and beautiful language”. Helena

what we said: “a tale of morality, science and the Nazi occupation” – read the Guardian review

7. bone clocks | david mitchell

“There are many reasons why this novel is great: its richly characterized voices, its sumptuous period details, its dark sense of humor, and its wholesome but never irritating self-awareness. none of these even come close to why it’s a wonder. its plot is truly ridiculous. it’s basically unmissable. it’s the kind of labyrinthine sci-fi that teenagers love and everyone else gives them an encouraging smile and pats on the head. but 600 pages fly by without stopping for a second to think, wait, how did I let any of this happen? nicholas watts

what we said: “narrative fireworks dazzle” – read guardian’s review

8. this changes everything: capitalism vs climate | naomi klein

“the impact of climate change, as margaret atwood says, is a conversation we need to have now. it cannot be postponed any longer and klein’s book clearly reinforces that thought.” laikalizzie

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“naomi klein is a conventional author and she dared to write about a topic that is still not considered appropriate when people socialize. this book explains reality, it’s easy to read and the message is incredibly important. she read about 35 books a year; this is at the top of my list for the last 12 months.”ian james

what we said: “addresses a potential catastrophe but is quiet and cozy” – read the keeper’s review

9. the narrow road to the deep north | ricardo flanagan

“No one needs to say once that war is a horrible business for everyone involved, during and after, but sometimes it’s good to tell it in an achingly beautiful and moving way. how is this book. zendik

“I don’t think I’ve ever read a book like this. the harrowing depictions of POW existence in Burma juxtaposed with a passionate but ill-fated love story told me much about the potential of the human experience to be both beautiful and terrifying; I’ve felt haunted by it ever since.” philojo

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“literary quality of writing combined with ethical philosophy and believable characterization. great historical fiction.” 100blague

what we said: “a rich insight into how the burma railway claimed the lives of australian prisoners of war, even after they had survived the camps” – read the keeper’s review

10. the goldfinch | donna pie

It wouldn’t be a proper end-of-the-year list without a little bit of cheating. the goldfinch came out in late 2013, but it was published in paperback this year and that’s when most readers had a chance to read it, so we decided to accept the nominations.

“a long book, without wasting a word. wonderful characters in an absolutely compelling story. smart, funny and curiously misunderstood. I could read it again!” lily carver

“It is an experience, like a dream, sharpened by the pain and the growth in it. i love theo like he is a real person. it is more than three-dimensional, it has a psyche. this will remain an all-time favorite book.” madeleineann

“just a wonderfully interwoven dark (and richly long) story of redemption, sacrifice, loss, life choices and beauty, all in the eye of the beholder. I read professionally for work, so spending my time (and then desire) to delve into this wonderful 850+ page read, on the recommendation of a colleague, no less, and then enjoy writing enough to not want to put down , is statement enough. the well-deserved 2014 pulitzer winner.” jennifer cross

what we said: “the story of a boy who loses a mother and gains a painting, donna tartt’s long-awaited third novel is an amazing achievement” – read guardian’s review

To include your favorite book of the year in Guardian Review’s year-end issue, email with your nomination by Friday, December 19.

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