The 5 Best Books on Delegation for Inspiring Leaders | Bloomsoup

The act of delegating is often seen as a way to get things done more efficiently by empowering others to handle certain tasks or projects.

When done correctly, delegation can be an extremely effective tool. however, when done incorrectly, it can lead to frustration and disappointment on both sides.

You are reading: Best books on delegation

There are several different books that have been written on the subject and in this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best.

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best books on delegation

1. delegation & brian tracy oversight

In his book, Brian Tracy provides readers with a comprehensive guide to effectively delegating tasks and supervising employees.

tracy covers topics like delegating authority, setting clear expectations, and monitoring progress.

With practical advice and tips, this book is a valuable resource to help you increase productivity and focus on your most important goals.

He outlines the key steps involved in successful delegation, from defining goals to setting clear expectations, before offering guidance on how to overcome common challenges, such as feelings of insecurity or resistance from team members. .

Throughout the book, Tracy provides practical advice and real-world examples to illustrate her points.


  • Tracy covers a lot of ground in this book, giving readers a comprehensive guide to delegation and supervision.
  • The book is packed with practical advice and tips, making it a a valuable resource for anyone new to management.
  • tracy uses real-world examples to illustrate her points, making the concepts easy to understand.


  • some readers may find tracy’s writing style a bit dry.
  • the book does not focus specifically on project management, so readers seeking guidance in this area they may be disappointed.

end result

written by a well-known business figure, delegation & Supervision is an invaluable introduction for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills.

2. if you want it done right, you don’t have to do it yourself! the power of effective delegation by donna m. genett

This instructional title provides readers with a comprehensive guide to delegated authority.

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genett begins by outlining the different types of delegation and their benefits, before delving into the process of how to do it effectively.

The author emphasizes the importance of setting clear expectations and providing adequate support, to ensure that tasks are carried out successfully.

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also discusses the potential dangers of delegation, such as when tasks are outsourced to people who are not right for them or when delegators try to micromanage.

Throughout the book, Genett provides practical advice to help readers overcome these challenges.


  • The book is well organized and easy to read.
  • Provides a comprehensive overview of delegation, including its benefits and challenges.
  • Offers practical advice and tips for both delegates and delegators.


  • Some of the advice is common sense and may be obvious to experienced managers.
  • A short read: It may not go as deep as some readers want.

end result

The book is a useful resource for anyone who wants a quick guide to the art of delegating.

3. turn the boat around! a true story of turning followers into leaders by him. David Marquet

l. turn the ship around by david marquet is a powerful case study in effective leadership.

Marquet was tasked with taking over the USS Sante Fe, a nuclear submarine that was ranked at the bottom of its class in terms of performance.

Marquet implemented a number of sweeping changes to the way the ship was run, including giving control to the crew and empowering them to make decisions.

The results were spectacular: within a year, the Sante Fe had improved its performance and ranked as one of the best submarines in the fleet.

Marquet’s book is important reading for anyone interested in leadership or management. provides a clear and compelling case for why empowering employees leads to better performance.

Her writing is accessible and engaging, making her a valuable resource for leaders at all levels.

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  • turning the boat around is an inspiring story of leadership and management.
  • marquet provides a clear and compelling case for why employees should be given more responsibility.
  • story writing is accessible and engaging and is born out of personal experience.


  • The book does not offer any specific advice or guidance on how to implement marquet methods in other organizations.
  • It may not be appropriate for readers who cannot identify with the military example.

end result

Turn the ship around! is a true story of leadership in action and why working with your subordinates, rather than against them, is the way to go.

4. the coaching habit: say less, ask for more & change the way you lead forever by michael bungay stanier

This is a book about the power of coaching to help people overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

The author, Michael Bungay Stanier, is an experienced trainer and brings his years of experience to the material.

The book is divided into three parts: the first part covers the basics of coaching, the second part explores the seven essential questions of coaching, and the third part offers advice on how to put the coaching habit into practice.


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Throughout the book, Stanier provides helpful advice and real-world examples to illustrate his points, while offering a series of helpful exercises that readers can use to hone their coaching skills.

In short, the coaching habit is an insightful and practical guide that will be of immense value to anyone facilitating employee growth.


  • The book is a comprehensive and well-written guide to coaching.
  • Includes a number of insightful techniques for bringing out the best in your team.
  • It is suitable for readers of all experience levels.


  • Some readers may find the book’s focus on training questions limiting.
  • Exercises may not be suitable for all readers.
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end result

the habit of coaching is a new management style in which organizations promote the growth and development of their teams to improve well-being and productivity.

5. clockwork: design your business to work alone by mike michalowicz

In Clockwork, Mike Michalowicz tells the story of his search for the perfect work-life balance.

recounts his journey from being a workaholic businessman to becoming a more balanced person who values ​​family and personal time as much as professional success.

michalowicz is open and honest about his own struggles with stress and burnout, offering readers practical advice on achieving a more sustainable lifestyle.

The book is divided into four sections: “The Argument for a Better Work-Life Balance”, “The Tools of Time Management”, “Putting It All Together” and “The Mechanical Lifestyle” .

In each section, michalowicz provides practical advice to simplify your schedule and create more margin in life.

also shares inspiring stories of people who have achieved success without sacrificing their health or relationships.

clockwork is an informative and helpful guide for anyone looking to create a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle.


  • clockwork is an informative and useful guide for anyone looking to create a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle.
  • the book is well structured with each section covering a different aspect of clockwork weather.
  • michalowicz is transparent about his own journey from workaholism to wellness.


  • Some readers may find the book’s focus on time management a limitation.
  • The book does not offer a step-by-step guide to implementing the strategies it discusses.

end result

clockwork is a useful resource for anyone looking to create a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle.


Delegating is an essential skill that anyone looking to enter management or leadership positions should learn.

Learning to distribute tasks effectively according to individual strengths allows you to multiply team effort and create a kind of compound effect that shoots an organization up.

The book recommendations above will teach you how.

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