25 Best Books for Women in Their 20s (2022) | Heavy.com

how did you choose these books?

The books you read in your twenties can be transformative. in your twenties, you’re finding out who you are. Turns out it’s an ongoing project, even when you’re in your 30s or older. (Which is basically the main message of Michelle Obama’s glorious book, “Becoming,” which tops this list.)

This list is, of course, subjective. everyone can find a lot to disagree with in this summary. but in an effort to help readers in their 20s, I’ve included books that meant a lot to me when I read them in my 20s. I also included books that have come out more recently, that I wish had been published and available to me when I was in my twenties. I also asked my most book-loving friends for their recommendations of books for 20-somethings. (And then I read a lot of your recommendations, which made this whole project take forever.)

You are reading: Best books for women in their 20s

As you may have guessed, these are mostly books written by women, but I actually included two books written by men. check out previous reviews to see why these made the cut!

how did you choose which genres to include?

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Personally, I’m a fan of memoirs. but I know that many readers prefer novels. I tried to make this list a balanced mix of memoirs and novels, with some collections of essays and non-fiction included as well.

are these books considered inspirational for women in their twenties?

yes! these books are inspiring. but like all the best books, they can inspire more questions than answers. they can inspire you to look at your life afresh, and even reshape your goals and hopes for the future.

They are not inspiring in the sense of encouraging young women to “hurry up.” today, it is increasingly recognized that “hustle culture” can be toxic. Instead of inspiring women to strive and become bosses, these books inspire women to lead a good life, to think deeply about morality, truth, and identity. they can inspire young women to have more empathy for other women, including those who don’t look like them and those from older generations.

Which of these are good books to read in your 20s?

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if you prefer reading books that are hilarious, “i’m fine…and other lies” by whitney cummings would be a perfect book to read in your late twenties. If you’re looking for something more meditative, I recommend Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweet Grass, a contemplation of how science and spirituality can offer us a better, more reciprocal relationship with the natural world. If her early twenties involve contemplating (or experiencing) motherhood, I’d recommend “And Now We Have It All,” a memoir about an unplanned pregnancy by the author in her late twenties. and if your last 20 years involves a new relationship with your sexuality or your mental health, I would recommend “why fish don’t exist”, a breathtakingly beautiful book about an npr writer’s obsession with a long-dead scientist, which turns out to be much more.

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what are the best books to read as a 20 year old woman?

Many women are in college by age 20, so I recommend reading Tara Westover’s acclaimed memoir, “Educated.” It will certainly broaden her appreciation for higher education and how intellectual pursuits can transform her life. (and if you’re looking for these books for a gift, you might also want to check out our college girl gift guide.) best of all,” a novel published several decades ago that still speaks powerfully to the power dynamics women face in today’s workplace. for more nonfiction accounts of women in their twenties facing sexism and sexual assault in the Today, consider Chanel Miller’s “Know My Name,” a memoir about her rape and her decision to press charges against her rapist, and Jessica Valenti’s “Sex Object,” which details how men objectified her early teens and how it shaped the trajectory of her life and her sense of identity if all that sounds a bit heavy or triggering, consider chloe caldwell’s collection of essays i’ll tell you in person, a hilarious yet sympathetic account of her struggles in early adulthood (will resonate particularly well with women who have struggled with drug dependency or even cystic acne).

did you include enough books on powerful women?

yes! We’ve included authors ranging from the iconic Michelle Obama to comedian Tina Fey to radical historical figure Audre Lorde. but we have also included books about ordinary women, working and studying and making mistakes and learning and growing. we believe that all women can be powerful. these books can help us recognize our own power and maybe even use it to help other women.

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