Top 20 Best Books For New Managers Of All Time Reviews 2022

Although leader skills are something that is talked about a lot, you may not understand what they mean. In its broadest sense, managerial skills can refer to any skill that enables you to manage people effectively, especially if you are a new manager. Regardless of your starting level, understanding and displaying strong skills will position you for success in your career.

There are many new responsibilities, including motivation and growth. leading other people is a daunting task. You know how handy the right book can be if you read books often. What are you waiting for? These best books for new managers will give you a solid foundation to build a successful career and continue to develop as a new leader.

You are reading: Best books for new managers

why read the best books for first time managers?

Why read the best books for new managers

These books are great for helping you identify and improve your skills. some new managers feel unsure or anxious about what they should focus on.

You may be concerned about earning the respect of your members and how to deal with conflict as a manager. Managers must be comfortable with day-to-day business operations. however, they must also consider the company’s long-term goals.

The best way to help new managers in their first few months is to read books written by managers in similar situations. you can also learn a new mindset, change your daily goals and align them with the business.

new management books can overcome the common impostor syndrome. can help new managers gain the confidence they need by acknowledging others who have been in similar situations and with the same mindset.

the best leadership books for new managers

best book for new leaders

Lead With Gratitude: Eight Leadership Practices for Extraordinary Business Results

by adrian gostick & chester elton

Research has shown that gratitude increases employee engagement and reduces turnover. it also encourages individual team members to be more appreciative of one another, strengthening team bonds. however, few executives can effectively use this simple tool.

Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, the best-selling authors of Leading with Gratitude, lay out eight ways managers can show appreciation to their employees. this skill is one that anyone can learn.

high performance management

by andrew grove

best management books

We’ve been huge fans since we first saw high performance management on the lighthouse blog over four years ago.

As an individual contributor, your job is simple: you’re given a task or problem to solve and a project to complete. although you can work with other teams, in the end you are responsible for a particular part. your job is complete when you’ve submitted the feature, closed the deal, created leads, and that’s it.

suddenly you have to become a multiplier as a manager. it’s not enough to be focused on yourself or one person on your team. It would help if you looked at how each person works together and how the team can be the best it can be.

This book is best for managers who want to be effective managers. grove offers what many refer to as the management bible.

one thing you need to know (about great management, great leadership, and sustained individual success)

by marcus buckingham

You should know that one thing is the sequel to the first, break all the rules and now discover your strengths from the same author. While both books are valuable to new managers, this book focuses on the tools and insights that make a great leader. This book focuses on three critical management topics: leadership, management, and career success.

These topics are illustrated with real-world examples. this simplifies the most difficult tasks of being a manager. each topic is backed by research.

elon musk: tesla, spacex and the search for a fantastic future

by ashlee vance

many would consider elon musk successful. he is well known for his leadership on some of the world’s most critical technology projects and also has a reputation as a highly efficient leader. Elon Musk: Tesla and SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future is the author’s account of the childhood and development of Elon Musk.

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The book explores the difficulties of being a good leader. It also discusses the idea of ​​traditional leadership skills and the drive to take risks to keep up with emerging business trends. elon musk is also a well known leader. Leaders can learn a lot from Elon Musk’s thought processes and daily tasks to handle the many challenges of being a manager.

10 must read hbr for new managers

by michael d. watkins

These ten articles will help you become a great manager. We’ve reviewed hundreds of harvard business review articles to find the most relevant ones to help you become a good manager.

manage your boss: the subtle art of management

by john baldoni

Managers on the move want to be influential at the top so their ideas are heard and eventually implemented. John Baldoni, a renowned leadership expert, shares his tried-and-true methods with managers for leading their boss. This leadership book will give you new and proven ways to influence your bosses and peers.

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It also gives top leaders reasons to follow suit. You will learn how to harness initiative, empathy and courage and how to build spheres and confidence on your journey to senior leadership.

The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies to Catch Up Faster and Smarter

written by michael watkins

best new leadership books

It can be challenging to start as a manager for the first few months. Harvard Business School professor Michael Watkins lays out a roadmap for taking charge during your first 90 days in a new leadership role. small changes in actions can make a big difference in long-term results. That’s why it’s so important to start the first few days of a new role.

Executives will be equipped with strategies and tools in their first 90 days to help them get up to speed faster and achieve more. watkins shares with readers how to diagnose and assess a situation.

start with why: how great leaders inspire everyone to act

by simon sinek

Why are some people and organizations more successful, influential and innovative than others? By studying the leaders who have had the most significant influence on the world, Simon Sinek found that the most influential leaders think, act, and communicate in the same way.

This is the opposite of what everyone else does. it is based on real life stories and offers a clear picture of what it takes to inspire and lead.

welcome to management: how to go from being a high performer to an excellent leader

by ryan hawk

A manual for making the change from stellar employee to successful manager is called Welcome to Management. The book’s three chapters are titled “Manage Yourself,” “Build Your Team,” and “Manage Your Team.” ryan hawk offers a foundation to be a dynamic leader in these parts.

The paper discusses self-discipline, continuing education, response planning, and preparation while highlighting the traits and behaviors of excellent managers. leaders will learn the ability to create pleasant work environments, encourage one another, and motivate teams.

welcome to management explains the unwritten principles of management and shows young professionals how to accept and succeed in their new positions.

crucial conversations: tools to talk when the stakes are high

by kerry patterson, joseph grenny, ron mcmillan & al switzler

There are many ways to feel trapped in relationships, work or home. The New York Times bestseller Crucial Conversations will teach you how to handle critical conversations.

These are conversations where emotions are high, the stakes are high, and opinions differ. you will have the ability to prepare for high-risk situations using a proven method; turn anger and hurt feelings into solid dialogue; be persuasive, but not abrasive; improve nearly all professional and personal relationships and career enhancement in areas such as productivity, quality, and safety; and lead initiatives.

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first, break all the rules

by marcus buckingham

When it comes to leading people, great managers have their own style. every team is unique and every organization faces its own unique challenges. it can be a challenge to find best practices from other managers.

Gallup’s valuable leadership insights come as no surprise. Marcus Buckingham, former Gallup leader, has published this book.

you will find lots of practical advice on how to give feedback effectively and why it is essential to focus on the strengths of individual members, the importance of a support system for managers, why and how to invest in your best people, the importance of developing a personal relationship with everyone on your team, how to give effective feedback, and more.

from sprout to boss: secrets for a successful transition to remarkable leadership

by kevin eikenberry & harris type

best management books

The most challenging leadership experience anyone can have is their first promotion. The first promotion to leadership is when they have to deal with the uncertainty and change that comes with a new job, which requires new skills.

This book is not just for managers, supervisors or leaders, but also draws from the best leaders and emphasizes the challenges new leaders face. The Sprout to Boss Book will help new leaders overcome fear and stress to become the best leader they can be, starting now.

the coaching habit: say less, ask for more & change the way you lead forever

by michael bungay stanier

Managers who are the best at facilitating collaboration within their teams are great at that and everyone else. they help their team members grow. this allows everyone to take on more responsibilities and make a more significant contribution to the organization.

It’s easy to offer help or take action when a team member faces a problem. this approach can limit your personal growth. it also creates a dependency on you to solve future problems.

the truth about leadership: the basic, unfashionable facts you need to know

by james kouzes & barry posner

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Barry Posner and James Kouzes, Leaders, share ten tried-and-true foundational truths about leadership and how to become an effective leader. These fundamental truths are based on more than 30 years of research and will not change regardless of context. The Truth About Leadership is a valuable resource for experienced and new leaders alike.

educate the boss: practical lessons for new managers

by raquel pacheco

The best collection of leadership tips is found in raising the boss. The basics of being a successful boss are broken down in the book, including performance monitoring, helping workers find purpose in their work, recruiting and firing, inspiring co-workers, and keeping an eye on team dynamics.

with accompanying charts and diagrams, leadership blogger rachel pacheco offers practical management tips to bring out the best in you and your team. the writing is full of funny stories and the tone is cheerful and approachable.

Also included in the book’s appendix is ​​a toolkit of templates and templates, including a development plan template, psychological safety team assessment, and training questions. Beyond theory and best practices, Mentioning the Boss equips aspiring leaders with a set of tools to make oversight easier.

how to win friends and influence people

by dale carnegie

Carnegie can teach even the most rigid engineer essential lessons on how to lead others well. many great lessons are contained in this book. we’ve shared many of them on the lighthouse blog in different posts, including five simple ways to thank employees, common mistakes in managing remote workers.

the training of a manager: what to do when everyone is looking at you

by julie zhuo

one of the best books for novice managers is the formation of a manager. To help other young entrepreneurs take charge and successfully lead a modern workforce, Julie Zhou relies on her experience as a leader at Facebook.

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The book follows the process of entering management, from initial promotion to development as a leader after finding your footing. The manual describes the traits and actions of good managers. demonstrates leadership as a process of continuous learning, self-assessment, and development.

zhou illustrates the experience of leading while learning using his career as a springboard. The book reveals the unwritten principles of management and shows young professionals how to quickly become a new boss.

Be the boss everyone wants to work for: A guide for new leaders

by william a. doctorate in nobility

A managerial attitude tutorial can be found in Being the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For. The manual describes the attitudes and methods that must change during the transition to management. for example, using your soft talents more than your technical ones, distributing responsibilities instead of taking them all on yourself, and focusing on the success of the team instead of your own.

This book helps readers be prepared to better handle the difficulties that come with change, as transition can be stressful and challenging.

Supervisor to Super Leader: How to de-stress and build a thriving team that gets results

by shanda k. miller

The Supervisor-to-Superleader Management Manual emphasizes team dynamics. This manual provides leaders with nine essential techniques for building productive and healthy teams.

In addition, the author identifies barriers and blind spots that generate reluctance among less experienced managers and describes solutions to these problems. The book is simple and uses everyday language to examine the fundamentals of effective leadership.

everyone deserves a great manager: the 6 critical practices for leading a team

by scott jeffrey miller and todd davis

One of the best books for new managers is Everyone Deserves a Great Manager. This book breaks down the art of effective management into six essential principles, including leading your team through change and cultivating a culture of feedback. Younger managers taking on leadership roles can use this book to identify their top goals and provide a solid foundation for growth.

The premise of the book is that the finer leadership qualities will follow naturally after these fundamentals are mastered. the behaviors and acts that make the transition to leadership easier and the most effective supervisors are identified in the book everyone deserves a great manager.

other best books from new managers considered

  • drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us by daniel pink
  • drive yourself by peter drucker

Buying Guide For The Best Books For First-Time Managers

buying guide to the best books for new managers

How can you avoid giving first-time leaders a bad book, especially if it’s not one they’ve read? my best books for new managers are based on my experience with many leadership and management books.

length: I have never read a 300 page book. it could have been a great 200 page book. it takes skill and care to say the right amount and move on. this is especially true for authors trying to meet the publisher’s page requirements.

great depth it is impossible to cover all concepts in a blog post. The best books for managers and leaders constantly bring new insights into your life. they also add nuances beyond some anecdotes.

timeless according to nassim talab, the best books have been around for more than 20 years. This means that they are not just fashionable, but durable. we’ll discuss other appropriate exceptions later.


For many reasons, management skills are essential. You will be able to lead and solve problems in many situations. These skills can make a big difference in your job performance and career opportunities.

We hope you’ll include any of these skills from the best management books for new managers on your resume for leader success. If your favorite books aren’t on the list, let us know why in the comments. Let’s get to the good stuff and better titles. thanks for reading!

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