Where to buy books other than Amazon (and for cheaper) – Owl Book world

do you ever get tired of buying books on amazon? I know what I do! at this point, the books don’t even show up two days after buying them with prime, so what’s the point exactly? I know that fast delivery without having to go to a store is one of the main reasons I wanted to use them. but at this point, you’re not actually getting them that fast. but where to buy books at a decent price?

Shopping at local stores is the best place to shop, at least for me. I understand that you probably don’t have time to go shopping in physical stores, but there are other alternatives you can do. this way you can spend money on a worthwhile business.

You are reading: Used books cheaper than amazon

It doesn’t help that I’ve heard really troubling things about them. not only that, but the rich are getting richer. I am getting to the point where I would rather take my business elsewhere. If you’re here, I guess you feel the same way. so where to buy books other than amazon?

why should i stop buying from amazon?

so, i explained this in the last paragraph, but amazon has become too convenient. we rely too much on things online and it’s getting a little out of hand. don’t get me wrong because there is nothing wrong with buying things online. sometimes our lives are so busy that we have to rely on online shopping more than we should. but I know a lot of people trust it and actually have time to go get it themselves. how can I know? because I’m one of those people!

However, I want to change it. I’d rather my money go to someone local or with a small business than someone who has everything they need.

the exception to buying from amazon

I know there is an exception to buying books through amazon. there are a lot of freelance authors self-publishing there. the same goes for independent publishers. Quite a few authors trust amazon and this is the only time amazon pays off. but!! there is a chance that you can buy your book through their website and that is even better for them because the entire amount will go to them. obviously, amazon takes a certain percentage if you buy through there.

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where to buy cheap books?

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Most of these are good options for book shopping. some have cheap options while others don’t. I hope it helps you figure out where you can start buying books instead of buying them through amazon. Let me know in the comments if I miss any!


I feel like a lot of people don’t really think about goodwill. I’m one of those people who never really thinks of going there to buy books. this is a good option because books are getting more expensive now. it’s a bit ridiculous although I understand that almost everything is going up. but goodwill is definitely a good option for those who want a cheaper option.

you smelled

For the last two years, we’ve actually had an ollies where I live. I think a lot of them are popping up all over the US (I’m not so sure in other countries). ollies is a very good option for cheap books! I know most of you probably think you don’t have good options. when someone pointed it out to me I was probably one of those people. I didn’t think they would have a very good selection, but they really do! Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t take up much of the store, but it does have its own little section. most of his books cost around $2.99. some of the books are a bit more, but not really much. then go check them out right now!

second hand books

If there are some books you really want to get but want to get a lower price, be sure to check out second hand books. this is a good option for those who prefer to buy books online instead of going somewhere to buy them. thriftbooks books aren’t necessarily as cheap as library books or ollie’s, but they are very similar in price. this is probably the first place i would check amazon because you will most likely find the book much cheaper than most places online.

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So, I know that the library allows you to borrow books completely free of charge. many libraries have their own little shop where they are stocked with books for very little. Through most of them, you can get a ton of books for less than five dollars. If your library is small and doesn’t have its own little store, then I’m sure they have their own little garage sale at some point in the year, so be sure to keep an eye out for that.

Although the library may not have the book you really want for sale, you may find other books you want to read. On top of that, you’re supporting your local library where they can use that money to buy new books.

children’s books

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I just found out about abe’s books while doing research for this post! I’m so happy I discovered it. It seems that abe books is comparable to thriftbooks when it comes to price and it is completely online as well. the only thing is i like the setup on thriftbooks a bit better than on this particular website just because it’s easier to navigate. but who knows, you might like abe books better than second hand ones.

best books in the world

This is the first time I’ve also heard about the world’s best books. I like the setup of this one and it seems easy to navigate. the only thing with this one is that used books are the cheapest, while new books are the same price as they are in the store. makes sense though! I just wanted to point that out before you went to the website and noticed books that cost around $10. I still think it’s worth checking out!

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half price books

I didn’t know half price books had a physical store. Although I live in the United States we do not have any of the stores where I am located. but you can buy the books online and it seems like a lot of them are decently priced. in fact, i might start using them to buy books for my son because there are so many good options for a good price. Have you used them?


so I wanted to add a library, although it’s not really a cheap alternative. however, the advantage of this is that you can use it to buy books at local bookstores (that is, if they are there). But you can use them to shop at independent stores across the United States. not so sure about stores in different countries but if you know this let me know! if you want to see my showcase for them, you can find it here. I want to put a disclaimer here. If you buy books through the link I’ve provided, I’ll earn a small commission!

other alternatives on where to buy books

another alternative on where to buy books would be your local bookstore. I know a lot of them are expensive, but they have to be. Most of them raise their prices due to the fact that so many people trust amazon. if you want the book so badly, save the money and buy it at your local bookstore. at least then you’ll be buying from “real” people who have kids and not someone who has more money than all of us put together. I’m starting to notice that quite a few books on amazon are almost the same price as those in bookstores. so you might as well support someone worth it.

Where do you buy your books? is there a place i missed? I’d love to hear from you, so be sure to leave me a comment on what you think about trying to stop shopping on amazon?

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