The 5 Best Books on Overthinking | Bloomsoup

Have you ever gotten up to go to work and started heading to…?

But the roads you thought would be clear are surprisingly clogged with traffic.

You are reading: Best books for overthinkers

maybe you take public transportation and the bus is overcrowded, or the subway is overcrowded.

You can barely move. progress is slow. little by little you move forward, but it’s like walking on molasses: two steps forward, one step back.

For those who think too much, life can often feel like rush hour.

Every car on the road or every person on the subway is a thought trying to reach its destination. if they came one by one, the system would flow easily, but together, they get clogged, the doors get stuck, the network stops. stagnation.

navigating this jumble of thoughts sets us back in our jobs, our hobbies, and our relationships.

turns life from a world of opportunity into a chaotic struggle.

Fortunately, we are not alone. there are those who have taken the time to put their words of wisdom in ink. so here are the best books on overthinking.

note: you can listen to them in a free audible test by clicking here.

the best books on overthinking and anxiety

1. the worry trick by david a carbonell, phd

Anxiety can be a paralyzing force. for many, it is at the core of their indecision and overthinking.

that nagging question lurks in your mind: “what if something were to go wrong?”

Apparently innocuous events become a cacophony of doubts and demons. Psychologist and anxiety expert David Carbonell has seen it all.

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In this insightful guide, he journeys to the heart of anxiety, exploring why worry tricks us into overthinking.

After exploring this roadmap of worry, the book explains how to break free from this endless cycle.

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Using the latest psychological research in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), you’ll learn the full range of tricks for dealing with your anxieties and overthinking head-on.

The book starts off slow, but stick with it. in the second half, it teaches that avoiding worry and trying to block out our thoughts exacerbates the problem.

Only by dealing with our problems can we discover focus and clarity.

2. clear your mind by steven schuster

the endless doodles of social networks. the yes or no sound of the phone. the old concerns of family, money and the future.

Living among so much noise, it’s no wonder our thoughts are cluttered. In Clear Your Mind, Steven Schuster offers a way out, a way forward.

With a compelling argument, Schuster puts an emphasis on understanding and organizing our thoughts.

Its goal is to teach you to develop constructive habits and set aside the expectations of others.

all coupled with a healthy dose of brain science, providing a deeper understanding of the well from which concern arises.

in brief, schuster will expose the barriers to our lives and the main causes of clutter.

the only drawback is that schuster himself lacks the credentials to back up his book.

However, the school of life is a worthy teacher. With a lifetime of lessons learned the hard way, it has plenty of wisdom to unpack.

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3. the overthinker’s guide to love by kristen ruth smith

your work can work better than honey. life could roll with ease. But if there’s one area we all think too much about, it’s love.

Such bad luck in love has plagued dating since time immemorial. as shakespeare joked, “the course of true love never ran smooth.”

But are we doomed to loving oblivion, doomed forever to think too much about our decisions?

kristen ruth smith doesn’t think so. Questioning the norms of our time, Smith, in his late thirties, transformed his life into a laboratory of love.

using observations and ingenuity to replicate real life experiments in search of his one true love.

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In the process, she reveals hidden insights about our lives, how to stop overthinking and discover the fun in romance and dating.

Funny and insightful, the book beautifully balances serious storytelling and hard-earned lessons, covered in a frosting of data and science.

4. disarm your brain by faith g. harper, phd lpc-s acs acn

Sometimes jokes don’t do life justice and it takes a foul-mouthed counselor from Texas to explain some hard truths.

tough and brave, faith harper has more letters after his name than in it.

But don’t expect nice words or feel-good catchphrases: Harper is here to tell it like it is. she’s here to mess with your brain.

Digging deeper into the science, the book explains in no uncertain terms why your brain is wreaking havoc. but not only will you understand why your mind is tied up in knots. the book will cut through the nonsense like a hot knife through butter.

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Starting small with the nagging annoyances that warp our thoughts, with their help, you’ll gradually work your way up to more serious afflictions like post-traumatic stress disorder.

You’ll either love it or you’ll hate it. Packed with more profanity than a sailor disaster, it’s certainly not for everyone. however, if you’re looking to get to the core of overthinking, there’s no better place to start.

5. get your brain back by joseph a. Annibali, MD

Rogue thoughts have hijacked your brain, holding your life hostage. no more.

amen, chief psychiatrist of the clinic, dr. joseph annibali is here to drive you crazy with over three decades of experience.

whatever you’re struggling with; Whether it’s OCD, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, or anxiety, Dr. annibali has keen eyesight.

Through a series of thoughtful explanations, readers explore how imbalances in the brain lead to overthinking.

By following annibali’s perfected techniques, you’ll not only improve your cognition and balance your mind, but you’ll also find focus in a chaotic world.

the book is practical, the results incredible. numerous doctors and psychiatrists have praised the book for its accessible prose and methodical explanations.

then, if you have trouble controlling your thoughts, if you feel lost in the haze, without concentration, this book will help you recover your brain and it could change your life.

Check out our other best books and recommended reading.

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