Financial Freedom Books – Top 10 Must Read Books [2022]

top 10 books on financial freedom

Financial freedom refers to the idea of ​​becoming financially independent and being able to spend on things that a person likes. the concept comes from retiring early and reaching a point in life where an individual has no obligations regarding money and lives a free and prosperous life working because they like it not because they are forced to maintain a lifestyle. The secret to learning all about financial freedom is to study books written by the brightest brains on the planet.

Best Financial Freedom Books

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You are reading: Best books for financial freedom

Below is the list of top 10 books on financial freedom you should read –

  1. the ravikant naval almanac: a guide to wealth and happiness (get this book)
  2. the psychology of money: timeless lessons on wealth, greed and happiness ( get this book )
  3. the richest man in babylon ( get this book )
  4. Rich Dad’s Cash Flow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom (Get this book)
  5. The Millionaire Fast Track: Crack the Code to Money! wealth and live rich all your life! ( get this book )
  6. The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Practical and Spiritual Steps to Stop Worrying ( get this book )
  7. Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You’ll Ever Need (Get this book)
  8. The Rich Barber: The Common Sense Guide to Financial Planning successful ( get this book )
  9. thinking, fast and slow ( get this book )
  10. money and the law of attraction: learning to attract wealth, health and happiness (get this book)

Let’s review these top books on financial freedom to get the idea and unlock the secret to financial independence.

#1 – the naval ravikant almanac

a guide to wealth and happiness

by eric jorgenson

The author and the book are known to change the lives of many people with perspective and insight. however, it is not just any financial advice book, but it talks about more than that. This book is a classic and is among the best financial freedom books to read in your life.

book review

the author states that people have to take care of themselves to be happy with money, health, meditation and goals in life. the book can be divided into two parts wealthwealthwealth refers to the total value of assets, including tangible, intangible and financial, accumulated by an individual, company, organization or more and happiness, and therefore speaks of earning money, working the right way, getting rich and staying that way. the book talks about enjoying the journey of wealth creation.

key points

  • The book says that money is a tool to get rich. however, it also suggests understanding the value of time and consistency in life.
  • People need to work hard in the right way to become rich, otherwise satisfaction will always be lacking.
  • the author encourages people to use compound interest with money, personality and character.

#2 – the psychology of money

timeless lessons on wealth, greed and happiness

by morgan housel

The book arrived in the year 2020. It shares a unique point of view on the use of money and how people’s weakness with their money lies in their relationship with it.

book review

The author illustrates that wealthy people make the most irrational financial decisions, and the goalpost keeps moving as we earn more. therefore, it is essential to know when to spend enough and be satisfied. the book also explains the automobile paradox where people, when they see others in an expensive car, don’t think they are cool but imagine themselves in that car. the book is one of the best financial freedom books to read.

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key points

  • The author uses people’s relationship and perspective towards money to explain why people are afraid to invest and reinvest.
  • The book uses the example of businessman Warren Buffet as a true example of the power of compounding.
  • The author asserts that a frugal budget, flexible thinking, and a flexible schedule can help people make good investments.
  • the author encourages people not to confuse people with their wealth.

#3 – the richest man in babylon

by george samuel clason

The book was originally published in 1926, but still many people talk about it and refer to it to understand the importance of money.

book review

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Along with seven rules for money, the book provides three lessons for starting to build wealth: live below your means, learn to get lucky by working hard, and never go into debt. the author says that if someone follows these three lessons, he is already ahead of many people. he adds that people should tone down their self-talk to justify their unnecessary purchases.

key points

  • the book gives seven rules of money.
  • gives a solid idea about cash and is a must read for beginners.
  • the book suggests investing 10% of income on the correct assets.

#4 – rich dad’s cash flow quadrant

The Rich Parents Guide to Financial Freedom

by robert t. kiyosaki

The author, the founder of Rich Dad Co., focuses on private financial education. he is also the author of the classic “rich dad, poor dad”.

book review

The book talks about how some people work less and earn more and encourages people to use this trick to do the same. the book is important because, for many people, it establishes how some people are making so much money while others are struggling financially. Robert Kiyosaki designed four quadrants: Employee, Business Owner, Self-Employed, and Investor. The book also looks at how people have been suffering from financial weakness for a long time and explains how they can overcome it.

key points

  • the book has a quadrant designed by the author to explain where and how people fall and what they should do.
  • explains the problem of bad mindsets and people’s struggles to overcome it . .
  • the author condemns the poor mentality and says that there has to be a change in the mentality of people to become rich.

#5 – the millionaire fast track

Crack the wealth code and live rich for life!

by m. J. frame

The book came out in 2011, in which the author talks about the dignified way to create wealth by following simple formulas and retiring early.

book review

The author is very excited about the idea of ​​following the good old-fashioned way of studying, getting a degree, doing a job, and starting to save and build wealth in the very basic way most people do. the book suggests that there is nothing wrong with working hard, but there are certain steps people can take in between and ensure that their outcome differs positively.

key points

  • The book tells the reader what is wrong with the old way of slowly earning and building wealth.
  • The author says that wealth is based on three things, and none of them is money.
  • li>
  • presents examples of many famous people to explain the model of income in relation to time.
  • the author explains that it is important to become a producer who remain a consumer.

#6 – the 9 steps to financial freedom

practical and spiritual steps to stop worrying

by suze orman

The book was published in 1997, but is still relevant to financial planningFinancial PlanningFinancial planning is a structured approach to understanding your current and future financial goals and then taking the necessary steps to achieve them. because this doesn’t start or end in a specific time frame, it’s known as an ongoing more, money management and work-life balance.

book review

book is about taking charge of personal financepersonal financepersonal finance is a way to save, invest and grow a person’s money. it can be for an individual or a family as a whole and requires a certain level of financial education, such as tax laws, investment opportunities, etc. read more to experience financial independence. the author asks people with a sense of responsibility to help the less fortunate. suze shares her personal experience as a certified financial planner and other jobs she’s worked. she also encourages people to face their fears and understand the meaning of true wealth. the book also sheds light on why people should respect their work and their money.

key points

  • The author of this book offers nine steps to financial freedom.
  • The nine steps involve more about life than just money and finances.
  • She explains that It is important to be honest with yourself.
  • The author states that it is important to secure long-term life insurance plans and other applicable benefits.

#7 – financial freedom

a proven path to all the money you’ll ever need

by grant sabatier

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The author published this book in 2019 and offered guidance for people seeking to become financially free and enjoy life to the fullest. For beginners, this is among the best books on financial freedom.

book review

The author shares his personal experience of going from $2.26 to $1 million in just five years. encourages readers to start investing as soon as possible because time is more valuable than money. grant sabatier ensures that people can rewrite their retirement by following these simple steps. it also affirms that financial freedom comes from being faithful to your work and the goal of acquiring your amount.

key points

  • The author lays out seven steps to financial freedom.
  • Asks people to think of a particular amount that they feel is enough for when they want to retire.
  • the book explains how money is freedom.
  • the author writes that impulse is the enemy of freedom.

#8 – the rich barber

the common sense guide to successful financial planning

by david chilton

The book was originally published in 1989 and has greatly impacted people due to its subtle art of storytelling, where the reader can identify with the fictional character that the author established in the book.

book review

The author introduces a fictional character, Ray Miller, a barber, and through his life story and experiences, provides some slow and steady ways to long-term success. There are many books out there providing shortcuts to making more money in life, but this book is different from other books on financial independence. the book is popular for its references to real life.

key points

  • The book talks about a different aspect of financial freedom.
  • It is written in a novel format that works in its favor and separates it from other financial freedom books.
  • financial freedom is an important topic, but many people find it boring to read, but this book changes it.

#9 – thinking, fast and slow

by daniel kahneman

The book was published in 2011 and has inspired people seeking mental improvement, money management techniques, and financial educationFinancial EducationFinancial education refers to an investor’s knowledge and understanding of various financial products that help them with the money management, personal finance, investment and tax planning. examines how prudently an individual handles their finances, thus creating the necessary requirements such as an emergency fund, a retirement fund, and how they plan to handle insurance, estate planning, paying for education, etc. read more.

book review

The author says that the general behavior of the brain is lazy and prevents people from using their full potential. In the context of financial freedom books, this book says that when people make decisions about their money, they should put their emotions aside. the author says that life is unpredictable and that people should have a clear mindset about what they want. this book is one of the good psychology and financial freedom books to read.

key points

  • The book looks at two systems (conscious and automatic) that make the brain work and think.
  • The author talks about how most people are fooling themselves and can’t think clearly.
  • suggests that people study their flaws. it is difficult but it must be done.

#10 – money and the law of attraction

learn to attract wealth, health and happiness

by esther hicks, jerry hicks

The book was published in 2008 and has changed the lives of many people. It specifically points out various problems people go through in their lives and can boost your stability.

book review

This book explains two main topics: the use of the law of attraction in finances and the physical well-being of people in society. the authors want people to take control of their finances and life decisions. they point out that many people suffer due to a lack of money, health, and power in their lives. With this book they intend to induce the law of attraction in the lives of their readers.

key points

  • The book talks about people’s life struggles and problems related to money and life.
  • Both authors want people to admire the law of attraction in women. finances and all aspects of their lives.
  • The book is among the best books on financial freedom of all time.

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This has been a guide to the top 10 books on financial freedom. here we provide a brief introduction to them, along with a review and why to read them. you can also take a look at these suggested books below –

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