The 5 Best Books on Charisma | Bloomsoup

A charismatic person is generally defined as someone who possesses irresistible appeal or endearing charm that inspires and captivates those around them.

is considered an essential characteristic when it comes to effective leadership, meaningful relationships, or navigating social relationships in general.

You are reading: Best books on charisma

The question that inevitably arises is whether charisma can be achieved or is innate, and the traditional belief has been that the former is true.

There are those, however, who have questioned this assumption. They claim that being charismatic is not so much a matter of nature as it is nurture. that is, anyone can be charismatic as long as she purposefully acquires a particular set of cognitions and behaviors.

The following books not only support this theory, they provide practical guidance and practical advice on how to achieve charisma and forge meaningful connections with anyone you interact with.

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best books on charisma

1. the myth of charisma: how to engage, influence, and motivate people by olivia fox cabane

What sets this book apart is its practicality. Rather than being a long, contemplative essay on abstract concepts and subjective perceptions, the author has provided guidance backed by ample empirical evidence. The central premise of this book is that we can only become charismatic when we have achieved a balanced and secure internal state, without conflict or uncertainty.

The author claims that the way we perceive ourselves will be reflected in the way we are perceived by others, and by regulating how we think about ourselves, we can essentially influence how others think about us as well. He then goes on to describe the importance of body language in conveying charisma, because it is a universal form of communication that transcends traditional boundaries such as verbal language, background, and personality.

Perhaps the most interesting claim is that charisma is not an elusive gift possessed by a few, but rather an acquired set of cognitions and behaviors that can be learned and implemented. a criticism of this book might be that it “instructs” people on how to “appear” charismatic to other people, instead of “becoming” charismatic from within.

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  • claims are supported by scientific study findings.
  • a practical guide that is relatively easy to implement.
  • explains what behaviors are considered charismatic and why.


  • focuses on ‘portraying’ charisma rather than being truly charismatic.
  • in some places, the writing can be repetitive and pervasive.

2. how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie

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Published over eighty years ago, the enduring appeal of Dale Carnegie’s book is a testament to the inspiring and captivating message it contains. Dale Carnegie’s thoughtful writings are interspersed with occasional anecdotes and personal experiences, and his own charisma is certainly reflected in his fluid narrative style. At the heart of this book is the statement that the secret to personal and professional success is how we navigate our relationships.

The author offers practical guidance that can be implemented to develop powerful interpersonal skills, such as strong communication, attentive listening, kindness, and empathy. At its core, this book can be described as a manual on emotional intelligence. For example, the author explains how to gently criticize people without putting them down, how to relate to others based on their interests rather than your own, and how to verbally acknowledge their strengths and attributes.

It should be noted, however, that this book reads more like a guide to building professional business relationships than genuine and meaningful friendships.


  • offers fresh and unique ideas on how to develop charisma.
  • written in an engaging and charismatic tone.
  • explains the importance of emotional intelligence, empathy and understanding .


  • Because it was written in 1936, it may seem outdated in places.
  • A guide to communication and leadership rather than friendship.

3. captivate: the science of succeeding with people by vanessa van edwards

Interpersonal relationships are an integral part of navigating the social realm, and this book by Vanessa Van Edwards stands as a complete primer on how to truly connect and interact with people. what really sets this book apart is the way it’s organized, divided into a series of chapters that break down different social interactions and the methods we can implement to deal with them effectively.

Although the narrative tone is informal and friendly, the author still conveys her ideas eloquently and succinctly. she provides guidance on how we can start and maintain conversations in various settings, as well as how to respond effectively to a variety of behavioral, verbal, and emotional cues from the people we interact with. the techniques are practical and relatively easy to follow, and any statement is supplemented by a wealth of personal and professional anecdotes.

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It’s definitely worth noting, however, that if you’ve read on this topic before, this book may seem repetitive and generalized.


  • conversational and friendly narrative tone.
  • practical and actionable guidance on how to achieve charisma.
  • divided into chapters addressing different interactions and personalities.


  • the writing can be verbose and excessively long.
  • in parts it can be repetitive and recycle concepts from previous authors.

4. the like switch: an ex-fbi agent’s guide to influencing, attracting, and winning people over by jack schafer

As the title implies, this book is written by a former FBI special agent who was involved in recruiting spies. Throughout his career, he has become adept at analyzing behavior and navigating social interactions, and offers a number of helpful hints and tips in his book. he elaborates in detail on the decisive influence of nonverbal cues and how even subtle adjustments in facial expression and body language can completely transform the dynamics of an interaction.

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For example, gestures such as careful eye contact, a tilt of the head, and mirroring the movements and positions of anyone with whom we are communicating are essential to cultivating meaningful and enduring relationships. There’s no doubt that the lens of the author’s former profession gives him some intriguing insights that are unique to him, offering several anecdotes from his time with the FBI.

This book may not be as enlightening for readers who want a more scientific angle or an advanced perspective, considering that it covers the essentials of social interactions.


  • A fascinating perspective from a former fbi agent.
  • Provides a succinct, practical guide that can be easily implemented.
  • Explores the importance of non-verbal cues and how to take advantage of them.


  • in some places, the material is tedious and dense.
  • for some readers, the anecdotes and suggestions provided may be too simplistic.
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5. how to have confidence and power in dealing with people by les giblin

Considering that this book was published more than six decades ago, it is still as relevant as the day it was first written. First of all, the author explains that there are several fundamental principles for human behavior and by understanding these principles, we can navigate any social interaction. In addition, the author provides a helpful summary at the end of each chapter, briefly reviewing the main points and key observations from the previous section.

The writing is more practical than thoughtful, and the author focuses on instructing the reader on what they should and shouldn’t do. The advice in this book can be applied to just about any situation, and is essentially a primer on how to communicate and connect with people, and how to inspire and motivate them when they’re in your presence.

Perhaps a criticism of this book would be that it makes frequent reference to religious anecdotes, which could be a barrier for non-Christian and non-religious readers.


  • provides a concise, practical guide that can be easily followed.
  • each chapter concludes with a helpful summary.
  • examines the basic principles of human behavior and how to apply them .


  • main conclusions can be vague and ambiguous.
  • a notable religious angle that may put some readers off.


everyone is in search of personal development and personal growth, in one way or another. there is a plethora of self-help books that claim to contain everything we need to know to be successful, whether within ourselves, in our relationships, or in our academic and professional careers. Considering how many options there are, it can be difficult to determine which books will actually provide insightful guidance and which won’t.

However, with the charisma books we’ve outlined above, you can be sure they’ll give you everything you need to know about navigating the social realm, pushing personal boundaries, and becoming the best version of yourself. .

Check out our other best books and recommended reading.

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