The Best Herbal Medicine Books for Beginning Herbalists

african american folk healing by stephanie mitchem

an excellent study of African-American healing that sheds light on a number of popular practices (herbs, rituals, and incantations) and traces their evolution from the days of slavery to the great migrations. mitchem also explores how these practices have continued into the present and their relationship to alternative medicine.

You are reading: Best books on herbalism

A Reference Guide to Medicinal Plants: Herbal Medicine Past and Present by John Crellin and Jane Philpott

Based on the teachings of popular southern herbalist tommie bass, this guide is a treasure trove of ancient herbal wisdom and little-used local medicines. The authors interview Bass and include his thoughts on specific plants word for word. Additional academic commentary includes some useful details about security. Featuring more than 700 plants, the book combines folk wisdom with modern scientific research. an excellent reference for those interested in the historical uses of herbs.

working the roots: over 400 years of traditional african-american healing by michele lee

an outstanding review of the black and native american healing fusion that has taken place in the americas. features fascinating interviews with traditional healers and herbal materia medica.

african ethnobotany in the americas edited by robert voeks and john rashford

provides a comprehensive examination of ethnobotanical knowledge and skills among the African diaspora in the Americas and explores the complex relationship between plant use and meaning among African descendants in the New World.

African-American slave medicine: herbal and non-herbal treatments by herbert c. flock

covey explores how enslaved African Americans took care of their own health in the years before and after the Civil War. Using interviews with formerly enslaved people, she documents many plant-based and non-plant-based remedies used by African-American folk practitioners. this book links each referenced plant or herb to modern scientific research and offers insight into the value and effects of these remedies.

African Medicine: A Complete Guide to Yoruba Healing Science and African Herbal Remedies by dr. tariq m. sawandi, doctorate

A blend of West African healing wisdom, spirituality, and modern science, this book presents the history, philosophy, methodology, and medicinal use of African and Caribbean herbs, roots, and gemstones to treat chronic disease.


American Indian Healing Arts: Herbs, Rituals, and Remedies for Every Stage of Life by e. barrie kavasch and karen baar

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combines knowledge of plants, history and living tradition based on a lifetime of study with native healers by herbalist and ethnobotanist e. barrie kavasch. At the heart of the book are more than 60 easy-to-use herbal remedies, plus guidelines for putting together a basic American Indian medicine cabinet.

the Cherokee Herb: Native Plant Medicine of the Four Directions by j.t. garrett

from brown student jared wolf: “j.t. Garrett is a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee in North Carolina. he is a strong and highly respected healer. the book talks about how medicine arose among my people and how the plants took care of us. he does not give the ceremonies used or the words to be said, as that is sacred. however, it includes many plants and how they are used, as well as good stories for people to learn about.”

folk wisdom and motherly ingenuity: john lee, an african-american herbal healer by john lee and arvilla payne-jackson

This book includes ethnobotanical information, illustrations, and materia medica on herbs used in African-American herbal medicine, and explores John Lee’s approach to folk medicine. The contributions of colonial European, Native American, and African practices to the development of contemporary African American folk medicine are discussed, as well as a possible marriage between biomedicine and traditional health care.

handbook of african medicinal plants by maurice m. wow

a fantastic overview of over 2,000 plant species used in indigenous African medicine, accompanied by full color photos and references to over 1,000 publications.

hoodoo medicine: gullah herbal remedies by faith mitchell

offers an account of an almost lost African-American popular culture. Mitchell explores the medicinal herbs used from the 17th century onwards by slaves and their freed descendants in South Carolina’s Sea Islands. Gullah folk medicine combined African remedies with those learned from the indigenous communities of American and European settlers.

iwígara: science and ethnobotanical traditions of the American Indians by enrique salmon

Features 80 plants used for food and medicine by the indigenous peoples of North America. Salmon offers details on plant identification, harvesting, and medicinal uses, including how these plants appear in myths and stories. beautiful photographs and illustrations.

green leaves: a handbook of herbal remedies by maude e. scottish

Born in 1918, Maude Scott’s herbal training began in early childhood when she helped her father collect and prepare herbal remedies. Her father, Abraham Lewis, was Cherokee and Kongo, and learned herbal practices from her Native American mother. After moving to Florida with her family, Lewis traveled throughout the state supporting those in need with natural remedies. Scott followed in her father’s footsteps and spent her entire life teaching and working with clients.

medicines to help us: traditional use of metis plants by christi belcourt

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an accessible introductory guide to the knowledge of Métis medicinal plants. features interesting beaded botanical art and paintings, including 30 high-quality prints.

Native American Ethnobotany Database by daniel e. Moermann

a thoroughly researched reference to the fiber, food, and medicinal uses of North American plants by native peoples. available free online. You can also buy the book if you prefer it on paper.

secret doctors: ethnomedicine of african americans by wonda l. fontnot

An exploration of the traditional medicine of African Americans in the rural southern United States, focusing on the original territory of Louisiana and its indigenous and African American traditions. Fontenot also examines current challenges in the US health care system, such as high costs, lack of access, and patient-doctor ratios, particularly for people of color and those living in rural areas. the alternative health system is presented as a possible complement to our modern medical system.

Southern folk medicine by phyllis light

Explores the history, tradition, healing practices, and evaluation techniques of Southern and Appalachian folk medicine, written by a Southern folk medicine practitioner. light examines the commonalities that exist in the different folk traditions, as well as the cultural influences that have shaped southern folk medicine. It includes detailed information about the constitutions and the elements used in this system, as well as guidance to discern the constitution itself.

herb yoga: an ayurvedic guide to herbal medicine by dr. David Frawley and Dr. vasant boy

provides an overview of Ayurvedic medicine, plus detailed Materia Medica for 108 herbs (including common Chinese and Western herbs) from an Ayurvedic perspective. the book includes 160 other herbs, plus helpful charts and diagrams.

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