The Best Meditation Books of 2022—And How to Use Them

how we select

While there are many excellent meditation books that have been around for decades, the ones on this list were not published before 2017 and were all written by meditation experts and/or authorities in that space. We selected each book based on extensive research and consulting with four experts for input: a licensed clinical psychologist, a meditation teacher, a meditation expert and yoga therapist, and a meditation and yoga teacher.

We asked each expert what readers should look for when selecting the right meditation book for them, as well as how readers can benefit from learning about meditation through a guided book.

You are reading: Best books on meditation

what to look for in a meditation book


Look for a book that provides the details and information you need, but doesn’t become overwhelming. “It’s not so much about the length of a book, but about its structure and the type of meditation you want to learn about,” says Patel. “Still, anything over 200-250 pages would be overkill for a beginner. Any book that theorizes content rather than getting straight to simple practices is not leading by example.

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michelle thielen, c-iayt, meditation expert and yoga therapist, has similar advice. “If one is dabbling or dipping their toes in the waters of meditation, a shorter book that focuses on an introduction to the practice will suit her needs,” she says. “If one wants to immerse themselves in the practice as a discipline, to immerse themselves in the philosophy, traditions, and benefits of meditation, a longer book is recommended.”

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In some cases, meditation books are aimed at a specific audience or focus on a particular challenge, such as managing stress and anxiety. Before you buy a meditation book, make sure the content meets your needs and is relevant to your situation.

“many of us read books on meditation because we are trying to solve a problem, be it stress, a conflict in our relationships or something that is affecting us negatively,” says patel. “A book that shares how someone has applied meditation techniques to their own life issues can resonate with a reader and help them understand how you can apply meditation to their lifestyle.”

Because there are so many different types of meditation, Thielen suggests looking for a book with a broad, objective perspective. “Learn how anyone can practice meditation and how various cultures, religions, and traditions practice this ancient discipline,” she says. “Ask yourself, why do I want to start meditating? Is it to relieve anxiety and stress in a temporary season? Is it to implement a daily habit and a more permanent practice? Is it to connect with your spirituality? or just to see what the hype is all about?


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Meditation books can come in many different sizes, shapes, weights, and formats, including hardcover, paperback, or spiral bound. And while not all books are available in multiple styles, if you’re likely to use one type more than the others, that’s something you should consider before making a purchase. “Meditation books are smart counters, and not just for one-off reading or reference,” Patel says. “So weight, packaging, and ease of transportation are very important. easy bedside access also helps.”

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Paperback or spiral-bound books are ideal for beginners, Thielen says, because “it’s helpful to be able to open the book as you practice, implementing those guidelines step by step.” And speaking of size, Dalzell recommends getting a book with print large enough that you can read without straining your eyes or losing your place.

If the book that best suits your meditation needs doesn’t come in your preferred format, Patel suggests getting a separate journal “to take notes from the book and track progress in your meditation practice.”

why trust verywell mind

As a seasoned health writer and editor with a special focus on mental health and wellness, Elizabeth Yuko understands how powerful stress-relieving activities can be for many people, as well as the fact that they are no small size. only. -everything fits. With decades of first-hand experience treating anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, she’s always looking for new (and research-backed) products, techniques, and services that can help people cope with stress and other mental health problems. challenges

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