9 books every small business owner should read | Zapier

I didn’t learn to be an entrepreneur in school; I have my jd, not my mba. that meant I had to catch up as I transitioned from being a lawyer to being the owner and leader of federal pins. the most helpful resources for me were books written by successful entrepreneurs and business leaders.

I’ve read more business books than I can count. some are trash, some are gold. here, I have selected some of my favorites, the ones that were and still are the most useful throughout my learning experience. I know everyone’s journey is different, but I hope you can get as much out of these small business books as I have.

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1. rich dad poor dad

in rich dad poor dad, robert kiyosaki compares his working-class dad to his childhood friend’s rich parents to illustrate how investing and taking calculated risks, among other things, allows The rich stay rich. . but the book also conveys valuable lessons about business and leadership. one particular quote from kiyosaki continues to influence the decisions I make every day regarding my business:

When I branched out on my own and opened my law firm, I quickly discovered that law school completely failed to prepare me for the challenges I would have to overcome as a business owner and leader. Although some initial mistakes cost me time and money, they also gave me practical lessons: namely, the importance of having thick skin.

2. create a strategy to win

carla harris’s strategy to win speaks to anyone contemplating a career change, making her invaluable to new entrepreneurs. she shows her how to attract the kind of opportunities she wants by first clearly defining her goals and what she has to offer, then building relationships and making the necessary changes.

harris offers practical advice and examples for everything from resilience to interpersonal conflict resolution. here’s a quote that caught my eye:

“Having as many conversations as possible with as many people as you can about your career aspirations will help you expand your ideas and bring to light options you may never have considered.”

i lived abroad for three years in jerusalem and studied talmudic law at machon shlomo. i spent my time in jerusalem immersing myself in the culture and meeting the people of the local community. Through countless conversations with strangers and mentors I met in Jerusalem, I discovered so many opportunities I hadn’t even dreamed of.

3. start with why

good leadership is not about telling people what to do; it’s about motivating people to want to do it. that is the central idea of ​​simon sinek’s book, start with why.

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“we are drawn to leaders and organizations that are good at communicating what they believe in. their ability to make us feel like we belong, to make us feel special, safe and not alone is part of what gives them the ability to inspire us.”

I have never read a book that expresses this theory more eloquently than starting with why. Whether narrowing down your ideal customer or articulating your business strategy to your employees, the ways you communicate as a leader will send powerful signals to those around you and make a substantial impact whether your words are inspiring or ignored.

4. dare to lead

dare to lead by brene brown is about creating a positive work culture. And that’s why, as Brown argues, leaders must allow themselves to be vulnerable and emotionally honest in difficult situations.

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“The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, it’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome.”

By modeling this, business leaders create an environment where it’s okay to fail, where trying new things is encouraged, and where people are listened to. Brown’s words have inspired me to create a workplace culture that embraces and promotes vulnerability, and I’ve found that, as Brown points out, it absolutely facilitates innovation and creativity among the people I lead.

5. the job

in work, wes moore draws on his life story and his interactions with people from all walks of life to answer the question: what makes work meaningful? ? As an entrepreneur, finding meaning in your work isn’t just a nice thing, it’s a necessity.

“how we spend our days is how we spend our lives, and it’s the rare person who can walk away from what feels like a sure thing.”

Before striking out on my own to start a law firm, I worked as an in-house attorney for a union of social security workers. The job provided me with a fair wage and career stability, but when my wife wanted to move to Houston to be near her family, I knew it was an opportunity to have a job that gave me a greater sense of purpose.

It was difficult to leave a safe position, especially with five small children at home, but it was the best decision for my family. not only were we able to be closer to family, but I was able to do something that I felt more connected to, which made me more complete as a professional and as a partner and father.

6. essentialism

There are many ways to earn more money, but time is a non-renewable resource. As an entrepreneur, you must protect your time and treat every hour of the day as if it costs you money.

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essentialism by greg mckeown is about saving energy for the things that really matter, being intentional with how you spend your time in a world where we’re bombarded by distractions.

“the faster and busier things get, the more we need to create time to think about our schedule. and the noisier things get, the more we need to build quiet reflection spaces where we can really focus” .

essentialism taught me to take control of my professional life and to live with purpose and intention. I still succumb to those distractions, yes, but they don’t dominate my work life, and I’ve built time into my days to think.

For example, I now go for a bike ride once a week for an hour and listen to audible books on business and personal growth. I also pray every morning for 45 minutes and after my prayer I take some time to think about the day ahead. and I observe the Jewish Sabbath, which means I don’t use smartphones or any electronic media from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. the complete detachment from my work at that time recharges me and assures me that I am connecting with my family and with myself.

7. mentality

Often, what holds us back, in life and at work, are our own limiting beliefs. mindset by carol dweck examines the human capacity for growth. he claims that assuming your level of talent and intelligence is static limits your potential. instead, adopting what dweck calls a “growth mindset” — the understanding that your skills and knowledge are fluid and can grow over time — opens up new possibilities.

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“The passion to push yourself and stick with it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most difficult times.” difficult times in their lives.”

After reading this book, I tried to stop telling myself I wasn’t good at one thing or another and changed my mindset to believe I could get better at something. And it’s not just about working on my weaknesses: working on my strengths, knowing that there is always room for growth, is just as important.

This also extends to my personal life. I’ve played the guitar all my life, but I never really improved my skills as a musician. after reading mindset, I was inspired to learn classical guitar and learn to read music. I’ve grown by leaps and bounds, and it was a reminder that what makes people great at what they do is mostly hard work and not innate talent.

8. give and take

You can’t get up on your own. Successful entrepreneurs especially have a whole network of mentors, clients, investors, and friends supporting them on their journey. it’s impossible to return all that support and generosity directly, but you can return it: help others achieve their goals as your support system has done for you.

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In Give and Take, adam grant argues that giving to others is not only the right thing to do, but also lays the foundation for your own success.

“The more I help, the more successful I am. But I measure success in what it’s done for the people around me. That’s the real accolade.”

That feeling has shaped the kind of leader I am today. our law firm focuses on facilitating the professional development of our employees. we encourage them to grow with the firm, and always try to find a place for them when they do. in fact, three of our intake specialists became paralegals and now help with some of our firm’s largest cases and high-value clients.

9. I got there

j.t. McCormick’s life story, i got there, is about overcoming adversity and how. the author started with nothing, grew up in some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable, hit rock bottom more than once, and overcame it all to become a successful CEO.

Mccormick’s story is inspiring, but it also provides readers with many helpful tips on leading a team:

“everything in business comes down to focusing on people: your customers, your partners, and most importantly, your team. when you care about the people you serve, results come easy “.

At my firm, we take on as many cases as we can for people who can’t afford our services. Of course, we can’t offer pro bono work to everyone who needs it because we need to stay in business, but when we have the bandwidth, it’s incredibly energizing. many of our clients are disabled veterans, people who have given their heart, soul and body for our country, so it is a pleasure to be able to make a tangible and positive difference in their lives.

We don’t focus on what’s best for us, we focus on what’s best for the people we represent. the beautiful thing is that, in the end, that’s what’s best for our company too: positive reviews, word of mouth referrals, and the energy that comes from using our knowledge and skills to help people.

Each of these books for small business owners has guided me in my transition from attorney to business owner. Knowledge is power when you are an entrepreneur, and always striving to know more and learn from others will bring your business closer to success. has for me.

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